Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables in One Module: Sales and marketing

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Row-num   (Link)   Module-name   Table-name
1  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseAssociation
2  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail
3  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseCategoryRole
4  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseDependency
5  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseDetail
6  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseDetailBase
7  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseLog
8  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CaseWebDetail
9  ERD    Sales and marketing :    ContactPerson
10  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CustStatisticsGroup
11  ERD    Sales and marketing :    CustTable
12  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_Address
13  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressCountryRegion
14  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressCountryRegionUpgrade
15  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressCounty
16  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressCountyUpgrade
17  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressFormatHeading
18  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressFormatLines
19  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressState
20  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressStateUpgrade
21  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressZipCode
22  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_AddressZipCodeUpgrade
23  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirAddressBookParty
24  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirECommunicationAddress
25  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirECommunicationTypeTable
26  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirECommunicationTypeTxt
27  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirEntityAddress
28  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirLogisticsPostalAddress
29  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirOrganizationDetail
30  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyAddress
31  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyAddressRelationship
32  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyAddressRelationshipMapping
33  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyECommunicationRelationship
34  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyInternalOrganizationTable
35  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPartyLocation
36  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPersonGenerationalSuffixTable
37  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPersonPartyDetail
38  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPersonSalutationTable
39  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_DirPrivacyGroupTable
40  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_LogisticsElectronicAddress
41  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_LogisticsLocation
42  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmABCCodeMapping
43  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmCampaignResponsibilitiesGroup
44  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmCampaignResponsibility
45  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmQuotationSwotTable
46  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmReportQuotationReasonGroup
47  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmReportSalesDistrictGroup
48  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmReportTMCallListTableStatus
49  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmResponsibilities
50  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmTMCallListResponsibilities
51  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmTmpSMBusRelInvoiced
52  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_smmUpgradeParameters
53  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_upgradeBusRelTable
54  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DEL_upgradeContactTable
55  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirAddressBook
56  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirAddressBookParty
57  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirAddressBookSecurityRole
58  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirAddressBookTeam
59  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirCheckFullNameTmp
60  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirDunsNumber
61  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirExternalRole
62  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirNameAffix
63  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirNameSequence
64  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirNameSequenceTranslation
65  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirOrganization
66  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirOrganizationBase
67  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirOrganizationName
68  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirOrgPersonRelations
69  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirParameters
70  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyLocation
71  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyLocationPrivateRoles
72  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyLocationRole
73  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyMemo
74  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyRelationship
75  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPartyTable
76  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPerson
77  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPersonName
78  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPersonUser
79  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirPolicyPartition
80  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirRelationshipTypeTable
81  ERD    Sales and marketing :    DirSubNameSequence
82  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion
83  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressCountryRegionTranslation
84  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressCounty
85  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressDistrict
86  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressFormatHeading
87  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressFormatLines
88  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressParameters
89  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddresssCity
90  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressState
91  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsAddressZipCode
92  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsElectronicAddress
93  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsElectronicAddressRole
94  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsLocation
95  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsLocationDefaultTmp
96  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsLocationExt
97  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsLocationRole
98  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsLocationRoleTranslation
99  ERD    Sales and marketing :    LogisticsPostalAddress
100  ERD    Sales and marketing :    MyAddressBook
101  ERD    Sales and marketing :    MyAddressBookForXDS
102  ERD    Sales and marketing :    MyPartyUsers
103  ERD    Sales and marketing :    OutlookSyncParameters
104  ERD    Sales and marketing :    OutlookUserSetup
105  ERD    Sales and marketing :    PersonalInfo
106  ERD    Sales and marketing :    PersonTitleTable
107  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmActivities
108  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmActivityParentLinkTable
109  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmActivityPhaseGroup
110  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmActivityPlanGroup
111  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmActivityTypeGroup
112  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmAttendeeTable
113  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmAxaptaOutlookMapping
114  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelChainGroup
115  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelDefaultLocation
116  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelRevenue
117  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelRevenueTrans
118  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelSalesDistrictGroup
119  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelSectorTable
120  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelSegmentGroup
121  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelStatusGroup
122  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelSubSegmentGroup
123  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelTable
124  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusRelTypeGroup
125  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmBusSectorGroup
126  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignEmailTemplate
127  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignGroup
128  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignMailMergeFile
129  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignMediaType
130  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignMediaTypeGroup
131  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignQuery
132  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignQueryExpression
133  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignReasonGroup
134  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignResponsesQuest
135  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignSelection
136  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignSelectionResult
137  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignTable
138  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignTargetTable
139  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignTempSelection
140  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCampaignTypeGroup
141  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCharacterGroup
142  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactGreetingsGroup
143  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactInterest
144  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactIntroGroup
145  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactPersonSynchronize
146  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactPersonSynchronizeFieldMapping
147  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmContactTitleGroup
148  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmConvertedBusRel
149  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmCustRevenueTmp
150  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmDecisionGroup
151  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmDeletedActivities
152  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmEmailCategoryGroup
153  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmEmailGroups
154  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmEmailMembers
155  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmEncyclopediaItems
156  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmFunctionGroup
157  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportBusSectorFileFields
158  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportBusSectorJournal
159  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportContactPersonFileFields
160  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportContactPersonJournal
161  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportFileFormat
162  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportRecordGroup
163  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportRelationJournal
164  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmImportRelationJournalFileFields
165  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmInterestGroup
166  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmKACaseActivity
167  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmKACaseRelation
168  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmKACategoryRelation
169  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLeadPriorityTable
170  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLeadRatingTable
171  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLeadRelTable
172  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLeadTable
173  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLeadTypeTable
174  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmLoyaltyGroup
175  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmMailingCategoryGroup
176  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmMailingGroup
177  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmMailingHistory
178  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmMailingMergeFile
179  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmMailings
180  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmNoteItTable
181  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmOpportunityRelTable
182  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmOpportunityTable
183  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmOutlookLastSync
184  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmOutlookRecurrencePattern
185  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmParametersTable
186  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmPhoneLog
187  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmPhoneParameters
188  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmProcessStage
189  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationAlternativeQuotations
190  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationCompetitorGroup
191  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationCompetitors
192  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationDocuConclusionGroup
193  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationDocuIntroGroup
194  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationDocuTitleGroup
195  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationPhaseGroup
196  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationProbabilityGroup
197  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationPrognosisGroup
198  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmQuotationReasonGroup
199  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable
200  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmResponsibilitiesTable
201  ERD    Sales and marketing :    smmResponsibilityGroup

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