1 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.CategoryType, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.CategoryType, .ParentRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
2 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseDetailBase |
.CategoryRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
3 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | Hierarchy |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Project management and accounting) |
4 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmKACaseActivity |
.CategoryRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
5 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmKACategoryRelation |
.CategoryRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
6 | CaseCategoryHierarchyDetail |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
7 | CaseDetail |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
8 | CaseDetail |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | Hierarchy |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Project management and accounting) |
9 | CaseDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAServiceLevelAgreementLogTable |
.RefRecId |
(Service management) |
10 | CaseDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAServiceLevelAgreementReason |
.RefRecId |
(Service management) |
11 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AuditPolicyRuleViolation |
.CaseDetailBase |
(Compliance and internal controls) |
12 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseAssociation |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
13 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseDependency |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
14 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseDependency |
.ParentCaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
15 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseDetail |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
16 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseLog |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
17 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseWebDetail |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
18 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionsCaseDetail |
.RecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
19 | CaseDetailBase |
.Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmActivityParentLinkTable |
.Fky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
20 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmActivityParentLinkTable |
.RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
21 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmKACaseActivity |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
22 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmKACaseRelation |
.CaseRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
23 | CaseDetailBase |
.CaseId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmPhoneLog |
.CaseId |
(Sales and marketing) |
24 | CaseDetailBase |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
25 | CaseDetailBase |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTransLog |
.RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
26 | CaseDetailBase |
.CaseId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTransLog |
.RefNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
27 | CaseDetailBase |
.TableId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTransLog |
.RefTableId |
(Sales and marketing) |
28 | ContactPerson |
.dataAreaId, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AgreementHeaderDefault |
.ContactPersonDataAreaId, .ContactPerson |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
29 | ContactPerson |
.dataAreaId, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AgreementHeaderDefaultHistory |
.ContactPersonDataAreaId, .ContactPerson |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
30 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseDetailBase |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
31 | ContactPerson |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CatExternalCatalog |
.ContactPerson |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
32 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonParentId |
(Sales and marketing) |
33 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionsContact |
.ContactPersonId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
34 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceJour |
.ContactPersonId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
35 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
36 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPackingSlipJour |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
37 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
38 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
39 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzVendAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
40 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DirOrgPersonRelations |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
41 | ContactPerson |
.RecId, .TableId, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DocuRef |
.RefRecId, .RefTableId, .RefCompanyId |
(Client) |
42 | ContactPerson |
.dataAreaId, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .ContactPersonId |
(Client) |
43 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EUSalesListReportingHeader |
.ContactPersonId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
44 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventProdComParameters |
.ContactPersonIdExt |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
45 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventProdComParameters |
.ContactPersonId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
46 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTestCertOfAnalysisTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
47 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId, .Pky?, .CustAccount |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferTable |
.Driver_RU, .Fky?, .CarrierCode_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
48 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferTable |
.Driver_RU, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
49 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId, .dataAreaId, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerJournalTrans |
.RCashDocRepresPersonId, .OffsetCompany, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(General ledger) |
50 | ContactPerson |
.dataAreaId, .Pky?, .Pky?, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerJournalTrans |
.OffsetCompany, .Fky?, .Fky?, .RCashDocRepresPersonId |
(General ledger) |
51 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjFundingSource |
.ContactPersonId |
(Project management and accounting) |
52 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchRFQTable |
.ContactPerson |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
53 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchRFQVendLink |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
54 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
55 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchTableHistory |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
56 | ContactPerson |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RCashTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .DocRepresPersonId |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
57 | ContactPerson |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RCashTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .DocRepresPersonId |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
58 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesBasket |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
59 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
60 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationBasket |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
61 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
62 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
63 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAAgreementTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Service management) |
64 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAServiceOrderTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Service management) |
65 | ContactPerson |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmActivityParentLinkTable |
.Fky?, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
66 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignResponsesQuest |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
67 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignSelection |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
68 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignSelectionResult |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
69 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignTempSelection |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
70 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmContactInterest |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
71 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmContactPersonSynchronize |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
72 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmContactPersonSynchronizeFieldMapping |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
73 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmEmailMembers |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
74 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmMailings |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
75 | ContactPerson |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmNoteItTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
