I had a comment on one of my blog posts that Microsoft had updated the functionality that existed to help create a read only role from the D365FO user interface so I wanted to show how much easier it is to perform this process now.

In my previous post, I showed how you had to manually manipulate an XML file and use regular expressions find/replace to achieve the desired security file to be imported. This is no longer required as Microsoft has included a an option to ‘select all’ objects within a security dialog.

To utilize this option:

1) Go to System Administration -> Security Configuration

2) Go to privileges and create a new privilege

3) Click on Display Menu Items then click on ‘Add References’

4) In the dialog that pops up, click on the check mark in the menu bar next to ‘Name’ (this selects all options in the dialog)

5) In the bottom of the dialog, select which permission you would like to apply across all selected items (in our case we would select the Grant option on Read)

6) Click OK

Once we publish this privilege, we can validate that this process was successful by selecting our privilege we just created and clicking on ‘View Permissions’:

While the process I wrote about in my initial post is still valid, I think we can all agree the process above is much easier.