411 | ProjInvoiceEmplDetail |
.SaleRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjEmplTransSale |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
412 | ProjInvoiceEmplDetail |
.InvoiceRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceEmpl |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
413 | ProjInvoiceEmplDetail |
.RefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceEmplDetail |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
414 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.SalesGroup |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CommissionSalesGroup |
.GroupId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
415 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
416 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
417 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ItemCodeId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatItemCode |
.ItemCodeId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
418 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.statProcId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatStatProc |
.StatProcId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
419 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.Port |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransactionCode |
.TransactionCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
420 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.TransactionCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransactionCode |
.TransactionCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
421 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.Transport |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransportMode |
.TransPortCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
422 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.inventDimId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventDim |
.inventDimId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
423 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ItemId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
424 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.InventTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTransOrigin |
.InventTransId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
425 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.OrigCountryRegionId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
426 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.NGPCodesTable_FR |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NGPCodesTable_FR |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
427 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
428 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.CreditNoteInternalRef_PL |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceItem |
.CreditNoteInternalRef_PL |
(Project management and accounting) |
429 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.RefReturnInvoiceTrans_W |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceItem |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
430 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
431 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
432 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalItem |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
433 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
434 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.PSAContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PSAContractLineItems |
.ContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
435 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.SalesId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SalesTable |
.SalesId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
436 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.ActivityNumber |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | smmActivities |
.ActivityNumber |
(Sales and marketing) |
437 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.SourceDocumentLine |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SourceDocumentLine |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
438 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
439 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.TaxItemGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxItemGroupHeading |
.TaxItemGroup |
(Tax) |
440 | ProjInvoiceItem |
.SalesUnit |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UnitOfMeasure |
.Symbol |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
441 | ProjInvoiceItemDetail |
.InvoiceRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceItem |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
442 | ProjInvoiceItemDetail |
.RefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceItemDetail |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
443 | ProjInvoiceItemDetail |
.SaleRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTransSale |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
444 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.CashDiscCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CashDisc |
.CashDiscCode |
(Financial management) |
445 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
446 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.PostingProfile |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustLedger |
.PostingProfile |
(Accounts Receivable) |
447 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
448 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
449 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
450 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.DlvMode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DlvMode |
.Code |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
451 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.DlvTerm |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DlvTerm |
.Code |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
452 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.Port |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatPort |
.PortId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
453 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.LanguageId, .Fky? |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.LanguageId, .Pky? |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
454 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.Fky?, .LanguageId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LanguageTable |
.Pky?, .LanguageId |
(Developer and Partner Tools) |
455 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.PostingJournalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerPostingJournal |
.LedgerPostingJournalId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
456 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.DeliveryPostalAddress |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsPostalAddress |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
457 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.NumberSequenceGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceGroup |
.numberSequenceGroupId |
(Server and Tools) |
458 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.VoucherNumberSequenceTable |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceTable |
.RecId |
(Server and Tools) |
459 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.PaymDayId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PaymDay |
.PaymDayId |
(Accounts Payable) |
460 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.PaymentSched |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PaymSched |
.Name |
(Accounts Payable) |
461 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.Payment |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PaymTerm |
.PaymTermId |
(Accounts Payable) |
462 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.ProjGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjGroup |
.ProjGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
463 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceTable |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
464 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.ProposalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalJour |
.ProposalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
465 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.ReasonTableRef |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ReasonTableRef |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
466 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.SourceDocumentHeader |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SourceDocumentHeader |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
467 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
468 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.TaxInformation_IN |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxInformation_IN |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
469 | ProjInvoiceJour |
.TransportationDocument |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TransportationDocument |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
470 | ProjInvoiceJourExtensionCN |
.ProjInvoiceJour |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
471 | ProjInvoiceJourExtensionCN |
.VATInvoiceDescTable |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | VATInvoiceDescTable_CN |
.RecId |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
472 | ProjInvoiceJourPrint |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
473 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.AccountingCurrency |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
474 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.CurrencyCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
475 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.CurrencyCodeEuro |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
476 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
477 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.ItemId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
478 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.CurrencyCodeISO |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ISOCurrencyCode |
.ISCCurrencyCodeAlpha |
(General ledger) |
479 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.Category |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
480 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.InvoiceDate, .InvoiceNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
481 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.SalesOrdernum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceTable |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
482 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.Project |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
483 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.SMASubscriptionId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SMASubscriptionTable |
.SubscriptionId |
(Service management) |
484 | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.TaxCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
485 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
486 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
487 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
488 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjOnAccTrans |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
489 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.PSARefRecIdBudgetTrans |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjOnAccTrans |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
490 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
491 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.PSAContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PSAContractLineItems |
.ContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
492 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
493 | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.TaxItemGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxItemGroupHeading |
.TaxItemGroup |
(Tax) |
494 | ProjInvoiceOnAccDetail |
.InvoiceRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceOnAcc |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
495 | ProjInvoiceOnAccDetail |
.RefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceOnAccDetail |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
496 | ProjInvoiceOnAccDetail |
.SaleRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjOnAccTransSale |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
497 | ProjInvoiceParmTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
498 | ProjInvoiceParmTable |
.TaxPeriodPaymentCode_PL |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PlTaxDueTable |
.TaxPeriodPaymentCode |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
499 | ProjInvoiceParmTable |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceTable |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
500 | ProjInvoiceParmTable |
.ProposalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalJour |
.ProposalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
501 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
502 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
503 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.Worker |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
504 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
505 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
506 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjProposalRevenue |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
507 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjRevenueTrans |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
508 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
509 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.PSAContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PSAContractLineItems |
.ContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
510 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.SMASubscriptionId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SMASubscriptionTable |
.SubscriptionId |
(Service management) |
511 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
512 | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.TaxItemGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxItemGroupHeading |
.TaxItemGroup |
(Tax) |
513 | ProjInvoiceRevenueDetail |
.InvoiceRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceRevenue |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
514 | ProjInvoiceRevenueDetail |
.RefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceRevenueDetail |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
515 | ProjInvoiceRevenueDetail |
.SaleRefRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjRevenueTransSale |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
516 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.BankAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
517 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.BankCentralBankPurposeCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | BankCentralBankPurpose |
.Code |
(Cash and bank management) |
518 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.CashDisc |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CashDisc |
.CashDiscCode |
(Financial management) |
519 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
520 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.PostingProfile |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustLedger |
.PostingProfile |
(Accounts Receivable) |
521 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
522 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.SalesResponsible |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
523 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.TransactionCodeId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | IntrastatTransactionCode |
.TransactionCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
524 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.InvoiceLocation |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsLocation |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
525 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.NumberSequenceGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceGroup |
.numberSequenceGroupId |
(Server and Tools) |
526 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.Paymentsched |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PaymSched |
.Name |
(Accounts Payable) |
527 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.Payment |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PaymTerm |
.PaymTermId |
(Accounts Payable) |
528 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.TaxPeriodPaymentCode_PL |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PlTaxDueTable |
.TaxPeriodPaymentCode |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
529 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.ProjPriceGroup, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PriceDiscGroup |
.GroupId, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
530 | ProjInvoiceTable |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
531 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.CurrencyCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
532 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.CurrencyCodeEuro |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
533 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.PrepaidCurrencyCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
534 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.PrepaidCurrencyCodeEuro |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
535 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
536 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.ItemId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
537 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.CurrencyCodeISO |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ISOCurrencyCode |
.ISCCurrencyCodeAlpha |
(General ledger) |
538 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.Category |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
539 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.InvoiceDate, .InvoiceNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceDate, .ProjInvoiceId |
(Project management and accounting) |
540 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.SalesOrdernum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjInvoiceTable |
.ProjInvoiceProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
541 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.Project |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
542 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.SMASubscriptionId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | SMASubscriptionTable |
.SubscriptionId |
(Service management) |
543 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.TaxCode |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
544 | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.SalesTaxCode_FI |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxTable |
.TaxCode |
(Tax) |
545 | ProjItemTrans |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
546 | ProjItemTrans |
.LedgerDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
547 | ProjItemTrans |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
548 | ProjItemTrans |
.InventDimId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventDim |
.inventDimId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
549 | ProjItemTrans |
.ItemId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTable |
.ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
550 | ProjItemTrans |
.InventTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTransOrigin |
.InventTransId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
551 | ProjItemTrans |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
552 | ProjItemTrans |
.AdjRefTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
553 | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjTransIdRef |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
554 | ProjItemTrans |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjLineProperty |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
555 | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
556 | ProjItemTrans |
.PSAContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PSAContractLineItems |
.ContractLineNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
557 | ProjItemTrans |
.ActivityNumber |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | smmActivities |
.ActivityNumber |
(Sales and marketing) |
558 | ProjItemTrans |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
559 | ProjItemTrans |
.TaxItemGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxItemGroupHeading |
.TaxItemGroup |
(Tax) |
560 | ProjItemTrans |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxServiceTariff |
.ParentRecId, .ParentTableId |
(Tax) |
561 | ProjItemTrans |
.SalesUnit |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UnitOfMeasure |
.Symbol |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
562 | ProjItemTrans |
.VendInvoiceTransRecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | VendInvoiceTrans |
.RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
563 | ProjItemTransCost |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
564 | ProjItemTransCost |
.InventTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | InventTransOrigin |
.InventTransId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
565 | ProjItemTransCost |
.FundingSource |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjFundingSource |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
566 | ProjItemTransCost |
.ProjAdjustRefId, .InventTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjAdjustRefId, .InventTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
567 | ProjItemTransCost |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
568 | ProjItemTransSale |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
569 | ProjItemTransSale |
.ControlId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjControl |
.ControlId |
(Project management and accounting) |
570 | ProjItemTransSale |
.FundingSource |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjFundingSource |
.RecId |
(Project management and accounting) |
571 | ProjItemTransSale |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjItemTrans |
.ProjTransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
572 | ProjJournalName |
.VoucherNumberSequenceTable |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceTable |
.RecId |
(Server and Tools) |
573 | ProjJournalName |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalStatusTable |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
574 | ProjJournalName |
.BlockUserGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UserGroupInfo |
.id |
(Server and Tools) |
575 | ProjJournalStatusHistory |
.TransDate, .JournalId, .Voucher |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalTrans |
.PeriodDate, .JournalId, .Voucher |
(Project management and accounting) |
576 | ProjJournalStatusLine |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalStatusTable |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
577 | ProjJournalStatusLine |
.GroupIdStatus |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UserGroupInfo |
.id |
(Server and Tools) |
578 | ProjJournalTable |
.Worker |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
579 | ProjJournalTable |
.VoucherNumberSequenceTable |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | NumberSequenceTable |
.RecId |
(Server and Tools) |
580 | ProjJournalTable |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
581 | ProjJournalTable |
.JournalNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalName |
.JournalNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
582 | ProjJournalTable |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalStatusTable |
.StatusNameId |
(Project management and accounting) |
583 | ProjJournalTable |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjLineProperty |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
584 | ProjJournalTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
585 | ProjJournalTable |
.BlockUserGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UserGroupInfo |
.id |
(Server and Tools) |
586 | ProjJournalTable |
.BlockUserId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
587 | ProjJournalTable |
.PostedUserId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | UserInfo |
.id |
(Unknown module) |
588 | ProjJournalTrans |
.CurrencyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
589 | ProjJournalTrans |
.DefaultDimension |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
590 | ProjJournalTrans |
.Worker |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
591 | ProjJournalTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .ProjPriceGroupID |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PriceDiscGroup |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .GroupId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
592 | ProjJournalTrans |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
593 | ProjJournalTrans |
.TransIdRef |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjEmplTrans |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
594 | ProjJournalTrans |
.JournalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalTable |
.JournalId |
(Project management and accounting) |
595 | ProjJournalTrans |
.Txt |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjJournalTxt |
.Txt |
(Project management and accounting) |
596 | ProjJournalTrans |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjLineProperty |
.LinePropertyId |
(Project management and accounting) |
597 | ProjJournalTrans |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjRevenueTrans |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
598 | ProjJournalTrans |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | ProjTable |
.ProjId |
(Project management and accounting) |
599 | ProjJournalTrans |
.PSAIndirectComponentGroup |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | PSAIndirectComponentGroup |
.ComponentGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
600 | ProjJournalTrans |
.ActivityNumber |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | smmActivities |
.ActivityNumber |
(Sales and marketing) |
601 | ProjJournalTrans |
.TaxGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxGroupHeading |
.TaxGroup |
(Tax) |
602 | ProjJournalTrans |
.TaxItemGroupId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxItemGroupHeading |
.TaxItemGroup |
(Tax) |
603 | ProjJournalTrans |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | TaxServiceTariff |
.ParentRecId, .ParentTableId |
(Tax) |
604 | ProjJournalTrans |
.Fky?, .PSAWrkCtrId |
(Project management and accounting) |
‑‑‑> | WrkCtrTable |
.Pky?, .WrkCtrId |
(Manufacturing) |