Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Child-Parents: Project management and accounting

Module: Project management and accounting

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Row-num Child-table-name Foreign-key-columns Module-of-child-table Arrow-to-parent Parent-table-name Primary-key-columns Module-of-parent-table
1202PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1203PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1204PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1205PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .QuotationId, .ActivityNumber, .ProjId, .WorkerLegalEntity, .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedEmplResource .QuotationId, .ActivityNumber, .ProjId, .WorkerLegalEntity, .Worker (Project management and accounting)
1206PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedMgrEmplResource .Worker (Project management and accounting)
1207PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1208PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1209PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1210PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .Fky?, .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HRMAbsenceCode .Pky?, .hrmAbsenceCodeId (Human resources)
1211PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .Fky?, .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .Pky?, .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1212PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .Worker, .TransDate (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedEmplCalendar .Worker, .TransDate (Project management and accounting)
1213PSATmpSchedEmplCalendarDetail .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1214PSATmpSchedEmplCapacity .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1215PSATmpSchedEmplCapacity .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1216PSATmpSchedEmplCapacity .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedEmplResource .Worker (Project management and accounting)
1217PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1218PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1219PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1220PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .ReservationDataAreaId, .ReservationRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSASchedEmplReservation .dataAreaId, .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1221PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1222PSATmpSchedEmplReservation .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1223PSATmpSchedEmplResource .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1224PSATmpSchedEmplResource .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1225PSATmpSchedEmplResource .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1226PSATmpSchedEmplResource .QuotationId, .ProjId, .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedProjActivity .QuotationId, .ProjId, .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)
1227PSATmpSchedEmplResource .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1228PSATmpSchedEmplResource .Calendar (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WorkCalendarTable .CalendarId (Manufacturing)
1229PSATmpSchedMgrEmplResource .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1230PSATmpSchedMgrEmplResource .Calendar (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WorkCalendarTable .CalendarId (Manufacturing)
1231PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1232PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1233PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .RecId, .TableId (Project management and accounting)
1234PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1235PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1236PSATmpSchedMgrProjActivity .CalendarId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WorkCalendarTable .CalendarId (Manufacturing)
1237PSATmpSchedProjActivity .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1238PSATmpSchedProjActivity .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAActivityProjAttribute .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1239PSATmpSchedProjActivity .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAActivityProjCertificate .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1240PSATmpSchedProjActivity .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAActivityProjEducation .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1241PSATmpSchedProjActivity .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAActivityProjProject .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1242PSATmpSchedProjActivity .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAActivityProjSkill .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)
1243PSATmpSchedProjActivity .QuotationId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SalesQuotationTable .QuotationId (Procurement and sourcing)
1244PSATmpSchedProjActivity .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1245PSATmpSchedProjActivity .CalendarId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WorkCalendarTable .CalendarId (Manufacturing)
1246PSATmpSubcontractRetainage .Currency (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
1247PSATmpSubcontractRetainage .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1248PSATmpSubcontractRetainage .SubContract (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
1249PSATmpSubcontractRetainage .VendAccount (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1250PSATmpUnitConvertibleLookup .ItemId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1251PSATmpUnitConvertibleLookup .UnitId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
1252PSATmpVendInvoiceLines .ItemId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1253PSATmpVendInvoiceLines .PSATmpVendInvoiceTableRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1254PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .CurrencyCode (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
1255PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .Payment (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PaymTerm .PaymTermId (Accounts Payable)
1256PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .PurchID (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
1257PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .OrderAccount (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1258PSATmpWorkOrderSetup .ProjGroupId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjGroup .ProjGroupId (Project management and accounting)
1259PSATmpWorkOrderSetup .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1260PSAUnitsUpdateLog .ContractLineNum (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAContractLineItems .ContractLineNum (Project management and accounting)
1261PSAVendorRetentionTermsLine .VendorRetentionTermId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAVendorRetentionTermsTable .VendorRetentionTermId (Project management and accounting)
1262PSAVendorRetentionTmp .CurrencyCode (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
1263PSAVendorRetentionTmp .ProjectID (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1264PSAVendorRetentionTmp .POno (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
1265PSAVendorRetentionTmp .VendorID (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1266PSAVendPWPTxt .VendGroup (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    VendGroup .VendGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
1267PSAVendPWPTxt .AccountNum (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
1268PurchParmLine_Project .ProjSalesCurrencyId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
1269PurchParmLine_Project .ProjCategoryId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjCategory .CategoryId (Project management and accounting)
1270PurchParmLine_Project .ProjTransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjItemTrans .ProjTransId (Project management and accounting)
