How to Sign Up for Power Apps With Microsoft Account
The Power Platform is an extremely powerful and versatile solution for businesses. Normally to use Power Apps you need an Azure AD account (aka work account) but what if you want to sign up for Power Apps with a Microsoft account (aka a ‘non work account’)? Let’s look...
Things I Learned Working With D365BC Endpoints
I know a lot of my content is focused around D365FO but I also have started working with D365BC endpoints and wanted to give some things I ran into (and how I solved them) while developing external integrations. In my tests below I utilized Postman to query endpoints...
How to Connect Power BI to D365FO Service Operation Endpoint
In the past, I have written about connecting Power BI to a Custom API data source. Now I'd like to talk about connecting Power BI to a custom D365FO service operations endpoint. In this example, I am going to use the Fastpath Audit Trail service operation endpoints we...
How to Configure Power BI to Utilize a Custom API as a Data Source
This is the first post in a new blog category for D365 and the Power Platform, it will hopefully follow the same format as my D365FO blog. For the first post I wanted to take a look at Power BI and how to successfully create a connection to an API that requires...