Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Parent-Children: Procurement and sourcing

Module: Procurement and sourcing

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1003ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceJour .ReturnReasonCodeId (Accounts Receivable)
1004ReturnReasonCode .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
1005ReturnReasonCode .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .ReturnRelation (Procurement and sourcing)
1006ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .ReturnReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1007ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .ReturnReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1008ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnAcknowledgmentAndDocumentTmp .ReturnReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1009ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .ReturnReasonCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1010ReturnReasonCodeGroup .ReasonCodeGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReasonCode .ReasonCodeGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
1011SalesAgreementHeader .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesAgreementHeaderDefault .SalesAgreementHeader (Procurement and sourcing)
1012SalesAgreementHeaderHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesAgreementHeaderDefaultHistory .SalesAgreementHeaderHistory (Procurement and sourcing)
1013SalesBasket .SalesBasketId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesBasketLine .SalesBasketId (Procurement and sourcing)
1014SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .BOLCarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
1015SalesCarrier .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    FiscalDocument_BR .SalesCarrier (Global financial management - Latin America)
1016SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferTableFiscalInfo_BR .SalesCarrier (Global financial management - Latin America)
1017SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmUpdate .BOLCarrierName_BR (Procurement and sourcing)
1018SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesPackingSlipHeaderTmp .BOLCarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
1019SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParameters .BOLcarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
1020SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .BOLCarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)
1021SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TransportationDeliveryParty .SalesCarrier (Global financial management - Western Europe)
1022SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSBillOfLading .carrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
1023SalesCarrier .CarrierName (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSBillOfLadingTmp .CarrierName (Inventory and warehouse management)
1024SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp .CustAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ContactPerson .CustAccount (Sales and marketing)
1025SalesLine .dataAreaId, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementLineReleasedLine .SalesLineDataAreaId, .SalesLineInventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)
1026SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BOMCalcTable .ItemId (Manufacturing)
1027SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsExportAssessableValue_IN .InventTransId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1028SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustVendCreditInvoicingLine .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Accounts Receivable)
1029SalesLine .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
1030SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExcisePayableRegister_IN .SalesRecID (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1031SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    EximSalesLine_IN .SalesLineRecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1032SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyInventSum .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)
1033SalesLine .Pky?, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventNonConformanceTable .Fky?, .InventTransIdRef (Inventory and warehouse management)
1034SalesLine .Pky?, .SalesId, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQualityOrderTable .Fky?, .InventRefId, .InventRefTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1035SalesLine .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventReleaseOrderPickingTmp .Fky?, .TransRecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1036SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSum .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1037SalesLine .Pky?, .SalesId, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTestCertOfAnalysisTable .Fky?, .InventRefId, .InventRefTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1038SalesLine .dataAreaId, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTransOriginSalesLine .SalesLineDataAreaId, .SalesLineInventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1039SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    KanbanSourceRequirement .ParentSourceRequirementRecId, .ParentSourceRequirementTableId (Manufacturing)
1040SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    KanbanSourceRequirement .RootSourceRequirementRecId, .RootSourceRequirementTableId (Manufacturing)
1041SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    KanbanSourceRequirement .SourceRequirementRecId, .SourceRequirementTableId (Manufacturing)
1042SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1043SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1044SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1045SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1046SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PBATableInstance .InventTransId (Manufacturing)
1047SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCDocument .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1048SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCEventTracker .InventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1049SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsRebateTable .SalesLineRefRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1050SalesLine .RecId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventExternalForProcessing .SalesLineRecRecId, .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1051SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1052SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageTrans .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1053SalesLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventSumExternal .ItemId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1054SalesLine .Pky?, .InventTransId, .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProdTable .Fky?, .InventRefTransId, .InventRefId, .Fky? (Manufacturing)
1055SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProjProposalItem .InventTransId (Project management and accounting)
1056SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailSalesLine .InventTransId (Retail)
1057SalesLine .SalesId, .LineNum (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReplaceItemRef .OrigSalesId, .OrigSalesLineNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1058SalesLine .SalesId, .LineNum (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReplaceItemRef .RefSalesId, .RefSalesLineNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1059SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesDeliverySchedule .DeliveryLine (Procurement and sourcing)
1060SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesDeliverySchedule .OrderLine (Procurement and sourcing)
1061SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine_BR .SalesLine (Global financial management - Latin America)
1062SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine_IN .SalesLine (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1063SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine_Intrastat .SalesLine (Procurement and sourcing)
1064SalesLine .InventTransId, .dataAreaId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLineForeignTradeCategory .salesLineInventTransId, .salesLineDataAreaId (Procurement and sourcing)
1065SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .SalesLineRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1066SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmSubLine .SalesLineRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1067SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans .SourceRecId, .SourceTableId (Tax)