1271PurchParmLine_Project .ProjLinePropertyId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjLineProperty .LinePropertyId (Project management and accounting)
1272PurchParmLine_Project .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1273PurchParmLine_Project .PurchParmLineRefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PurchParmLine .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
1274PurchParmLine_Project .ProjActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1275PurchParmLine_Project .ProjTaxGroupId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
1276PurchParmLine_Project .ProjTaxItemGroupId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
1277PurchParmLine_Project .ProjSalesUnitId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .RecId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1278SyncActivityCategoryLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1279SyncAppCompany .CompanyId, .Fky? (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DataArea .id, .Pky? (Unknown module)
1280SyncAppCompany .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1281SyncCompanyLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1282SyncCompoundDataTrans .SourceAppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1283SyncCompoundDataTrans .TargetAppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1284SyncCompoundDataTrans .SyncEntityId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncCompoundTrans .SyncEntityId (Project management and accounting)
1285SyncCompoundDataTrans .AxUserId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
1286SyncCompoundDependTrans .SyncTransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncCompoundDataTrans .SyncTransId (Project management and accounting)
1287SyncCompoundTrans .OriginAppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1288SyncCompoundType .MasterAppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1289SyncCustTableLookup .CompanyId, .Fky? (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DataArea .id, .Pky? (Unknown module)
1290SyncCustTableLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1291SyncErrorDataTrans .SyncTransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncCompoundDataTrans .SyncTransId (Project management and accounting)
1292SyncHierarchyTreeTable .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1293SyncIntegratedFields .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1294SyncParameters .SyncServiceUser (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
1295SyncProjActivityAssignment .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1296SyncProjActivityAssignment .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1297SyncProjActivityAssignment .WrkCtrId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WrkCtrTable .WrkCtrId (Manufacturing)
1298SyncProjDailyTransaction .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1299SyncProjDailyTransaction .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1300SyncProjDailyTransaction .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1301SyncProjGroupLookup .CompanyId, .Fky? (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DataArea .id, .Pky? (Unknown module)
1302SyncProjGroupLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1303SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup .CompanyId, .Fky? (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DataArea .id, .Pky? (Unknown module)
1304SyncProjInvoiceTableLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1305SyncProjResource .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1306SyncProjResource .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1307SyncProjResource .WrkCtrId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WrkCtrTable .WrkCtrId (Manufacturing)
1308SyncProjStatusLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1309SyncProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1310SyncProjTable .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1311SyncProjTransaction .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1312SyncProjTransaction .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1313SyncProjTransaction .ProjId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjTable .ProjId (Project management and accounting)
1314SyncProjTransaction .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    smmActivities .ActivityNumber (Sales and marketing)
1315SyncProjTransaction .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1316SyncProjTypeLookup .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1317SyncSimpleTrans .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1318SyncSimpleTrans .SyncEntityId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncCompoundTrans .SyncEntityId (Project management and accounting)
1319SyncWrkCtrTable .WrkCtrId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .PersonnelNumber (Human resources)
1320SyncWrkCtrTable .AppId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SyncApp .AppId (Project management and accounting)
1321TaxExternalProjectInvoice .projInvoiceJour (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjInvoiceJour .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1322TaxExternalProjectInvoice .TaxExternalInvoice (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxExternalInvoice_CN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1323TmpProjAdjustment .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1324TmpProjAdjustment .CurrencyId1 (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
1325TmpProjAdjustment .CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1326TmpProjAdjustment .LedgerDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
1327TmpProjAdjustment .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1328TmpProjAdjustment .ExciseTariffCodes_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ExciseTariffCodes_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1329TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .Pky?, .RecId (Human resources)
1330TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .Pky?, .RecId (Human resources)
1331TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .Pky?, .RecId (Human resources)
1332TmpProjAdjustment .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1333TmpProjAdjustment .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1334TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .ProjIdentId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .Pky?, .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1335TmpProjAdjustment .CompanyLocation_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
1336TmpProjAdjustment .PostalAddress_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
1337TmpProjAdjustment .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjActivity .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)
1338TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjCostTrans .Pky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1339TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjEmplTrans .Pky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1340TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjItemTrans .Pky?, .ProjTransId (Project management and accounting)
1341TmpProjAdjustment .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjRevenueTrans .Pky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1342TmpProjAdjustment .PSAIndirectComponentGroup (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAIndirectComponentGroup .ComponentGroupId (Project management and accounting)
1343TmpProjAdjustment .SalesTaxFormTypes_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTaxFormTypes_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1344TmpProjAdjustment .ServiceCodeTable_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ServiceCodeTable_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1345TmpProjAdjustment .TaxGroupId1 (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
