Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables in One Module: Inventory and warehouse management

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Row-num   (Link)   Module-name   Table-name
1  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    BarcodeSetup
2  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    ConfigChoice
3  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    ConfigGroup
4  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    CustVendTransportCalendarSetup
5  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    CustVendTransportPointLine
6  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    CustVendTransportTime
7  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_ConfigTable
8  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResDimGroupFldSetupUpgrade
9  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResDimGroupUpgrade
10  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProductDimGroupUpgrade
11  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeColor
12  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeConfig
13  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeProduct
14  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeProductDescription
15  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeProductItem
16  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeSize
17  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeStyle
18  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeVariant
19  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeVariantDescription
20  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResProdUpgradeVariantDim
21  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResStorageDimGroupUpgrade
22  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_EcoResTrackingDimGroupUpgrade
23  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventColor
24  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventDimGroup
25  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventDimSetup
26  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventLocationLogisticsLocation
27  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventLocationUpgrade
28  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListJour
29  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListJournalLine
30  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListJournalLink
31  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListJournalTable
32  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListLink
33  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPickingListTrans
34  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPostPhysicalTable
35  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPostPhysicalTrans
36  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPurchAccountingUpgrade
37  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventPurchUpgradeAccountEntries
38  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventSiteLogisticsLocation
39  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventSiteUpgrade
40  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventSize
41  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventSumUpgrade
42  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventTableCompany
43  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventTestArea
44  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventTestRelatedOperationsMap
45  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventTransOriginUpgrade
46  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_InventTxt
47  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_PdsCatchWgtItemTrans
48  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_PdsInventSum
49  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_PdsMRCReportingCountry
50  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_PdsRegion
51  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_SysSignLog
52  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_SysSignLogTrans
53  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_SysSignTable
54  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_SysSignTableUserGroup
55  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_SystemParametersUpgrade
56  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_Unit
57  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_UnitConvert
58  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_UnitOfMeasureFixedUnitsUpgrade
59  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_UnitParameters
60  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_UnitTxt
61  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_UnitUnitOfMeasureUpgrade
62  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    DEL_WMSLocationSum
63  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResApplicationControl
64  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResBooleanValue
65  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResCatalogControl
66  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResColor
67  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResComponentControl
68  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResConfiguration
69  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResCurrencyValue
70  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResDateTimeValue
71  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResDistinctProduct
72  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResDistinctProductVariant
73  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResFloatValue
74  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResInstanceValue
75  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResIntValue
76  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProduct
77  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductDimensionAttribute
78  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductDimensionGroup
79  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductDimensionGroupFldSetup
80  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct
81  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductIdentifier
82  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductInstanceValue
83  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMaster
84  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterColor
85  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterConfiguration
86  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue
87  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterModelingPolicy
88  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterSize
89  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductMasterStyle
90  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductParameters
91  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductTemplateApplyBufferTestTbl
92  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductTranslation
93  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductVariantColor
94  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductVariantConfiguration
95  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductVariantDimensionValue
96  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductVariantSize
97  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResProductVariantStyle
98  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResReferenceValue
99  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResReleaseProductLegalEntity
100  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResReleaseProductLegalEntityLog
101  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResReleaseSession
102  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResReleaseSessionProduct
103  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResSize
104  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResStorageDimensionGroup
105  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupFldSetup
106  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem
107  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct
108  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResStyle
109  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTextValue
110  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTextValueTranslation
111  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpAttribute
112  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpCategoryTranslation
113  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpProductCategory
114  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpProductDimValue
115  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpProductImage
116  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTmpProductVariantSuggestion
117  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup
118  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupFldSetup
119  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem
120  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct
121  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InterCompanyGoodsInTransitLineTotalsTmp
122  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InterCompanyGoodsInTransitOrdersTmp
123  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InterCompanyGoodsInTransitTmp
124  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventAgeGroupDimTmp
125  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventBatch
126  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventBlocking
127  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventBlockingQualityOrder
128  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventBuyerGroup
129  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventConsignmentLocationTmp
130  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventCountGroup
131  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventCountJour
132  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventCountStatisticsTmp
133  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDim
134  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimAdapterTest
135  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimCleanUp
136  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimCombination
137  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimParm
138  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimPostedReportTmp
139  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimSetupGrid
140  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventDimTmp
141  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemBarcode
142  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemGroup
143  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemGroupForm
144  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemGroupItem
145  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemInventSetup
146  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemLocation
147  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemLocationCountingStatus
148  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemPurchSetup
149  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemSalesSetup
150  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemSampling
151  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventItemSetupSupplyType
152  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalName
153  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTable
154  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTrans
155  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTrans_Tag
156  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTransDocPLTmp
157  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTransExtensionTH
158  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTransHeaderTmp
159  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventJournalTransTransferHeaderTmp
160  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventLocation
161  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventLocationDefaultLocation
162  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventLocationLogisticsLocation
163  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventLocationLogisticsLocationRole
164  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventModelGroup
165  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventModelGroupItem
166  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventNonConformanceHistory
167  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventNonConformanceOrigin
168  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventNonConformanceRelation
169  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventNonConformanceTable
170  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventNumGroup
171  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventOnhandTmp
172  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventOpenQtyCriticalTmp
173  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingGroup
174  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingMaterialCode
175  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingMaterialFee
176  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingMaterialTrans
177  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingMaterialTransPurch
178  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingUnit
179  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPackagingUnitMaterial
180  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventParameters
181  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventParmQuarantineOrder
182  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPendingQuantity
183  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPendingRegistrationDetail
184  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPosting
185  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventPostingParameters
186  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventProblemType
187  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventProblemTypeSetup
188  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQualityOrderLine
189  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQualityOrderLineResults
190  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQualityOrderTable
191  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQualityOrderTableOrigin
192  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQuarantineOrder
193  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventQuarantineZone
194  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventReleaseOrderPickingTmp
195  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventReportDimHistory
196  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventReportStatementTmp
197  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventScrapStatementTmp
198  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventSerial
199  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventSite
200  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventSiteDefaultLocation
201  ERD    Inventory and warehouse management :    InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp

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