Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Parent-Children: Procurement and sourcing

Module: Procurement and sourcing

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267DlvReason .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .DlvReason (Procurement and sourcing)
268DlvReason .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .DlvReason (Sales and marketing)
269DlvReason .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LanguageTxt .TxtRecId, .TxtTableId (General ledger)
270DlvReason .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .DlvReason (Procurement and sourcing)
271DlvReason .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .DlvReason (Procurement and sourcing)
272DlvTerm .dataAreaId, .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementHeaderDefault .DeliveryTermDataAreaId, .DeliveryTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
273DlvTerm .dataAreaId, .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementHeaderDefaultHistory .DeliveryTermDataAreaId, .DeliveryTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
274DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementHeaderTmp .DeliveryTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
275DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustConfirmJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
276DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceJour .DlvTerm (Accounts Receivable)
277DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTable .DlvTerm (Accounts Receivable)
278DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceTemplate .DlvTerm (Accounts Receivable)
279DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustomJournalTable_RU .DlvTermId (Global financial management - Russia)
280DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustPackingSlipJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
281DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationConfirmJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
282DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustQuotationJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
283DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .DlvTerm (Sales and marketing)
284DlvTerm .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
285DlvTerm .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeValueTable .ExtCodeRelationTableId, .ExtCodeRelationRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
286DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    FiscalDocument_BR .DeliveryTerm (Global financial management - Latin America)
287DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    Intrastat .DlvTerm (Global financial management - Western Europe)
288DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    IntrastatParameters .DlvTermParm (Global financial management - Western Europe)
289DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferJour .DlvTermId (Inventory and warehouse management)
290DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTransferTable .DlvTermId (Inventory and warehouse management)
291DlvTerm .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LanguageTxt .TxtRecId, .TxtTableId (General ledger)
292DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupDlvTermConnection_RU .DlvTermCode (Global financial management - Russia)
293DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProjInvoiceJour .DlvTerm (Project management and accounting)
294DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ProjProposalJour .DlvTerm (Project management and accounting)
295DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQCaseTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
296DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQParameters .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
297DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQReplyTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
298DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQSendTmp .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
299DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
300DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
301DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
302DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
303DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
304DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierAddress .DlvTermId (Inventory and warehouse management)
305DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    smmBusRelTable .DlvTerm (Sales and marketing)
306DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpIntrastatExportLine_IT .DlvTerm (Global financial management - Western Europe)
307DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceJour .DlvTerm (Accounts Payable)
308DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendPackingSlipJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
309DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendReceiptsListJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
310DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQJour .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
311DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendTable .DlvTerm (Procurement and sourcing)
312DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSOrder .dlvTerm (Inventory and warehouse management)
313DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSPickingList_OrderPickTmp .DeliveryTerms (Inventory and warehouse management)
314DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    WMSPickingRoute .DlvTermId (Inventory and warehouse management)
315ECPCustSignUp .SignUpId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustUserRequest .CustSignUpID (Procurement and sourcing)
316ECPCustSignUp .SignUpId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesBasket .ECPCustSignUpId (Procurement and sourcing)
317ExtCodeTable .Pky?, .ExtCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .Fky?, .AgreementClassificationExtCodeId (AIF)
318ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .CountryRegionExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
319ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .CountyExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
320ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .CurrencyExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
321ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .CustAccountExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
322ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .DlvModeExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
323ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .DlvTermExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
324ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .InventLocationExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
325ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .ItemExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
326ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .MarkupExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
327ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .ReturnDispCodeExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
328ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .ReturnReasonCodeExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
329ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .StateExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
330ExtCodeTable .Pky?, .ExtCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .Fky?, .TaxExtCodeId (AIF)
331ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .UnitExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
332ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .VendAccountExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
333ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndpointActionValueMap .ZipCodeExtCodeId, .Fky? (AIF)
334ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AifEndPointActionValueMapExt_RU .InventProfileExtCodeId, .Fky? (Global financial management - Russia)
335ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId, .ExtCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeValueTable .ExtCodeTableTableId, .ExtCodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
336IntercompanyActionPolicy .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    IntercompanyAgreementActionPolicy .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
337InterCompanyEndpointActionPolicy .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyEndpointActionPolicyTransfer .InterCompanyEndpointActionPolicy (Procurement and sourcing)
338InterCompanyInventDim .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyInventDim .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)
339InterCompanyInventDim .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyInventSum .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)
340InterCompanyInventSum .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyInventDim .SessionId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)
341InterCompanyInventSum .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyInventSum .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)
342InterCompanyTradingPartner .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    IntercompanyActionPolicy .IntercompanyTradingPartner (Procurement and sourcing)
343InterCompanyTradingPartner .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyEndpointActionPolicy .InterCompanyTradingPartner (Procurement and sourcing)
344InterCompanyTradingPartner .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyTradingRelation .InterCompanyTradingCustomer (Procurement and sourcing)
345InterCompanyTradingPartner .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyTradingRelation .InterCompanyTradingVendor (Procurement and sourcing)
346InterCompanyTradingPartner .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InterCompanyTradingValueMap .InterCompanyTradingPartner (Procurement and sourcing)
347InventOrderEntryDeadlineGroup .DeadlineGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .OrderEntryDeadlineGroupId (Sales and marketing)
348InventOrderEntryDeadlineGroup .DeadlineGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventOrderEntryDeadlineTable .DeadlineGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
349InventOrderEntryDeadlineGroup .DeadlineGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventSite .OrderEntryDeadlineGroupId (Inventory and warehouse management)
350InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPParameters .PromotionalProductGroupId, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
351InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPParameters .ShopTopNode, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
352InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPParameters .StartUpProductGroupId, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
353InventProductGroup .Pky?, .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPPresentation .Fky?, .RefId (Procurement and sourcing)
354InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupBOM .ParentProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
355InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupBOM .ChildProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
356InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupItem .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
357InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupItemMatching .GroupNodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
358InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupItemMatching .ItemNodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
359InventProductGroup .dataAreaId, .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchReqLineHistory .ProductGroupIdDataArea, .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
360InventProductGroupBOM .ChildProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroup .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)
361InventProductGroupItem .Pky?, .ItemId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ECPPresentation .Fky?, .RefId, .InventDimId (Procurement and sourcing)
362InventProductGroupItem .ProductGroupId, .InventDimId, .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupItem .ProductGroupId, .InventDimId, .ItemId (Procurement and sourcing)
363InventProductGroupItem .ProductGroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventProductGroupItemMatching .ItemNodeId (Procurement and sourcing)
364MarkupAutoTable .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoLine .TableRecId, .TableTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
365MarkupGroup .dataAreaId, .GroupId, .Module (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementHeaderDefault .MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId, .MiscChargeGroup, .MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule (Procurement and sourcing)
366MarkupGroup .dataAreaId, .GroupId, .Module (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    AgreementHeaderDefaultHistory .MiscChargeGroupDataAreaId, .MiscChargeGroup, .MiscChargeGroupApplicationModule (Procurement and sourcing)
367MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankAccountTable .NsfFeeMarkupGroupId, .Fky? (Cash and bank management)
368MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustTable .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Sales and marketing)
369MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DlvMode .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
370MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTableModule .MarkupGroupId, .Fky? (Inventory and warehouse management)
371MarkupGroup .Pky?, .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Procurement and sourcing)
372MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky?, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .DlvModeRelation, .Fky?, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
373MarkupGroup .Pky?, .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .ItemRelation (Procurement and sourcing)
374MarkupGroup .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoTable .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation (Procurement and sourcing)
375MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchRFQTable .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
376MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
377MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTable .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
378MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
379MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchTableHistory .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
380MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailMassUpdateWorksheetLine .Fky?, .Purch_MarkupGroupId (Retail)
381MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailMassUpdateWorksheetLine .Fky?, .Sales_MarkupGroupId (Retail)
382MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesQuotationTable .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
383MarkupGroup .GroupId, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .MarkupGroup, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
384MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    SalesTable .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
385MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoTable .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Accounts Payable)
386MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendRFQJour .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
387MarkupGroup .Pky?, .GroupId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendTable .Fky?, .MarkupGroup (Procurement and sourcing)
388MarkupMatchingTrans .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoLineMarkupMatchingTrans .RecId (Accounts Payable)
389MarkupMatchingTrans .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceInfoSubMarkupMatchingTrans .RecId (Accounts Payable)
390MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    BankLCImportCharge_SA .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
391MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    CustInvoiceMarkupTransTemplate .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Accounts Receivable)
392MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DOCommerceConfiguration .MarkupCode, .MarkupModuleType (Dynamics Online)
393MarkupTable .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    DoCommerceOnlineParameters .ChargeCodeRecId (Dynamics Online)
394MarkupTable .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeTable .ExtCodeTableId (Procurement and sourcing)
395MarkupTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ExtCodeValueTable .ExtCodeRelationTableId, .ExtCodeRelationRecId (Procurement and sourcing)
396MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    InventTable .Fky?, .MarkupCode_RU (Inventory and warehouse management)
397MarkupTable .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LanguageTxt .TxtTableId, .TxtRecId (General ledger)
398MarkupTable .ModuleType, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    LedgerJournalTransBankLC .ModuleType_SA, .MarkupCode_SA (General ledger)
399MarkupTable .ModuleType, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupAutoLine .ModuleType, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)
400MarkupTable .Pky?, .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupCustPosting_RU .Fky?, .Fky?, .MarkupRelation (Global financial management - Russia)
401MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupDivisionTmp_IN .Fky?, .MarkupCode (Global financial management - Asia Pacific)
402MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .Pky?, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupDlvTermConnection_RU .MarkupCode, .Fky?, .Fky? (Global financial management - Russia)
403MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpDetails .Fky?, .PurchMarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)
404MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpDetails .PurchParmMarkupCode, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
405MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpMaxAmountValidation .Fky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)
406MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTmpTotals .PurchParmMarkupCode, .Fky? (Procurement and sourcing)
407MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTolerance .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)
408MarkupTable .ModuleType, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTrans .ModuleType, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)
409MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    MarkupTransHistory .MarkupCode, .ModuleType (Procurement and sourcing)
410MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLine_W .Fky?, .MarkupCode_RU (Global financial management - _W)
411MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    PurchLineHistory_W .Fky?, .MarkupCode_RU (Global financial management - _W)
412MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailParameters .Fky?, .CancellationChargeCode (Retail)
413MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    RetailParameters .Fky?, .ShippingChargeCode (Retail)
414MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCompany .Fky?, .AncillaryCharge (Inventory and warehouse management)
415MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCompany .Fky?, .CoreCharge (Inventory and warehouse management)
416MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCompany .Fky?, .FuelSurchage (Inventory and warehouse management)
417MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    ShipCarrierCompany .Fky?, .HandlingCharge (Inventory and warehouse management)
418MarkupTable .MarkupCode, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    TmpFormLookUp .MarkupCode_RU, .Fky? (Client)
419MarkupTable .Pky?, .MarkupCode (Procurement and sourcing)     <‑‑‑    VendInvoiceTrans .Fky?, .MarkupCode_RU (Accounts Payable)

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