1346TmpProjAdjustment .TaxInformation_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxInformation_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1347TmpProjAdjustment .TCSGroup_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdGroupHeading .TaxWithholdGroup (Tax)
1348TmpProjAdjustment .TDSGroup_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdGroupHeading .TaxWithholdGroup (Tax)
1349TmpProjAdjustment .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
1350TmpProjAdjustmentCost .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1351TmpProjAdjustmentCost .FundingSource (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjFundingSource .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1352TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1353TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CustomsTariffCodeTable_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1354TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .LedgerDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
1355TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1356TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .ExciseTariffCodes_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ExciseTariffCodes_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1357TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .Fky?, .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .Pky?, .RecId (Human resources)
1358TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .ProjIdentWorker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1359TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1360TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .Fky?, .ProjIdentId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .Pky?, .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1361TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .CompanyLocation_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
1362TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .PostalAddress_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
1363TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .LinePropertyId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjLineProperty .LinePropertyId (Project management and accounting)
1364TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .PSAIndirectComponentGroup (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    PSAIndirectComponentGroup .ComponentGroupId (Project management and accounting)
1365TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .SalesTaxFormTypes_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SalesTaxFormTypes_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1366TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .ServiceCodeTable_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ServiceCodeTable_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1367TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .TaxInformation_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxInformation_IN .RecId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
1368TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .TaxItemGroupId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
1369TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .TCSGroup_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdGroupHeading .TaxWithholdGroup (Tax)
1370TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .TDSGroup_IN (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TaxWithholdGroupHeading .TaxWithholdGroup (Tax)
1371TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .TransID (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TmpProjAdjustment .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1372TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .SalesUnit (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    UnitOfMeasure .Symbol (Inventory and warehouse management)
1373TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .PSAWrkCtrId, .Fky? (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    WrkCtrTable .WrkCtrId, .Pky? (Manufacturing)
1374TmpProjAdjustmentCreateCost .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1375TmpProjAdjustmentCreateCost .FundingSource (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjFundingSource .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1376TmpProjAdjustmentCreateCost .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1377TmpProjAdjustmentCreateSale .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1378TmpProjAdjustmentCreateSale .FundingSource (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjFundingSource .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1379TmpProjAdjustmentCreateSale .RefRecId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    TmpProjAdjustmentCreate .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1380TmpProjAdjustmentSale .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1381TmpProjAdjustmentSale .FundingSource (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjFundingSource .RecId (Project management and accounting)
1382TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .WorkerLegalEntity (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
1383TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .LedgerDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
1384TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1385TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1386TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .WorkerProjController (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1387TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .WorkerProjManager (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1388TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .WorkerSalesManager (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1389TmpProjCashFlowExcelPivot .SubscriptionId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SMASubscriptionTable .SubscriptionId (Service management)
1390TmpProjCashFlowLink .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1391TmpProjControlActual .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1392TmpProjControlActual .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1393TmpProjControlActual .Fky?, .EmplItemId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .Pky?, .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1394TmpProjControlActual .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjActivity .ActivityNumber (Project management and accounting)
1395TmpProjControlActual .costGroupId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjControlPeriodCostGroup .CostGroupId (Project management and accounting)
1396TmpProjControlActual .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjCostTrans .Pky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1397TmpProjControlActual .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjEmplTrans .Pky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)
1398TmpProjControlActual .Fky?, .TransId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    ProjItemTrans .Pky?, .ProjTransId (Project management and accounting)
1399TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .LedgerDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
1400TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .DefaultDimension (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
1401TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .Worker (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1402TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .WorkerProjController (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1403TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .WorkerProjectManager (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1404TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .WorkerSalesManager (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
1405TmpProjCostControlExcelPivot .SubscriptionId (Project management and accounting)     ‑‑‑>    SMASubscriptionTable .SubscriptionId (Service management)

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