1068SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans_IN .SourceRecId, .SourceTableId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1069SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWithholdTrans_IN .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1070SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWithholdWorkRegulation_IN .SourceRecId, .SourceTableId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1071SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWorkRegulation .HeadingTableId, .HeadingRecId (Tax)
1072SalesLine .LineNum, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLinePrice .LineNum, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1073SalesLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLinePrice .SalesLineRefRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1074SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpSuppItem .AttachTableId, .AttachRecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1075SalesLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxWithholdRegulationTrans_IN .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1076SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxWithholdWorkTrans_IN .SourceRecId, .SourceTableId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1077SalesLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpTaxWorkTrans .SourceRecId, .SourceTableId (Tax)
1078SalesLine .Pky?, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTrans .Fky?, .inventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1079SalesLine .Pky?, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTrans .Fky?, .inventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1080SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSOrder .inventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1081SalesLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSOrderTrans .inventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1082SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceJour .SalesOriginId (Accounts Receivable)
1083SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DOCommerceConfiguration .SalesOriginId (Dynamics Online)
1084SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPParameters .SalesOriginId (Procurement and sourcing)
1085SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailParametersEx1 .ConcessionContractSalesOriginId (Retail)
1086SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParameters .SalesOriginId (Procurement and sourcing)
1087SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParameters .EPSalesOriginId (Procurement and sourcing)
1088SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .SalesOriginId (Procurement and sourcing)
1089SalesOrigin .OriginId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .SalesOriginId (Procurement and sourcing)
1090SalesPackageAppearance .PackageAppearance (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .BOLPackageAppearance (Procurement and sourcing)
1091SalesPackageAppearance .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LanguageTxt .TxtRecId, .TxtTableId (General ledger)
1092SalesPackageAppearance .PackageAppearance (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .BOLPackageAppearance (Procurement and sourcing)
1093SalesPackageAppearance .PackageAppearance (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSBillOfLadingCarrier .packageAppearance (Inventory and warehouse management)
1094SalesParmLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    EximSalesParmLine_IN .SalesParmLineRecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1095SalesParmLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1096SalesParmLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLineCorrLink_RU .SalesParmLineRecId (Global financial management - Russia)
1097SalesParmLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmSubLine .LineRefRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1098SalesParmSubTable .ParmId, .TableRefId, .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .ParmId, .TableRefId, .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1099SalesParmTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPaymSched .ExtTableId, .ExtRecId (Accounts Receivable)
1100SalesParmTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1101SalesParmTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    FiscalReferenceParm_BR .SourceTableId, .SourceRecId (Global financial management - Latin America)
1102SalesParmTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1103SalesParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1104SalesParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmSubTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1105SalesParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1106SalesParmTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmTableExtension_CN .SalesParmTable (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1107SalesParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesShippingStat .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1108SalesParmUpdate .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmTable .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)
1109SalesPool .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .SalesPoolId (Sales and marketing)
1110SalesPool .dataAreaId, .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesAgreementHeaderDefault .SalesPoolDataAreaId, .SalesPool (Procurement and sourcing)
1111SalesPool .dataAreaId, .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesAgreementHeaderDefaultHistory .SalesPoolDataAreaId, .SalesPool (Procurement and sourcing)
1112SalesPool .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParameters .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)
1113SalesPool .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)
1114SalesPool .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .SalesPoolId (Procurement and sourcing)
1115SalesQuotationBasket .SalesQuotationBasketId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationBasketLine .SalesQuotationBasketId (Procurement and sourcing)
1116SalesQuotationLine .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BOMCalcTable .ItemId (Manufacturing)
1117SalesQuotationLine .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
1118SalesQuotationLine .dataAreaId, .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTransOriginSalesQuotationLine .SalesQuotationLineDataAreaId, .SalesQuotationLineInventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1119SalesQuotationLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1120SalesQuotationLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1121SalesQuotationLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PBATableInstance .InventTransId (Manufacturing)
1122SalesQuotationLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationDeliverySchedule .DeliveryLine (Procurement and sourcing)
1123SalesQuotationLine .InventTransId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationDeliverySchedule .OrderLine (Procurement and sourcing)
1124SalesQuotationLine .InventTransId, .dataAreaId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLineForeignTradeCategory .salesQuotationLineInventTransId, .salesQuotationLineDataAreaId (Procurement and sourcing)
1125SalesQuotationLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLineTaxExtensionIN .SalesQuotationLine (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1126SalesQuotationLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .SalesQuotationLineRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1127SalesQuotationLine .QuotationId, .LineNum (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationPriceSimTable .QuotationId, .LineNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1128SalesQuotationLine .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpSuppItem .AttachTableId, .AttachRecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1129SalesQuotationParmSubTable .OrigQuotationId, .TableRefId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .OrigQuotationId, .TableRefId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)
1130SalesQuotationParmTable .TableRefId, .QuotationId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .TableRefId, .QuotationId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)
1131SalesQuotationParmTable .TableRefId, .QuotationId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmSubTable .TableRefId, .QuotationId, .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)
1132SalesQuotationParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmTable .ParmId, .TableRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1133SalesQuotationParmUpdate .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmTable .ParmId (Procurement and sourcing)
1134SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLGGuaranteeSalesQuotation .SalesQuotation (Cash and bank management)
1135SalesQuotationTable .CustAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ContactPerson .CustAccount (Sales and marketing)