76 | ContactPerson |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmOpportunityRelTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
77 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmPhoneLog |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
78 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTMCallListTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
79 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTMContactResponses |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
80 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTmpOutlookContacts |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
81 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTransLog |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
82 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendRFQJour |
.ContactPerson |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
83 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendTable |
.ContactPersonId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
84 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSShipment |
.Driver_RU, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
85 | ContactPerson |
.ContactPersonId, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSShipment |
.Driver_RU, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
86 | CustStatisticsGroup |
.CustStatisticsGroup |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTable |
.StatisticsGroup |
(Sales and marketing) |
87 | CustStatisticsGroup |
.CustStatisticsGroup |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesOrderEntryStatistics |
.StatisticsGroup |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
88 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AssetBook |
.CustAccount |
(Fixed assets) |
89 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AssetBookMerge |
.CustAccount |
(Fixed assets) |
90 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | AssetDepBook |
.CustAccount |
(Fixed assets) |
91 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankBillOfExchangeTable |
.BeneficiaryAccountNum |
(Cash and bank management) |
92 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankChequeReprints |
.Fky?, .RecipientAccountNum |
(Cash and bank management) |
93 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankChequeTable |
.Fky?, .RecipientAccountNum |
(Cash and bank management) |
94 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankClientOutPaymentLog_RU |
.Fky?, .CustVendAC |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
95 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankClientPayment_RU |
.CustVendAC, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
96 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankDeposit |
.CustAccount |
(Cash and bank management) |
97 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankDepositByCustomerTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Cash and bank management) |
98 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankDepositByDateTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Cash and bank management) |
99 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankLCExport |
.CustTable |
(Cash and bank management) |
100 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BankPaymAdviceChequeTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Cash and bank management) |
101 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BlackListTransTable_IT |
.Fky?, .CustVendAC |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
102 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | BusinessStatisticsData |
.CustAccount |
(General ledger) |
103 | CustTable |
.RecId, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CaseAssociation |
.RefRecId, .Fky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
104 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CommissionCalc |
.Fky?, .CustomerRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
105 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ContactPerson |
.ContactForParty |
(Sales and marketing) |
106 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ContactPerson |
.CustAccount |
(Sales and marketing) |
107 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CreditCardCust |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
108 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAccountStatementExtTmp |
.CustTable_AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
109 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAccountStatementExtTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
110 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAging |
.CustTable |
(Accounts Receivable) |
111 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAgingAnalysisofPaymentTmp_CN |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
112 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAgingReportTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
113 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAuditorTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
114 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustAuditorTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
115 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBalanceListTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
116 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBalanceListTmp_MY |
.CustTable_AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
117 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBankAccount |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
118 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeInvoice |
.RecipientAccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
119 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeInvoice |
.InvoiceAccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
120 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeJour |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
121 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES |
.CustBillOfExchangeJour_CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
122 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES |
.CustBillOfExchangeTrans_CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
123 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeOpenTransTmp_ES |
.CustTrans_AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
124 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeReportTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
125 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeReportTmp |
.InvoiceAccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
126 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustBillOfExchangeTrans |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
127 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionJourTmp |
.CustCollectionLetterJour_AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
128 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionLetterJour |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
129 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionletterTmp_CN |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
130 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionLetterTrans |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
131 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustCollectionsContact |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
132 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustConfirmJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
133 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustConfirmJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
134 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustConfirmSalesLink |
.invoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
135 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustConfirmSalesLink |
.orderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
136 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustConsInvoice_JP |
.CustTable |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
137 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustDefaultLocation |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
138 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustDueAmountAnalysisTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
139 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustDueAmountAnalysisTmp_CN |
.CustRange |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
140 | CustTable |
.CustGroup, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustDueReportDetailTmp |
.CustGroup, .AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
141 | CustTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustEinvoiceIntegration |
.IntTableId, .IntRecId |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
142 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustExchRateAdjSimulationTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
143 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustFiscalDocumentType_BR |
.Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
144 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInterestJour |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
145 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInterestNoteTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
146 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoice4PaymJour_RU |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
147 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoice4PaymJour_RU |
.OrderAccount |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
148 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
149 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
150 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceJour_RU |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
