Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Parent-Children: Procurement and sourcing

Module: Procurement and sourcing

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801PurchRFQReplyLine .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransRecId, .TransTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
802PurchRFQReplyTable .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
803PurchRFQReplyTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransRecId, .TransTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
804PurchRFQReplyTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQReplyTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
805PurchRFQTable .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
806PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp .PRFQLRFQId (Inventory and warehouse management)
807PurchRFQTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
808PurchRFQTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintMgmtDocInstance .Fky?, .ReferencedRecId (Financial management)
809PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQCompareLineTMP .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
810PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQCompareTMP .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
811PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQLine .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
812PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQParmLine .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
813PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQParmSubTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
814PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQParmTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
815PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQReplyLine .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
816PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQReplyTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
817PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQSendTmp .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
818PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQVendPerformanceTMP .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
819PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQJour .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
820PurchRFQTable .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQTrans .RFQId (Procurement and sourcing)
821PurchRFQVendLink .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintMgmtDocInstance .Fky?, .ReferencedRecId (Financial management)
822PurchRFQVendPerformanceTMP .VendAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQVendPerformanceReasonCodeTMP .VendAccount (Procurement and sourcing)
823PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AccountingDistributionTmpPurchSummary .PurchIdBase (General ledger)
824PurchTable .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementReleaseHeaderMatch .PurchTableDataAreaId, .PurchTablePurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
825PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AssetBook .PurchId (Fixed assets)
826PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AssetBookMerge .PurchId (Fixed assets)
827PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AssetDepBook .PurchId (Fixed assets)
828PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLCImport .PurchTable (Cash and bank management)
829PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLGGuaranteePurchaseOrder .PurchaseOrder (Cash and bank management)
830PurchTable .RecId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CaseAssociation .RefRecId, .Fky? (Sales and marketing)
831PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CatVendorCatalogProductPerCompany .RetailPurchTableRefRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
832PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsImportAssessableValue_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
833PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsInvoiceRegnJournalTable_IN .OrderId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
834PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOEJour_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
835PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOEPurchLink_IN .OrigPurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
836PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOEPurchLink_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
837PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOESubTrans_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
838PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOETrans_IN .OrigPurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
839PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendBOETrans_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
840PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendInvoiceBOETransLink_IN .PurchTable (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
841PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomsVendPackingSlipBOETransLink_IN .PurchTable (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
842PurchTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustVendCreditInvoicingTable .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Accounts Receivable)
843PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CzVendAdvanceInvoiceTable .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
844PurchTable .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
845PurchTable .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    HcmEmploymentContractor .VendorDataAreaID, .PurchID (Human resources)
846PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyGoodsInTransitTmp .PurchId (Inventory and warehouse management)
847PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyPurchSalesReference .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
848PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventCostTrans .Fky?, .TransRefId (Production control)
849PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventExtPackingSlipTmp .Purchid (Global financial management - Western Europe)
850PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventJournalTable .Fky?, .FSHReplenishmentRef (Inventory and warehouse management)
851PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventNonConformanceTable .Fky?, .InventRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
852PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventPackagingMaterialTransPurch .PurchId (Inventory and warehouse management)
853PurchTable .Pky?, .OrderAccount, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQualityOrderTable .Fky?, .AccountRelation, .InventRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
854PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQuarantineOrder .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
855PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp .PLPurchId (Inventory and warehouse management)
856PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSumLogTTS .Fky?, .TransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
857PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTestRelatedOperations .PurchId (Inventory and warehouse management)
858PurchTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LedgerCov .TransRecId, .TransTableId (General ledger)
859PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpDetails .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
860PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpDetails .SortPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
861PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpMaxAmountValidation .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
862PurchTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
863PurchTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
864PurchTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
865PurchTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .OrigTableId, .OrigRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
866PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PdsMRCVendorHistory .PurchaseId (Inventory and warehouse management)
867PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlInventPackingSlipExtJour .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
868PurchTable .PurchId, .OrderAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlSADInvoice .PurchId, .SADDutyVend (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
869PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlSADPurchLine .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
870PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PlSADPurchTable .PurchId (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
871PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PmfCoTmpReqTrans .RefId, .Fky? (Manufacturing)
872PurchTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintMgmtDocInstance .Fky?, .ReferencedRecId (Financial management)
873PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintoutTable_RU .SalesPurchId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Russia)
874PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PrintoutTable_RU .SalesPurchId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Russia)
875PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProdBOM .Fky?, .InventRefId (Manufacturing)
876PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProdJournalTable .RefPurchId (Manufacturing)
877PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProdPickListTmp .PurchOrderId (Manufacturing)
878PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSATmpSubcontractRetainage .SubContract (Project management and accounting)
879PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSATmpVendInvoiceTable .PurchID (Project management and accounting)
880PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PSAVendorRetentionTmp .POno (Project management and accounting)
881PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchCORRejectsTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
882PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchEncumbranceSummary .PurchId (Public Sector SL1)
883PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchJournalAutoSummary .Fky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
884PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
885PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchOrderTmpPeriodSelection .PurchTable (Procurement and sourcing)
886PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchPackingSlipHeaderTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
887PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchPackingSlipTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
888PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmLine .OrigPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
889PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmSubTable .OrigPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
890PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
891PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmUpdate .PurchId_SA (Procurement and sourcing)
892PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParmUpdate .SumPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
893PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchPrepayTable .PurchTable (Accounts Payable)
894PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchPrepayTableHistory .PurchTable (Accounts Payable)
895PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchPurchaseOrderHeader .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
896PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchReceiptsListHeaderTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
897PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchReceiptsListTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
898PurchTable .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLine .PurchIdDataArea, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
899PurchTable .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLineHistory .PurchIdDataArea, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
900PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQLine .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
901PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQSendTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
902PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
903PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable_BR .PurchTable (Global financial management - Latin America)
904PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable_Intrastat .PurchTable (Procurement and sourcing)
905PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable_RU .PurchTable (Global financial management - Russia)
906PurchTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable_W .PurchTable (Global financial management - _W)
907PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
908PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableLinks .MainPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
909PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableLinks .SubPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
910PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableMarkTmp .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
911PurchTable .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableVersion .PurchIdDataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
912PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTotalsSummary .PurchId (Public Sector SL1)
913PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RAssetTable .PurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
914PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReqPO .PurchId (Manufacturing)
915PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ReqTransFirmLog .InventTransRefId, .Fky? (Manufacturing)
916PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailBuyersPushTable .PurchId (Retail)
917PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailConcessionPurchLogTrans .PurchId (Retail)
918PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailImportTable .PurchId (Retail)
919PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailImportTrans .PurchId (Retail)
920PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailPackagePurch .PurchId (Retail)
921PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailSumLines .PurchId (Retail)
922PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailTMPTransactionSalesTrans .FSHPurchLog (Retail)
923PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailTransactionSalesTrans .purchId (Retail)
924PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .Fky?, .InventRefId (Procurement and sourcing)
925PurchTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
926PurchTable .Pky?, .dataAreaId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .Fky?, .InterCompanyCompanyId, .InterCompanyPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
927PurchTable .Pky?, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmActivityParentLinkTable .Fky?, .RefRecId (Sales and marketing)
928PurchTable .dataAreaId, .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SpecTrans .SpecCompany, .SpecRecId, .SpecTableId (Financial management)
929PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxTrans_IN .PurchaseOrder (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
930PurchTable .RecId, .TableId, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWithholdTrans_IN .HeadingRecId, .HeadingTableId, .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
931PurchTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TaxWorkRegulation .HeadingRecId, .HeadingTableId (Tax)
932PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpCustomsInquiryTable_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
933PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpInventTransMark .TransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
934PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpPurchLine .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
935PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    tmpVendAdvanceInvoice .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
936PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    tmpVendStandardInvoice .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
937PurchTable .RecId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TradeBLWIJournalPurposeCodes .RefRecId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)
938PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VATDefermentTransaction_IN .PurchaseOrder (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
939PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendAccruedPurchasesPurchTableTmp .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
940PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoice4PaymJour_RU .PurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
941PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoice4PaymPurchLink_RU .PurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
942PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoice4PaymPurchLink_RU .OrigPurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
943PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoice4PaymTrans_RU .PurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
944PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoice4PaymTrans_RU .OrigPurchId (Global financial management - Russia)
945PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceDocumentTmp .PurchNum (Accounts Payable)
946PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfo .OrderId (Accounts Payable)
947PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoLine .OrigPurchId (Accounts Payable)
948PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoSubMarkupMatchingTrans .VendInvoiceInfoSubTableOrigPurchId (Accounts Payable)
949PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoSubTable .OrigPurchId (Accounts Payable)
950PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoTable .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
951PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceJour .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
952PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoicePackingSlip_IN .PurchId (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
953PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoicePurchLink .origPurchId (Accounts Payable)
954PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoicePurchLink .purchId (Accounts Payable)
955PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceSpecTmp .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
956PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceTrans .OrigPurchId (Accounts Payable)
957PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceTrans .PurchID (Accounts Payable)
958PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipJour .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
959PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipPurchLink .origPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
960PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipTrans .OrigPurchid (Procurement and sourcing)
961PurchTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPaymSched .ExtRecId, .ExtTableId (Accounts Payable)
962PurchTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPaymSchedHistory .ExtRecId, .ExtTableId (Accounts Payable)
963PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPurchOrderJour .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
964PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListJour .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
965PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListPurchLink .origPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
966PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListPurchLink .purchId (Procurement and sourcing)
967PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListTrans .OrigPurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
968PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListTrans .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
969PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQJour .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
970PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendTmpInvoiceInfoLine .OrigPurchId (Accounts Payable)
971PurchTable .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendTmpInvoiceInfoTable .PurchId (Accounts Payable)
972PurchTable .InvoiceAccount (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendTransOpen .AccountNum (Accounts Payable)
973PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalDetailTmp .InventTransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
974PurchTable .PurchId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalOverviewTmp .InventTransRefId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
975PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTable .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
976PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTrans .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
977PurchTable .Pky?, .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSOrderTrans .Fky?, .inventTransRefId (Inventory and warehouse management)
978PurchTableHistory .dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DocuRef .RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Client)
979PurchTableHistory .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .PurchId (Procurement and sourcing)
980PurchTableHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory_BR .PurchTableHistory (Global financial management - Latin America)
981PurchTableHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory_RU .PurchTableHistory (Global financial management - Russia)
982PurchTableHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory_W .PurchTableHistory (Global financial management - _W)
983PurchTableHistory .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPurchOrderJour .PurchTableHistory (Procurement and sourcing)
984PurchTableVersion .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPurchOrderJour .PurchTableVersion (Procurement and sourcing)
985RequisitionReplenishControlRule .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RequisitionReplenishControlSubmsnParam .RequisitionReplenishControlRule (Procurement and sourcing)
986RequisitionReplenishControlSubmsnParam .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RequisitionReplenishContrSubmsnParamExpr .RequisitionReplenishControlSubmsnParam (Procurement and sourcing)
987ReturnActionDefaults .Pky?, .ReturnActionId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventJournalTrans .Fky?, .ScrapTypeId_RU (Inventory and warehouse management)
988ReturnActionDefaults .ReturnActionId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .ReturnActionId, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
989ReturnActionDefaults .ReturnActionId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .ReturnActionId, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
990ReturnActionDefaults .ReturnActionId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchParameters .ReturnActionDefault, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
991ReturnActionDefaults .ReturnActionId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipTrans .ReturnActionId (Procurement and sourcing)
992ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTrans .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Accounts Receivable)
993ReturnDispositionCode .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
994ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventQuarantineOrder .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Inventory and warehouse management)
995ReturnDispositionCode .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .ReturnRelation (Procurement and sourcing)
996ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
997ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
998ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailParameters .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Retail)
999ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesLine .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
1000ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSArrivalDetailTmp .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1001ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTable .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Inventory and warehouse management)
1002ReturnDispositionCode .DispositionCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSJournalTrans .ReturnDispositionCodeId (Inventory and warehouse management)

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