1136SalesQuotationTable .SalesIdRef (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmSalesLink .salesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1137SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmSalesLink .origQuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1138SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationSalesLink .origQuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1139SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationSalesLink .quotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1140SalesQuotationTable .InvoiceAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTransOpen .AccountNum (Accounts Receivable)
1141SalesQuotationTable .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
1142SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    HierarchyLinkTable .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1143SalesQuotationTable .RecId, .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    HierarchyTreeTable .PSARefRecID, .PSAQuotationId (Project management and accounting)
1144SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp .SQLQuotationId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1145SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSumLogTTS .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
1146SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1147SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1148SalesQuotationTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintMgmtDocInstance .Fky?, .ReferencedRecId (Financial management)
1149SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSAQuotationsTmp .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)
1150SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSASchedEmplReservation .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)
1151SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)
1152SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSATmpSchedProjActivity .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)
1153SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationLine .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1154SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .OrigQuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1155SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmLine .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1156SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmSubTable .OrigQuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1157SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmSubTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1158SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1159SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationPriceSimTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1160SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .OrigQuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1161SalesQuotationTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmActivityParentLinkTable .Fky?, .RefRecId (Sales and marketing)
1162SalesQuotationTable .OpportunityId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmOpportunityRelTable .OpportunityId (Sales and marketing)
1163SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmQuotationAlternativeQuotations .LinkedQuotationId (Sales and marketing)
1164SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmQuotationAlternativeQuotations .QuotationId (Sales and marketing)
1165SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmQuotationCompetitors .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Sales and marketing)
1166SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmSwotTable .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Sales and marketing)
1167SalesQuotationTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWorkRegulation .HeadingTableId, .HeadingRecId (Tax)
1168SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpSalesQuotationMassUpdate .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1169SalesQuotationTable .Pky?, .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalDetailTmp .Fky?, .InventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1170SalesQuotationTable .Pky?, .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalOverviewTmp .Fky?, .InventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1171SalesQuotationTemplateGroup .TemplateGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .TemplateGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
1172SalesQuotationTypeGroup .TypeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParameters .CustQuotationTypeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1173SalesQuotationTypeGroup .TypeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .QuotationCategory (Procurement and sourcing)
1174SalesShippingStat .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesShippingStatHistory .SalesShippingStat (Procurement and sourcing)
1175SalesTable .dataAreaId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementReleaseHeaderMatch .SalesTableDataAreaId, .SalesTableSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1176SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLCExport .SalesTable (Cash and bank management)
1177SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLGGuaranteeCustomerSalesOrder .CustomerSalesOrder (Cash and bank management)
1178SalesTable .RecId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CaseAssociation .RefRecId, .Fky? (Sales and marketing)
1179SalesTable .CustAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ContactPerson .CustAccount (Sales and marketing)
1180SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CreditCardAuthTrans .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1181SalesTable .InvoiceAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CreditCardCust .CustAccount (Accounts Receivable)
1182SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmJour .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1183SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmSalesLink .origSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1184SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmSalesLink .salesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1185SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmTrans .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1186SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmTrans .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1187SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoice4PaymJour_RU .SalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1188SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoice4PaymSalesLink_RU .SalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1189SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoice4PaymSalesLink_RU .OrigSalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1190SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoice4PaymTrans_RU .origSalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1191SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoice4PaymTrans_RU .SalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1192SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceBackorderLine .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1193SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceBackorderLine .OrigSalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1194SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceJour .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1195SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoicePackingSlip_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1196SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceSalesLink .origSalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1197SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceSalesLink .salesId (Accounts Receivable)
1198SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceSpecTmp .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1199SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTable .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1200SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTmp .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1201SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTrans .OrigSalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1202SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTrans .SalesId (Accounts Receivable)