151 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceJourTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
152 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceSalesLink |
.invoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
153 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceSalesLink |
.orderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
154 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
155 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceSpecTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
156 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceSpecTmp |
.OrderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
157 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
158 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTable |
.OrderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
159 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTable |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Accounts Receivable) |
160 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
161 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustInvoiceTmp |
.OrderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
162 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustLedgerAccounts |
.Fky?, .Num |
(Accounts Receivable) |
163 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustLedgerTransTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
164 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustomJournalTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .PartnerCode |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
165 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustomsShippingBillJour_IN |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
166 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustomsShippingBillJour_IN |
.OrderAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
167 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustOutAttendingNote_BillRemittanceTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
168 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPackingSlipJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
169 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPackingSlipJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
170 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPackingSlipSalesLink |
.invoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
171 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPackingSlipSalesLink |
.orderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
172 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustParameters |
.DefaultCust |
(Accounts Receivable) |
173 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManFeeHist |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
174 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManFeeHistTmp |
.CustomerAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
175 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManParmTrans |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
176 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManStepPosting |
.Fky?, .CustRelation |
(Accounts Receivable) |
177 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManTrans |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
178 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManTransHist |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
179 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPaymManUnpaidTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
180 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPostPaymJournalTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
181 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustPrenote |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
182 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustProvisionalBalanceTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
183 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationConfirmJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
184 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationConfirmJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
185 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationConfirmSalesLink |
.invoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
186 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationConfirmSalesLink |
.orderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
187 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
188 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
189 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationSalesLink |
.invoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
190 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationSalesLink |
.orderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
191 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustReceivableBalanceTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
192 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustRecurrenceInvoice |
.CustTable |
(Accounts Receivable) |
193 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustSettlement |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
194 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustSettlement |
.OffsetAccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
195 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustSettlementTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
196 | CustTable |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustStatementDirTmp |
.CustRecId |
(Accounts Receivable) |
197 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTable |
.FactoringAccount |
(Sales and marketing) |
198 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Sales and marketing) |
199 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTmpAccountSum |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
200 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTrans |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
201 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTrans |
.LastSettleAccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
202 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTrans |
.OrderAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
203 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTransEPRemit_BR |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
204 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTransListTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
205 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTransOpen |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
206 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTransOpenPerDateTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
207 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTransOpenTmp_ES |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
208 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustTurnoverTmp_RU |
.CustomerAccount |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
209 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustUserRequest |
.CustomerAccountNumber, .CustomerDataAreaId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
210 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustVendExternalItem |
.Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
211 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustVendPaymProposalLine |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
212 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.FiscalInvoiceAccount_PL |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
213 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.FiscalOrderAccount_PL |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
214 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
215 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | CzCustAdvanceInvoiceTable |
.OrderAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
216 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DOCommerceConfiguration |
.CustomerTemplate |
(Dynamics Online) |
217 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | DocuRef |
.RefCompanyId, .RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Client) |
218 | CustTable |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EMSProcessRelation |
.RefRecId |
(Compliance and internal controls) |
219 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EPPriceCalc |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
220 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EUSalesList |
.AccountNum, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
221 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EximDBKSchemesTable_IN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
222 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | EximPorts_IN |
.DBKCustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
223 | CustTable |
.TableId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ExtCodeTable |
.ExtCodeTableId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
224 | CustTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ExtCodeValueTable |
.ExtCodeRelationTableId, .ExtCodeRelationRecId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
225 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJour_RU |
.CustVendInvoiceAccount, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
226 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJour_RU |
.Consignee |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
227 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJour_RU |
.CustVendInvoiceAccount, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
228 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJour_RU |
.CustVendInvoiceAccount, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
229 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJourHeader_RU |
.Buyer |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
