How to Utilize NDepend to Improve Code Quality

When writing code there is many times when developers have to make a choice between the 'easy route' and the 'correct route'. The decisions made while writing code can have huge impacts down the road about code readability, maintainability, and extensibility. When...

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Creating a Custom Digital Business Card

I've noticed recently (at least pre-COVID) that there was a trend to try and start to revamp the business card to be more digitally focused. There are so many superior ways to share information than a business card but we are still stuck using that in most business...

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Don’t Await Non-Awaitable Events

Recently ran into an issue that I know I'm not the first to run into and definitely won't be the last that involved an awaitable async process in a .NET project that I thought was worthy of at least a blog post so someone else doesn't spend the amount of time I did...

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Conditional JOINS in Microsoft T-SQL

If you have used Microsoft T-SQL at all you have undoubtedly used JOINS to connect multiple tables based on a common key value. You have probably also used the CASE statement functionality in your SELECT to conditionally change the output based on a set of parameters....

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