1203SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsExportAssessableValue_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1204SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsExportOrderLine_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1205SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsExportOrderTable_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1206SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsShippingBillJour_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1207SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsShippingBillSalesLink_IN .OrigSalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1208SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsShippingBillSalesLink_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1209SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsShippingBillTrans_IN .OrigSalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1210SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsShippingBillTrans_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1211SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipBackorderLine .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1212SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipBackorderLine .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1213SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1214SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipSalesLink .origSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1215SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipSalesLink .salesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1216SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipTrans .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1217SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipTrans .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1218SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPaymSched .ExtTableId, .ExtRecId (Accounts Receivable)
1219SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmJour .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1220SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmSalesLink .origSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1221SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmSalesLink .salesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1222SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmTrans .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1223SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationJour .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1224SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationSalesLink .origSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1225SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationSalesLink .salesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1226SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationTrans .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1227SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationTrans .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1228SalesTable .InvoiceAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTransOpen .AccountNum (Accounts Receivable)
1229SalesTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustVendCreditInvoicingTable .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Accounts Receivable)
1230SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1231SalesTable .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
1232SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExportSalesOrder .SalesId (Unknown module)
1233SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    GeneralJournalAccountEntryZakat_SA .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1234SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyPurchSalesReference .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1235SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventCostTrans .Fky?, .TransRefId (Production control)
1236SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventNonConformanceTable .Fky?, .InventRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1237SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingMaterialTrans .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1238SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProdComLineDetail .SalesId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
1239SalesTable .Pky?, .CustAccount, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQualityOrderTable .Fky?, .AccountRelation, .InventRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1240SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQuarantineOrder .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
1241SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp .SLSalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1242SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSumLogTTS .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
1243SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTestCertOfAnalysisTable .Fky?, .InventRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1244SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTestOperationTimeSheet .InvoicedSalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1245SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTestRelatedOperations .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1246SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    KanbanPageTmp .SalesOrder (Manufacturing)
1247SalesTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LedgerCov .TransRecId, .TransTableId (General ledger)
1248SalesTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LedgerCov .TransRecId, .TransTableId (General ledger)
1249SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTransZakat_SA .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1250SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpTrans_FI .SalesId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
1251SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1252SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1253SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1254SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1255SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PBAConfiguratedItemTmp .SalesId (Manufacturing)
1256SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCCustomerHistory .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1257SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsRebateTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1258SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsRebateTable .SalesTableRefRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1259SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventExternalForProcessing .SalesId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1260SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageParm .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1261SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackageTrans .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
1262SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PmfCoTmpReqTrans .RefId, .Fky? (Manufacturing)
1263SalesTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintMgmtDocInstance .Fky?, .ReferencedRecId (Financial management)
1264SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintoutTable_RU .SalesPurchId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Russia)
1265SalesTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProdTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .InventRefId (Manufacturing)
1266SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceItem .SalesId (Project management and accounting)
1267SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProjProposalItem .SalesId (Project management and accounting)
1268SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .Fky?, .InventRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1269SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .Fky?, .InventRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1270SalesTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
1271SalesTable .Pky?, .dataAreaId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .Fky?, .InterCompanyCompanyId, .InterCompanySalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1272SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RAssetTable .SalesId (Global financial management - Russia)
1273SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReqPeggingTreeNodeDetails .SalesId (Manufacturing)
1274SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailBuyersPushLineQty .SalesTable (Retail)
1275SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailConcessionContractInvHistLine .SalesId (Retail)
1276SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailConcessionContractInvHistPaym .SalesId (Retail)
1277SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailConcessionContractInvHistSales .SalesId (Retail)
1278SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailConcessionContractInvoiceHistory .SalesId (Retail)
1279SalesTable .RecId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailEventNotificationAction .RefRecId, .Fky? (Retail)
1280SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailEventNotificationLog .SalesOrder (Retail)
1281SalesTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailEventNotificationLog .Fky?, .RefRecId (Retail)