230 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FactureJourHeader_RU |
.ConsigneeAccount |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
231 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | FiscalDocument_BR |
.Fky?, .FiscalDocumentAccountNum |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
232 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSales |
.CustAccountId |
(Manufacturing) |
233 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSalesItemTmp |
.CustAccountId |
(Manufacturing) |
234 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | GanttTmpSMA |
.CustAccount |
(Manufacturing) |
235 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | GiroReportTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Accounts Receivable) |
236 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | GiroReportTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
237 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | Intrastat |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
238 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventBaileeCalcSetup_RU |
.Fky?, .CustRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
239 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventConsignmentLocationTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
240 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemSalesAnalysisTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
241 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventLocation |
.CustAccount_BR |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
242 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventLocation |
.CustAccount_HU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
243 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventNonConformanceTable |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
244 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventOwner_RU |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
245 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
246 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
247 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
248 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
249 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
250 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
251 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
252 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
253 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
254 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
255 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
256 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventProdComLineDetail |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
257 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventQualityOrderTable |
.Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
258 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventSalesShipmentAnalysisTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
259 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventSalesShipmentDetailsTmp_CN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
260 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp |
.FSSQLCustAccountId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
261 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTestAssociationTable |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
262 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTestCertOfAnalysisTable |
.Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
263 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferParmTable |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
264 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferParmTable |
.Fky?, .TransportationPayer_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
265 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferTable |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
266 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTransferTable |
.Fky?, .TransportationPayer_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
267 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerJournalTrans |
.Company, .Fky?, .BankPrintAccountNum_RU |
(General ledger) |
268 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerJournalTrans |
.RCashDocRepresPersonId, .Fky? |
(General ledger) |
269 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerRevenueActivityTmp_SA |
.Customer |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
270 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | LvPaymentOrderInfo |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
271 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | MarkupAutoTable |
.Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
272 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | MarkupCustPosting_RU |
.Fky?, .CustRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
273 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.CustVendRelation, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
274 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
275 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
276 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
277 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
278 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
279 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
280 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
281 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
282 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTable_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
283 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
284 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
285 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
286 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
287 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
288 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | OfficialsTrans_RU |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .CustVendRelation |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
289 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBADefault |
.Fky?, .CustRelation |
(Manufacturing) |
290 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsBatchAttribByItemCustomer |
.PdsBatchAttribAccountRelation, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
291 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsComdPricingTemplateLine |
.Fky?, .MarginAccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
292 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsCustSellableDays |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
293 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsMRCCustomerHistory |
.Customer |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
294 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsRebateAgreement |
.Fky?, .PdsCustRebateRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
295 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PlInventPackageDepositReportTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
296 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PlInventPackageDepositReturnReportTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
297 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PlInventPackageReturn |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
298 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PlInventPackageTrans |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Eastern Europe) |
299 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PriceDiscAdmTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
300 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PriceDiscSalesLineTmpPrintout |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
301 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PriceDiscTable |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
302 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PriceDiscTmpPrintout |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
303 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PrintMgmtDocInstance |
.Fky?, .ReferencedRecId |
(Financial management) |
304 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PrintoutTable_RU |
.CustVendAccount, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
305 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjBudgetRevision |
.RequestedByCust |
(Project management and accounting) |
306 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjCostPriceExpense |
.PSACustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
307 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjCostSalesPrice |
.PSACustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
308 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjExpPolicies |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
309 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjFundingSource |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
310 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjGrant |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
311 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjHourCostPrice |
.PSACustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
312 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjHourSalesPrice |
.PSACustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
313 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjInvoiceJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
314 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjInvoiceJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
315 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjInvoiceLocalizationTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
316 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjInvoiceParmTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
