1 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.FreeTextInvoiceLedgerDimension |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
2 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.DocuTypeId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuType |
.TypeId, .Pky? |
(Client) |
3 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.CountJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventJournalName |
.JournalNameId, .Pky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
4 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.ProfitLossJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventJournalName |
.JournalNameId, .Pky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
5 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.TransferJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventJournalName |
.JournalNameId, .Pky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
6 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.CustPaymJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalName |
.JournalName, .Pky? |
(General ledger) |
7 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.InvoiceRegisterJournalName, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalName |
.JournalName, .Pky? |
(General ledger) |
8 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.PriceDiscJournalName |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PriceDiscAdmName |
.JournalName |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
9 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.ProdPickingListJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProdJournalName |
.JournalNameId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
10 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.RouteCardJournalNameId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProdJournalName |
.JournalNameId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
11 | AxdDocumentParameters |
.ProjJournalNameId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalName |
.JournalNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
12 | DocuField |
.TypeId, .DocuTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuTable |
.TypeId, .DocuTableId |
(Client) |
13 | DocuOpenFile |
.RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuRef |
.RecId |
(Client) |
14 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | AssetTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Fixed assets) |
15 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | CaseDetail |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
16 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ContactPerson |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
17 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .ContactPersonId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ContactPerson |
.dataAreaId, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
18 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | CustInvoiceLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
19 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
20 | DocuRef |
.ActualCompanyId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DataArea |
.id, .Pky? |
(Unknown module) |
21 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DataArea |
.id, .Pky? |
(Unknown module) |
22 | DocuRef |
.Party |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DirAddressBookPartyAllView |
.Party |
(Unknown module) |
23 | DocuRef |
.Party |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DirPartyTable |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
24 | DocuRef |
.Author |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DirPerson |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
25 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .TypeId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuType |
.dataAreaId, .TypeId |
(Client) |
26 | DocuRef |
.ValueRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuValue |
.RecId |
(Client) |
27 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Human resources) |
28 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventQualityOrderLine |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
29 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
30 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventTestGroupMember |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
31 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventTestTable |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
32 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalTable |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(General ledger) |
33 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalTrans |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(General ledger) |
34 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProdRoute |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Manufacturing) |
35 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefRecId, .RefTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjBudget |
.dataAreaId, .RecId, .TableId |
(Project management and accounting) |
36 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjEmplTrans |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
37 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceCost |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
38 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceEmpl |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
39 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceItem |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
40 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
41 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
42 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
43 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalTrans |
.RecId, .dataAreaId, .TableId |
(Project management and accounting) |
44 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjOnAccTrans |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
45 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalCost |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
46 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalEmpl |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
47 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalItem |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
48 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalJour |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
49 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalRevenue |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
50 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
51 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchComplementaryInvoiceHeader |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
52 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchComplementaryInvoiceLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
53 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
54 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchLineHistory |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
55 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchReqLine |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
56 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchReqTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
57 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchRFQCaseLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
58 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchRFQLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
59 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchRFQReplyTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
60 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchRFQTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
61 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
62 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | PurchTableHistory |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
63 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | RetailDiscountCode |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Retail) |
64 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefRecId, .RefTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | RouteOpr |
.dataAreaId, .RecId, .TableId |
(Manufacturing) |
65 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
66 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
67 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
68 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesQuotationLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
69 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesQuotationTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
70 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SalesTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
71 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmBusRelTable |
.TableId, .RecId, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
72 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmCampaignTable |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
73 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .EncyclopediaItemId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmEncyclopediaItems |
.dataAreaId, .ItemId |
(Sales and marketing) |
74 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmLeadTable |
.RecId, .dataAreaId, .TableId |
(Sales and marketing) |
75 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmOpportunityTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
76 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmQuotationCompetitorGroup |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
77 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | smmTMCallListTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
78 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | TrvDisputes |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Travel and expense) |
79 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | TrvExpTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Travel and expense) |
80 | DocuRef |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | UtilElements |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Unknown module) |
81 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendBankAccount |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
82 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendCertification |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
83 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceInfoLine |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
84 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceInfoTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
85 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceJour |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
86 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceTrans |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
87 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendNotificationTemplate |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
88 | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendPurchOrderJour |
.RecId, .dataAreaId, .TableId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
89 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendRequest |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
90 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendStateTaxID |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Global financial management - North America) |
91 | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
92 | DocuTable |
.TypeId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuType |
.TypeId |
(Client) |
93 | DocuTemplate |
.FileType |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuFileTypes |
.FileType |
(Client) |
94 | DocuTemplate |
.TypeID |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuType |
.TypeId |
(Client) |
95 | DocuTemplate |
.LanguageID, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
96 | DocuValueMetaData |
.ContentType |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | ContentType |
.RecId |
(Client) |
97 | DocuValueMetaData |
.DocuValue |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DocuValue |
.RecId |
(Client) |
98 | SysCue |
.CreatedByUser |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysUserInfo |
.Id |
(Server and Tools) |
99 | SysCueGroup |
.CreatedByUser |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysUserInfo |
.Id |
(Server and Tools) |
100 | SysCueGroupMembership |
.Cue |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysCue |
.RecId |
(Client) |
101 | SysCueGroupMembership |
.CueGroup |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysCueGroup |
.RecId |
(Client) |
102 | SysCuePersonalization |
.Cue |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysCue |
.RecId |
(Client) |
103 | SysCuePersonalization |
.CueGroup |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysCueGroup |
.RecId |
(Client) |
104 | SysCuePersonalization |
.CreatedByUser |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysUserInfo |
.Id |
(Server and Tools) |
105 | SysCueVisibility |
.Cue |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysCue |
.RecId |
(Client) |
106 | SysCueVisibility |
.Profile |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysProfiles |
.ProfileId |
(Client) |
107 | SysImageTable |
.Language, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
108 | SysImageTable |
.Theme |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysInetThemeTable |
.Name |
(Client) |
109 | SysINetTable |
.Id |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
110 | SysInetThemeTable |
.StyleSheet |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysInetCSS |
.Name |
(Client) |
111 | SysInetThemeTable |
.ToolbarStylesheet |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysInetCSS |
.Name |
(Client) |
112 | SysPersonalization |
.UserId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
113 | SysQuickLinks |
.LinkSubstituteId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysQuickLinks |
.RecId |
(Client) |
114 | SysQuickLinks |
.UserId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
115 | SysQuickLinksOrder |
.LinkId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysQuickLinks |
.RecId |
(Client) |
116 | SysQuickLinksOrder |
.UserId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
117 | SysSearchName |
.LanguageId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
118 | SysSearchPath |
.SrcRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | Common |
.RecId |
(Unknown module) |
119 | SysSearchPath |
.LanguageId, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
120 | SysSearchPath |
.RecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysSearchRef |
.PathRecId |
(Client) |
121 | SysSearchRef |
.NameRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysSearchName |
.RecId |
(Client) |
122 | SysSearchRef |
.PathRecId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | SysSearchPath |
.RecId |
(Client) |
123 | TmpFormLookUp |
.InventDimId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventDim |
.inventDimId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
124 | TmpFormLookUp |
.itemId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
125 | TmpFormLookUp |
.MarkupCode_RU, .Fky? |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | MarkupTable |
.MarkupCode, .Pky? |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
126 | TmpSysQuery |
.Field_Id, .FieldLabel |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | TmpSysQuery |
.Field_Id, .FieldLabel |
(Client) |
127 | TmpSysQueryCompanyRange |
.CompanyId |
(Client) |
‑‑‑> | DataArea |
.id |
(Unknown module) |