1282SalesTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailEventNotificationLog .Fky?, .RefRecId (Retail)
1283SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailPrePaymentTrans .SalesId (Retail)
1284SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailSalesTable .SalesTable (Retail)
1285SalesTable .dataAreaId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailSalesTableInstanceValue .SalesDataAreaId, .SalesId (Retail)
1286SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailTransactionOrderInvoiceTrans .salesId (Retail)
1287SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailTransactionOrderStatus .SalesId (Retail)
1288SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailTransactionTable .salesOrderId (Retail)
1289SalesTable .ReturnItemNum (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnAcknowledgmentAndDocumentTmp .ReturnItemNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1290SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReplaceItemRef .ReplaceSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1291SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReplaceItemRef .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1292SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReturnReplaceItemRef .RefSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1293SalesTable .CustAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesBasket .CustAccount (Procurement and sourcing)
1294SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesConfirmHeaderTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1295SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesCreateReleaseOrderLineTmp .SalesIdBlanket (Procurement and sourcing)
1296SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp .SalesIdBlanket (Procurement and sourcing)
1297SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesJournalAutoSummary .Fky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1298SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1299SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .Fky?, .InventRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
1300SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLinesExtendedTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1301SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesNotInvoicedTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1302SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesPackingSlipHeaderTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1303SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmLine .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1304SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmSubTable .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1305SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1306SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesParmUpdate .SumSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1307SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationHeaderTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1308SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationParmTable .SalesIdManual (Procurement and sourcing)
1309SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .SalesIdRef (Procurement and sourcing)
1310SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTmp .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1311SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesShippingStat .OrigSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1312SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesShippingStat .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1313SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .ReturnReplacementId (Procurement and sourcing)
1314SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable_BR .SalesTable (Global financial management - Latin America)
1315SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable_Intrastat .SalesTable (Procurement and sourcing)
1316SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable_RU .SalesTable (Global financial management - Russia)
1317SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable_W .SalesTable (Global financial management - _W)
1318SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTableDelete .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1319SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTableExtensionTH .SalesTable (Procurement and sourcing)
1320SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTableLinks .MainSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1321SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTableLinks .SubSalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1322SalesTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTableSymbol .SalesTable (Procurement and sourcing)
1323SalesTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTaxTransactionExchangeRate .SourceRecordId, .SourceTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
1324SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCODPackage .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1325SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierEmailAddress .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1326SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierPackage .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1327SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierShippingRequest .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1328SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierStaging .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1329SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierTracking .SalesId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1330SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SMAServiceObjectRelation .SalesId (Service management)
1331SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SMAWorkNoteTmp .SLVisibility (Service management)
1332SalesTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmActivityParentLinkTable .Fky?, .RefRecId (Sales and marketing)
1333SalesTable .TableId, .RecId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmTransLog .RefTableId, .RefRecId, .RefNum (Sales and marketing)
1334SalesTable .dataAreaId, .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SpecTrans .SpecCompany, .SpecRecId, .SpecTableId (Financial management)
1335SalesTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxServiceTariff .ParentTableId, .ParentRecId (Tax)
1336SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans_IN .SalesOrder (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1337SalesTable .RecId, .TableId, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWithholdTrans_IN .HeadingRecId, .HeadingTableId, .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1338SalesTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWorkRegulation .HeadingRecId, .HeadingTableId (Tax)
1339SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpCustomsInquiryTable_IN .SalesId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1340SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpFrmVirtual .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1341SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpInventTransMark .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
1342SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLinePrice .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1343SalesTable .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpSalesItemReq .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)
1344SalesTable .RecId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes .RefRecId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)
1345SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalDetailTmp .Fky?, .InventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1346SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalOverviewTmp .Fky?, .InventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1347SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSBillOfLading .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1348SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSBillOfLadingOrder .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1349SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTable .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1350SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTrans .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1351SalesTable .SalesId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSOrderTrans .inventTransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
1352SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSPickingRoute .Fky?, .transRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1353SalesTable .Pky?, .SalesId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSPickingRouteLink .Fky?, .OrigInventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)

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