317 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjInvoiceTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
318 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjProposalItem |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
319 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjProposalJour |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
320 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjProposalJour |
.OrderAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
321 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjRevenueSalesPrice |
.PSACustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
322 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjTable |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
323 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAActivityGroupForHierarchy |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
324 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAComponentGroupAssignment |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
325 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAContractLineInvoiceTmp |
.CustAccountExt |
(Project management and accounting) |
326 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAContractLinePaymentInvoices |
.Account |
(Project management and accounting) |
327 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSACustomerRetentionTermTable |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
328 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSACustomerRetentionTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
329 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSACustomerRetentionTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
330 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSACustRetentionReleaseInvoiceTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
331 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSACustRetentionReleaseInvoiceTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
332 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAManageInvoiceBRTmp |
.CustAccountExt |
(Project management and accounting) |
333 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAManageInvoiceTmp |
.CustAccountExt |
(Project management and accounting) |
334 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSAProjInvoiceHeaderTmp |
.CustAccountNum |
(Project management and accounting) |
335 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSATmpProjProposalSummary |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
336 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSATmpProjProposalTrans |
.CustAccount |
(Project management and accounting) |
337 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchTableHistory_RU |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
338 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RAssetTable |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
339 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RCashTrans |
.Fky?, .DocRepresPersonId |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
340 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RCSalesList_UK |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
341 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailChannelTable |
.DefaultCustDataAreaId, .DefaultCustAccount |
(Retail) |
342 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailConcessionContractTable |
.CustAccount |
(Retail) |
343 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailConsessionPartPayment |
.CustAccount |
(Retail) |
344 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailConsessionSettlementTable |
.CustAccount |
(Retail) |
345 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailCustTable |
.accountNum |
(Retail) |
346 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailInfocodeTableSpecific |
.Fky?, .refRelation |
(Retail) |
347 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailLoyaltyCustTable |
.accountNum |
(Retail) |
348 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailLoyaltyMSRCardTrans |
.accountNum |
(Retail) |
349 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailPubRetailChannelTable |
.DefaultCustDataAreaId, .DefaultCustAccount |
(Retail) |
350 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailTMPTransactionSalesTrans |
.custAccount |
(Retail) |
351 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailTransactionSalesTrans |
.custAccount |
(Retail) |
352 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailTransactionTable |
.custAccount |
(Retail) |
353 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ReturnAcknowledgmentAndDocumentTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
354 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | RTax25TmpInventoryActLine |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
355 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesAgreementHeader |
.CustomerDataAreaId, .CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
356 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesAgreementHeaderDefault |
.CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId, .CustomerInvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
357 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesAgreementHeaderDefaultHistory |
.CustomerInvoiceAccountDataAreaId, .CustomerInvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
358 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesAgreementHeaderHistory |
.CustomerDataAreaId, .CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
359 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesBasket |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
360 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesBookTrans_RU |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
361 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesBookVATProcessLogTrans_RU |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
362 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader |
.CustTable |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
363 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesCreateReleaseOrderLineTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
364 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
365 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesInvoicePaymentStubTmp |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
366 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesJournalAutoSummary |
.Fky?, .CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
367 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesLine |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
368 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesNotInvoicedTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
369 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesOrderEntryStatistics |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
370 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesOrderEntryStatisticsTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
371 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesPackingSlipHeaderTmp |
.OrderAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
372 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmLine |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
373 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmLine |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
374 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmTable |
.Fky?, .BOLCarrierCode_RU |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
375 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
376 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmTable |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
377 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesParmTable |
.Fky?, .TransportationPayer_RU |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
378 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationBasket |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
379 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationLine |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
380 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .dataAreaId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationLine |
.Fky?, .OffsetCompany |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
381 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationParmLine |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
382 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationParmLine |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
383 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationParmTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
384 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationParmTable |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
385 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
386 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationTable |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
387 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesTable |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
388 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesTable |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
389 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesTableDelete |
.InvoiceAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
390 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesTableDelete |
.CustAccount |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
391 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ShipCarrierAddress |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
392 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | ShipCarrierShippingRequest |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
393 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAServiceOrderTable |
.CustAccount |
(Service management) |
394 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMAWorkNoteTmp |
.OTCustAccount |
(Service management) |
395 | CustTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmActivityParentLinkTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
396 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmBusRelRevenue |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
397 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmBusRelSectorTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
398 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmBusRelTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
399 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignResponsesQuest |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
400 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCampaignSelection |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
401 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmConvertedBusRel |
.CustAccount |
(Sales and marketing) |
402 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmCustRevenueTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
403 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmLeadTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
404 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmMailings |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
405 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmOpportunityTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
406 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmPhoneLog |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
407 | CustTable |
.TableId, .RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmResponsibilitiesEmplTable |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
408 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmSalesRankingTmp |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
409 | CustTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTMCallListTable |
.Party |
(Sales and marketing) |
410 | CustTable |
.TableId, .RecId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | smmTransLog |
.RefTableId, .RefRecId, .RefNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
411 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .RecId, .TableId |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SpecTrans |
.SpecCompany, .SpecRecId, .SpecTableId |
(Financial management) |
412 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | SuppItemTable |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
413 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxesMatrix_BR |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
414 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxFiscalDocument_BR |
.AccountNum, .Fky? |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
415 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxInformationCustTable_IN |
.CustTable |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
416 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxReportAlandImportTmp_FI |
.Buyer |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
417 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxReportDomesticThresholdBase_IT |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
418 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxReportDomesticTrans_IT |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
419 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxReportLines |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
420 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxSalesLedgerTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
421 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxTmpImportAland_FI |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
422 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxTrans_IN |
.Customer |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
423 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdCertificateTmpCommonInfo |
.FromCustAccount |
(Tax) |
424 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdCertificateTmpCommonInfo |
.ToCustAccount |
(Tax) |
425 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdConcessionCertTable_IN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
426 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdDeducteeDetail_IN |
.DeducteeNumber |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
427 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdTrans |
.CustAccount |
(Tax) |
428 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TaxWithholdTrans_IN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
429 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpBankBillOfExchangePrintout |
.CustAccount |
(Cash and bank management) |
430 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpBankClientOutPayment_RU |
.Fky?, .CustVendAC |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
431 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpCostAllocationBase_RU |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
432 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpCustVendVolume |
.AccountNum |
(Public Sector SL1) |
433 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpFiscalReference_BR |
.Fky?, .FiscalDocumentAccountNumRef |
(Global financial management - Latin America) |
434 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpInventTransMark |
.Fky?, .CustVendAc |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
435 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .TableId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpLedgerBase |
.Fky?, .RecordTableId, .id |
(General ledger) |
436 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpPaymManOutputReport |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Payable) |
437 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpPriceDiscAdmSearch |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .AccountRelation |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
438 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpSalesBookVATProcessLogTrans_RU |
.AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
439 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | tmpSmmCustRevenuePeriod |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
440 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | tmpSmmSalesCustItemStatistics |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
441 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpTaxSalesLedger |
.CustAccount |
(Accounts Receivable) |
442 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpTaxWithholdTaxJournal_IN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
443 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpTaxWithholdTransInterCompany_IN |
.CustAccount |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
444 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpTransitDocumentDetailsHeader_IN |
.Fky?, .Account |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
445 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpWMSOrder |
.customer |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
446 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TradeBLWILines |
.Fky?, .AccountNum |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
447 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TransportationDocument |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode |
(Global financial management - Western Europe) |
448 | CustTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | TrvExpTable |
.ReferenceDataAreaId, .CustAccount |
(Travel and expense) |
449 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendExchRateAdjustmentTmp |
.CustAccountNumTrans |
(Accounts Payable) |
450 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendInvoiceInfoTable_RU |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Global financial management - Russia) |
451 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendInvoiceJour |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Accounts Payable) |
452 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | VendPackingSlipJour |
.ConsigneeAccount_RU |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
453 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSArrivalOverviewTmp |
.Fky?, .CustVendAC |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
454 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSBillOfLading |
.Fky?, .CarrierCode_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
455 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSBillOfLading |
.custAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
456 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSBillOfLading |
.Fky?, .TransportationPayer_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
457 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSBillOfLadingTmp |
.CustAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
458 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSJournalTable |
.vendAccount, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
459 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSJournalTrans |
.Fky?, .vendAccount |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
460 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSOrder |
.customer |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
461 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSOrderTrans |
.customer |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
462 | CustTable |
.AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSPickingRoute |
.customer |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
463 | CustTable |
.AccountNum, .Pky? |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSShipment |
.CarrierCode_RU, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
464 | CustTable |
.Pky?, .AccountNum |
(Sales and marketing) |
<‑‑‑ | WMSShipment |
.Fky?, .TransportationPayer_RU |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |