Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Child-Parents: Global financial management - Western Europe

Module: Global financial management - Western Europe

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Row-num Child-table-name Foreign-key-columns Module-of-child-table Arrow-to-parent Parent-table-name Primary-key-columns Module-of-parent-table
1AddressCountryRegionBLWI .AddressCountryRegionGroupBLWI (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AddressCountryRegionGroupBLWI .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
2AddressCountryRegionBLWI .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
3AddressZipCodeImportLog_NL .UserId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
4AssetOverviewTmpBE .GroupId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AssetGroup .GroupId (Fixed assets)
5AssetOverviewTmpBE .AssetId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AssetTable .AssetId (Fixed assets)
6AssetParametersDeprRates_DE .AssetParameters (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AssetParameters .Key (Fixed assets)
7BankCodaAccountStatement .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
8BankCodaAccountStatement .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaAccountTable .AccountID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
9BankCodaAccountStatement .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
10BankCodaAccountStatementLines .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
11BankCodaAccountStatementLines .StatementDate, .AccountStatementNum, .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaAccountStatement .AccountStatementDate, .AccountStatementNum, .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
12BankCodaAccountStatementLines .RefRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaAccountStatementLines .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
13BankCodaAccountStatementLines .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaAccountTable .AccountID (Global financial management - Western Europe)
14BankCodaAccountStatementLines .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTrans .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
15BankCodaAccountStatementLines .TransactionCategory, .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTransCategory .TransactionCategory, .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
16BankCodaAccountStatementLines .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTransFamily .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
17BankCodaAccountStatementLines .OrigCurrency (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
18BankCodaAccountStatementLines .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
19BankCodaAccountStatementLines .TableId, .RecId, .dataAreaId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    SpecTrans .SpecTableId, .SpecRecId, .SpecCompany (Financial management)
20BankCodaAccountStatementLines .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
21BankCodaAccountStatementLines .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
22BankCodaAccountTable .AccountID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
23BankCodaAccountTable .Fky?, .CodaJournalName (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalName .Pky?, .JournalName (General ledger)
24BankCodaDetailsTmp .AccountCurrency (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
25BankCodaParameters .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
26BankCodaParameters .LossLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
27BankCodaParameters .ProfitLedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
28BankCodaParameters .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
29BankCodaParameters .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
30BankCodaTrans .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTransFamily .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
31BankCodaTransCategory .TransactionFamily, .Transaction (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTrans .TransactionFamily, .Transaction (Global financial management - Western Europe)
32BankCodaTransDefTable .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
33BankCodaTransDefTable .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTrans .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
34BankCodaTransDefTable .TransactionCategory, .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTransCategory .TransactionCategory, .Transaction, .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
35BankCodaTransDefTable .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCodaTransFamily .TransactionFamily (Global financial management - Western Europe)
36BankCodaTransDefTable .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
37BankCodaTransDefTable .TaxGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxGroupHeading .TaxGroup (Tax)
38BankCodaTransDefTable .TaxItemGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxItemGroupHeading .TaxItemGroup (Tax)
39BankCustPaymModeBankAccounts .BankAccountID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
40BankCustPaymModeBankAccounts .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
41BankCustPaymModeBankAccounts .PaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
42BankCustPaymModeBankAccounts .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
43BankFileArchParameters .BankFileArchFileTypeTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankFileArchFileTypeTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
44BankFileArchTable .BankFileArchFileTypeTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankFileArchFileTypeTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
45BankIBSLog_BE .BankAccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
46BankIBSLogArchive_BE .BankAccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
47BankPaymBalanceSurveyPaymCodes .BankCentralBankPurposeCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCentralBankPurpose .Code (Cash and bank management)
48BankPaymBalanceSurveyPaymCodes .BankPaymBalanceSurvey (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankPaymBalanceSurvey .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
49BankState11 .BankAccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
50BankTmpState11 .BankCentralBankPurposeCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankCentralBankPurpose .Code (Cash and bank management)
51BankVendPaymModeBankAccounts .BankAccountID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
52BankVendPaymModeBankAccounts .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
53BankVendPaymModeBankAccounts .DefaultDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueSet .RecId (General ledger)
54BankVendPaymModeBankAccounts .PaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Payable)
55BlackListTable_IT .HcmWorker (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
56BlackListTable_IT .BirthProvince (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyCode_IT (Sales and marketing)
57BlackListTable_IT .ResidenceProvince (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyCode_IT (Sales and marketing)
58BlackListTransTable_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BlackListTable_IT .ReportId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
59BlackListTransTable_IT .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustInvoiceTrans .RecId, .TableId (Accounts Receivable)
60BlackListTransTable_IT .Fky?, .CustVendAC (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
61BlackListTransTable_IT .RefRecId, .RefTableId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    MarkupTrans .RecId, .TableId (Procurement and sourcing)
62BlackListTransTable_IT .RefTableId, .RefRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxTrans .TableId, .RecId (Tax)
63BlackListTransTable_IT .Fky?, .CustVendAC (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
64ChequeTmp_FR .AccountId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
65ChequeTmp_FR .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
66CurrencyBLWI .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
67CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustBillOfExchangeJour_BillOfExchangeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustBillOfExchangeJour .BillOfExchangeId (Accounts Receivable)
68CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustBillOfExchangeTrans_BillOfExchangeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustBillOfExchangeJour .BillOfExchangeId (Accounts Receivable)
69CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustTrans_BillOfExchangeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustBillOfExchangeJour .BillOfExchangeId (Accounts Receivable)
70CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustTrans_PostingProfile (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Receivable)
71CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustTrans_PaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
72CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustBillOfExchangeJour_CustAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
73CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustBillOfExchangeTrans_CustAccount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
74CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES .CustTrans_AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
75CustEgiroFtxAnalyse .LedgerDimension (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DimensionAttributeValueCombination .RecId (General ledger)
76CustEgiroSegmentTrans .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalTrans .RecId (General ledger)
77CustEinvoiceHeader .Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceDatasource .Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)
78CustEinvoiceHeader .CustEinvoiceTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
79CustEinvoiceIntegration .CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
80CustEinvoiceIntegration .IntTableId, .IntRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .TableId, .RecId (Sales and marketing)
81CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg .CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
82CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg .FromPaymSpec, .FromPaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeSpec .Specification, .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
83CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg .ToPaymSpec, .ToPaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeSpec .Specification, .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
84CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg .FromPaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
85CustEinvoiceIntegrationPaymModeChg .ToPaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
86CustEinvoiceIntegrationTrans .BankFileArchTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankFileArchTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
87CustEinvoiceIntegrationTrans .IntRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceIntegration .IntRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
88CustEinvoiceIntegrationTrans .CustEinvoiceIntegrationError (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceIntegrationError .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
89CustEinvoiceIntegrationTrans .CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceIntegrationTypeTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
90CustEinvoiceLines .Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceDatasource .Table (Global financial management - Western Europe)
91CustEinvoiceLines .CustEinvoiceTable (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustEinvoiceTable .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
92CustEinvoiceTable .Fky?, .Query (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UtilElements .Pky?, .name (Unknown module)
93CustInPaymTmpNO .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
94CustInPaymTmpSE .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
95CustInPaymTmpSE .CurrencyCodeValue (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
96CustInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES .BillOfExchangeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustBillOfExchangeJour .BillOfExchangeId (Accounts Receivable)
97CustInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES .PostingProfile (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustLedger .PostingProfile (Accounts Receivable)
98CustInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES .PaymMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPaymModeTable .PaymMode (Accounts Receivable)
99CustInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
100CustOutAttendingNoteATTmp_EDIFACT .BankCurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
101CustOutAttendingNoteATTmp_EDIFACT .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
102CustOutPaymOrderCHTmp_LSV .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
103CustPaymDates_BE .JournalNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LedgerJournalTable .JournalNum (General ledger)
104CustTransOpenTmp_ES .Bank (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    BankAccountTable .AccountID (Cash and bank management)
105CustTransOpenTmp_ES .BillOfExchangeID (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustBillOfExchangeJour .BillOfExchangeId (Accounts Receivable)
106CustTransOpenTmp_ES .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
107EUSalesList .AccountNum, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .AccountNum, .Pky? (Sales and marketing)
108EUSalesList .OriginalRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesList .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
109EUSalesList .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
110EUSalesList .AccountNum, .Fky? (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .AccountNum, .Pky? (Procurement and sourcing)
111EUSalesListReportingAmountSource .EUSalesList (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesList .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
112EUSalesListReportingAmountSource .EUSalesListReportingLineAmount (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesListReportingLineAmount .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
113EUSalesListReportingGroup .EUSalesListReportingHeader (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesListReportingHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
114EUSalesListReportingHeader .LegalEntity (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
115EUSalesListReportingHeader .ContactPersonId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    ContactPerson .ContactPersonId (Sales and marketing)
116EUSalesListReportingHeader .HcmWorkerRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
117EUSalesListReportingHeader .LogisticsPostalAddressAlternate (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsPostalAddress .RecId (Sales and marketing)
118EUSalesListReportingHeader .TaxAuthority (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxAuthorityAddress .TaxAuthority (Tax)
119EUSalesListReportingHeader .TaxIntraCommTable_NL (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxIntraCommTable_NL .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
120EUSalesListReportingLine .EUSalesListReportingGroup (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesListReportingGroup .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
121EUSalesListReportingLine .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
122EUSalesListReportingLineAmount .EUSalesListReportingLine (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EUSalesListReportingLine .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
123Intrastat .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
124Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustInvoiceTrans .TableId, .RecId (Accounts Receivable)
125Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustPackingSlipTrans .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
126Intrastat .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CustTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Sales and marketing)
127Intrastat .DlvMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DlvMode .Code (Procurement and sourcing)
128Intrastat .DlvTerm (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)
129Intrastat .Category (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    EcoResCategory .RecId (Retail)
130Intrastat .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
131Intrastat .Port (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatPort .PortId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
132Intrastat .IntrastatSpecMove_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatSpecMovement_CZ .SpecialMovement_CZ (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
133Intrastat .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
134Intrastat .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
135Intrastat .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
136Intrastat .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
137Intrastat .InventTransId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTransOrigin .InventTransId (Inventory and warehouse management)
138Intrastat .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
139Intrastat .SendReceiveCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
140Intrastat .OrigCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
141Intrastat .NGPCodesTable_FR (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NGPCodesTable_FR .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
142Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    ProjInvoiceItem .TableId, .RecId (Project management and accounting)
143Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceJour .TableId, .RecId (Accounts Payable)
144Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendInvoiceTrans .TableId, .RecId (Accounts Payable)
145Intrastat .TransTableId, .TransRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendPackingSlipTrans .TableId, .RecId (Procurement and sourcing)
146Intrastat .Fky?, .AccountNum (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    VendTable .Pky?, .AccountNum (Procurement and sourcing)
147IntrastatArchiveDetail .IntrastatArchiveGeneral (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatArchiveGeneral .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
148IntrastatArchiveDetail .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
149IntrastatArchiveDetail .ItemId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    InventTable .ItemId (Inventory and warehouse management)
150IntrastatArchiveGeneral .UserId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    UserInfo .id (Unknown module)
151IntrastatCountryRegionParameters .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
152IntrastatCountryRegionParameters .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
153IntrastatFormLetterListTmp .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
154IntrastatFormLetterListTmp .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
155IntrastatFormLetterListTmp .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
156IntrastatFormLetterListTmp .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
157IntrastatFormLetterListTmp .CountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
158IntrastatFormLetterTmpFI .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
159IntrastatFormLetterTmpFI .IntrastatBusinessCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
160IntrastatFormLetterTmpFI .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
161IntrastatFormLetterTmpFI .OrigCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
162IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
163IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
164IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
165IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
166IntrastatFormLetterTmpFR .NGPCodesTable_FR (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    NGPCodesTable_FR .NGPCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
167IntrastatFormLetterTmpSE .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
168IntrastatFormLetterTmpSE .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
169IntrastatFormLetterTmpSE .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
170IntrastatListTmpUK .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
171IntrastatListTmpUK .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
172IntrastatListTmpUK .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
173IntrastatListTmpUK .CompanyCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
174IntrastatParameters .EUSalesListXsltId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AifXsltRepository .XsltId (AIF)
175IntrastatParameters .IntrastatXsltId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    AifXsltRepository .XsltId (AIF)
176IntrastatParameters .LegalEntityRecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    CompanyInfo .RecId (General ledger)
177IntrastatParameters .DlvTermParm (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    DlvTerm .Code (Procurement and sourcing)
178IntrastatParameters .IntrastatExchRateType (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    ExchangeRateType .Name (General ledger)
179IntrastatParameters .AuthorizedBy_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
180IntrastatParameters .FilledBy (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
181IntrastatParameters .IntrastatContactWorker (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    HcmWorker .RecId (Human resources)
182IntrastatParameters .ItemCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
183IntrastatParameters .PortParm (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatPort .PortId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
184IntrastatParameters .SpecificMovement_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatSpecMovement_CZ .SpecialMovement_CZ (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
185IntrastatParameters .StatProcIdParm (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
186IntrastatParameters .DefaultCreditNote (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
187IntrastatParameters .DefaultSalePurchase (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
188IntrastatParameters .TransportModeParm (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
189IntrastatParameters .CountyOrigDest (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCounty .CountyId (Sales and marketing)
190IntrastatParameters .AgentLocation (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
191IntrastatParameters .Location (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsLocation .RecId (Sales and marketing)
192IntrastatParameters .TaxAuthority_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    TaxAuthorityAddress .TaxAuthority (Tax)
193IntrastatPort .CountryRegionId_HU (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)
194IntrastatPort .PortState_BR (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressState .StateId (Sales and marketing)
195IntrastatReportHeader .CurrencyCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    Currency .CurrencyCode (General ledger)
196IntrastatReportHeader .CompanyZipCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressZipCode .ZipCode (Sales and marketing)
197IntrastatReportLines .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatItemCode .ItemCodeId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
198IntrastatReportLines .HeaderId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatReportHeader .RecId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
199IntrastatReportLines .IntrastatSpecMove_CZ (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatSpecMovement_CZ .SpecialMovement_CZ (Global financial management - Eastern Europe)
200IntrastatReportLines .ItemCodeId, .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatStatProc .ItemCode_CZ, .StatProcId (Global financial management - Western Europe)
201IntrastatReportLines .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransactionCode .TransactionCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
202IntrastatReportLines .TransportMode (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    IntrastatTransportMode .TransPortCode (Global financial management - Western Europe)
203IntrastatReportLines .SendReceiveCountryRegionId (Global financial management - Western Europe)     ‑‑‑>    LogisticsAddressCountryRegion .CountryRegionId (Sales and marketing)

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