401 | TaxReportExtraFieldsBE |
.TaxPeriod |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxPeriodHead |
.TaxPeriod |
(Tax) |
402 | TaxReportLines |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
403 | TaxReportLines |
.RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxReportTable |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
404 | TaxReportLines |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
405 | TaxReportLines |
.TaxCodeEq |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
406 | TaxReportLinesTaxTrans_ES |
.TaxReportLines |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxReportLines |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
407 | TaxReportLinesTaxTrans_ES |
.TaxTrans |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTrans |
.RecId |
(Tax) |
408 | TaxReportPayment_IT |
.BankAccountId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
409 | TaxReportPayment_IT |
.TaxPeriod |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxPeriodHead |
.TaxPeriod |
(Tax) |
410 | TaxReportTable |
.TaxBookTable |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBookTable |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
411 | TaxReportTable |
.TaxPeriod |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxPeriodHead |
.TaxPeriod |
(Tax) |
412 | TaxReportTable |
.ReportedBy |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
413 | TaxReportTmp_BE |
.TaxPeriod |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxPeriodHead |
.TaxPeriod |
(Tax) |
414 | TaxReportTmp_DE |
.TaxPeriod |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxPeriodHead |
.TaxPeriod |
(Tax) |
415 | TaxReportTmp_DE |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
416 | TaxReportTmp_IT |
.InvoiceCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
417 | TaxReportTmp_IT |
.TaxBook |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBook |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
418 | TaxReportTmp_IT |
.ITSummary_TaxBook |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBook |
.TaxBookId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
419 | TaxReportTmp_IT |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
420 | TaxReturnedError_NL |
.TaxEvatError_NL |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxEvatError_NL |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
421 | TaxReturnedError_NL |
.Fky?, .ReturnedErrorId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxIntraCommTable_NL |
.Pky?, .IntraCommId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
422 | TaxReturnedError_NL |
.Fky?, .ReturnedErrorId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTurnOverTable_NL |
.Pky?, .TurnOverID |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
423 | TaxTexts_FI |
.LanguageId, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
424 | TaxTexts_FI |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
425 | TaxTmpImportAland_FI |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
426 | TaxTmpImportAland_FI |
.InventTransId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | InventTransOrigin |
.InventTransId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
427 | TaxTransRefundableVAT |
.TaxTrans |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTrans |
.RecId |
(Tax) |
428 | TaxTransTmp_BE |
.SourceCurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
429 | TaxTransTmp_BE |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
430 | TaxTurnOverLine_NL |
.TaxReportCollection |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxReportCollection |
.RecId |
(Tax) |
431 | TaxTurnOverLine_NL |
.TaxTurnOverTable_NL |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTurnOverTable_NL |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
432 | TaxTurnOverTable_NL |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
433 | TaxWithholdCertificationTmp_IT |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
434 | TaxWithholdMonthlyReportTmp_IT |
.VendAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
435 | TaxWithholdYearlyReportTmp_IT |
.TaxWithholdCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxWithholdTable |
.TaxWithholdCode |
(Tax) |
436 | TaxWithholdYearlyReportTmp_IT |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
437 | TaxYearlyComReport_IT |
.Year, .ATECOFINCode, .TaxYearlyComId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxYearlyCom_IT |
.Year, .ATECOFINCode, .TaxYearlyComId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
438 | TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT |
.FromMainAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | MainAccount |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
439 | TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT |
.ToMainAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | MainAccount |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
440 | TaxYearlyComSetupExclude_IT |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
441 | TmpAccountTotalsBE |
.LedgerDimension |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
442 | TmpAssetFixedBook |
.AssetBookId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | AssetBookTable |
.BookId |
(Fixed assets) |
443 | TmpAssetFixedBook |
.AssetGroupId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | AssetGroup |
.GroupId |
(Fixed assets) |
444 | TmpAssetFixedBook |
.AssetId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | AssetTable |
.AssetId |
(Fixed assets) |
445 | TmpCentralisationBE |
.LedgerPostingJournalId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerPostingJournal |
.LedgerPostingJournalId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
446 | TmpCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
447 | TmpCustVendAccountStatement_FR |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
448 | TmpCustVendAccountStatement_FR |
.LedgerDimension |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
449 | TmpCustVendAccountStatement_FR |
.UserId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
450 | TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT |
.DlvMode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DlvMode |
.Code |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
451 | TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT |
.DlvTerm |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DlvTerm |
.Code |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
452 | TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT |
.ItemCodeId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatItemCode |
.ItemCodeId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
453 | TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT |
.TransactionCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransactionCode |
.TransactionCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
454 | TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT |
.TransportMode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransportMode |
.TransPortCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
455 | TmpNumberSequence |
.NumberSequence |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceTable |
.NumberSequence |
(Server and Tools) |
456 | TmpRegisterVAT |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
457 | TmpTaxJournalReport_BE |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
458 | TmpTaxReport_IT |
.InvoiceCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
459 | TmpTaxReport_IT |
.TaxBook |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBook |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
460 | TmpTaxReport_IT |
.TaxBookSection |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBookSection |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
461 | TmpTaxReport_IT |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
462 | TmpTaxReport_ITSummary |
.TaxBook |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBook |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
463 | TmpTaxReport_ITSummary |
.TaxBookSection |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxBookSection |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
464 | TmpTaxReport_ITSummary |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
465 | TmpTaxReportDomesticTransExport_IT |
.ContractId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxReportDomesticContract_IT |
.ContractID |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
466 | TmpTaxReportDomesticTransExport_IT |
.FileNumber |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TmpTaxReportDomesticTableExport_IT |
.FileNumber |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
467 | TmpTaxTransTotalsBE |
.TaxCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
468 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.PurposeCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankCentralBankPurpose |
.Code |
(Cash and bank management) |
469 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustInvoiceJour |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
470 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustInvoiceTable |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
471 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustTrans |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
472 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalTrans |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(General ledger) |
473 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalTrans |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(General ledger) |
474 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
475 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceTable |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
476 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.RefRecId, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | PurchTable |
.RecId, .Pky? |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
477 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.RefRecId, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | SalesTable |
.RecId, .Pky? |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
478 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceJour |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
479 | TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTrans |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
480 | TradeBLWILines |
.AddressCountryRegionGroupBLWI |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | AddressCountryRegionGroupBLWI |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
481 | TradeBLWILines |
.PurposeCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankCentralBankPurpose |
.Code |
(Cash and bank management) |
482 | TradeBLWILines |
.BankPaymBalanceSurvey |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankPaymBalanceSurvey |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
483 | TradeBLWILines |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
484 | TradeBLWILines |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
485 | TradeBLWILines |
.CountryRegionId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
486 | TradeBLWILines |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
487 | TradeBLWIParameters |
.DefaultPurposeCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankCentralBankPurpose |
.Code |
(Cash and bank management) |
488 | TransportationDeliveryParty |
.DirPartyTable |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DirAddressBookPartyAllView |
.Party |
(Unknown module) |
489 | TransportationDeliveryParty |
.DirPartyTable |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DirPartyTable |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
490 | TransportationDeliveryParty |
.SalesCarrier |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | SalesCarrier |
.CarrierName |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
491 | TransportationDocument |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
492 | TransportationDocument |
.IssuedBy |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
493 | TransportationDocument |
.LoadedPostalAddress |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsPostalAddress |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
494 | TransportationDocument |
.UnloadedPostalAddress |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsPostalAddress |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
495 | TransportationDocument |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
496 | TransportationVehicle |
.Driver |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
497 | TransportationVehicle |
.TransportationDocument |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | TransportationDocument |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
498 | TransportationVehicle |
.Model |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VehicleModelTable_W |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - _W) |
499 | VendInvoiceDeclarationTmp_IS |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
500 | VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
501 | VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.PostingProfile |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendLedger |
.PostingProfile |
(Accounts Payable) |
502 | VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.PaymMode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendPaymModeTable |
.PaymMode |
(Accounts Payable) |
503 | VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.PromissoryNoteID |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendPromissoryNoteJour |
.PromissoryNoteId |
(Accounts Payable) |
504 | VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
505 | VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_ATEDIFACT |
.BankCurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
506 | VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_ATEDIFACT |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
507 | VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_DEDTAZV |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
508 | VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_DEDTAZV |
.FromAccountCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
509 | VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_DEDTAZV |
.RemitteeCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
510 | VendOutCoveringLetterTmp_DEDTAZV |
.RemitteeCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
511 | VendOutCoveringLetterTmp_DEDTAZV |
.VendInvoiceCurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
512 | VendOutPaymAdviceTmp_FRAFB |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
513 | VendOutPaymAdviceTmp_FRAFB |
.SettleCurrency |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
514 | VendOutPaymAdviceTmp_FRAFB |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
515 | VendOutPaymForParams_FI |
.BankAccountId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
516 | VendOutPaymForParams_FI |
.LedgerDimension |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
517 | VendOutPaymLM02Params_FI |
.BankAccountId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
518 | VendOutPaymLM02Params_FI |
.LedgerDimension |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
519 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
520 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode1 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
521 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode10 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
522 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode11 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
523 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode12 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
524 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode13 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
525 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode2 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
526 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode3 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
527 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode4 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
528 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode5 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
529 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode6 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
530 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode7 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
531 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode8 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
532 | VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA |
.CurrencyCode9 |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
533 | VendPromissoryNoteOpenTransTmp_ES |
.PostingProfile |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendLedger |
.PostingProfile |
(Accounts Payable) |
534 | VendPromissoryNoteOpenTransTmp_ES |
.PromissoryNoteID |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendPromissoryNoteJour |
.PromissoryNoteId |
(Accounts Payable) |
535 | VendPromissoryNoteOpenTransTmp_ES |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
536 | VendTmpOpenPaymDocu_ES |
.PostingProfile |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendLedger |
.PostingProfile |
(Accounts Payable) |
537 | VendTmpOpenPaymDocu_ES |
.PromissoryNoteID |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendPromissoryNoteJour |
.PromissoryNoteId |
(Accounts Payable) |
538 | VendTmpOpenPaymDocu_ES |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
539 | VendTmpPaymRef_BE |
.CurrencyCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
540 | VendTmpPaymRef_BE |
.Company, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | DataArea |
.id, .Pky? |
(Unknown module) |
541 | VendTmpPaymRef_BE |
.VendAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |