Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
5801    SalesCODLabelTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5802    SalesComplementaryInvoiceHeader   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5803    SalesComplementaryInvoiceLine   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5804    SalesConfirmDetailsTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5805    SalesConfirmHeaderTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5806    SalesCreateReleaseOrderLineTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5807    SalesCreateReleaseOrderTableTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5808    SalesDeliverySchedule   :     Procurement and sourcing
5809    SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
5810    SalesInvoiceLocalizationTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
5811    SalesInvoicePaymentStubTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
5812    SalesInvoiceTmp   :     Accounts Receivable
5813    SalesInvoiceTmp_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5814    SalesJournalAutoSummary   :     Procurement and sourcing
5815    SalesLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5816    SalesLine_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5817    SalesLine_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5818    SalesLine_Intrastat   :     Procurement and sourcing
5819    SalesLineDelete   :     Procurement and sourcing
5820    SalesLineForeignTradeCategory   :     Procurement and sourcing
5821    SalesLinesExtendedTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5822    SalesNotInvoicedTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5823    SalesOrderEntryStatistics   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
5824    SalesOrderEntryStatisticsTmp   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
5825    SalesOrigin   :     Procurement and sourcing
5826    SalesPackageAppearance   :     Procurement and sourcing
5827    SalesPackingSlipDetailsTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5828    SalesPackingSlipHeaderTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5829    SalesPackingSlipPackageDetailTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5830    SalesParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
5831    SalesParmLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5832    SalesParmLineCorrLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
5833    SalesParmSubLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5834    SalesParmSubTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5835    SalesParmTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5836    SalesParmTableExtension_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5837    SalesParmUpdate   :     Procurement and sourcing
5838    SalesPeriodConfirmation_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
5839    SalesPool   :     Procurement and sourcing
5840    SalesPurchCycle   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
5841    SalesPurchInvoiceLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
5842    salespurchjournalline_in   :     Unknown module
5843    SalesPurchOperationType_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5844    SalesPurchParmSubLineLinkTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5845    SalesQuotationBasket   :     Procurement and sourcing
5846    SalesQuotationBasketLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5847    SalesQuotationDeliverySchedule   :     Procurement and sourcing
5848    SalesQuotationDetailsTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5849    SalesQuotationHeaderTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5850    SalesQuotationLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5851    SalesQuotationLineForeignTradeCategory   :     Procurement and sourcing
5852    SalesQuotationLineTaxExtensionIN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5853    SalesQuotationParmLine   :     Procurement and sourcing
5854    SalesQuotationParmSubTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5855    SalesQuotationParmTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5856    SalesQuotationParmUpdate   :     Procurement and sourcing
5857    SalesQuotationPriceSimTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5858    SalesQuotationTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5859    SalesQuotationTemplateGroup   :     Procurement and sourcing
5860    SalesQuotationTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5861    SalesQuotationToLineParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
5862    SalesQuotationTypeGroup   :     Procurement and sourcing
5863    SalesShippingLabelTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
5864    SalesShippingStat   :     Procurement and sourcing
5865    SalesShippingStatHistory   :     Procurement and sourcing
5866    SalesSummaryParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
5867    SalesTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
5868    SalesTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5869    SalesTable_Intrastat   :     Procurement and sourcing
5870    SalesTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
5871    SalesTable_W   :     Global financial management - _W
5872    SalesTable2LineParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
5873    SalesTableDelete   :     Procurement and sourcing
5874    SalesTableExtensionTH   :     Procurement and sourcing
5875    SalesTableLinks   :     Procurement and sourcing
5876    SalesTableSymbol   :     Procurement and sourcing
5877    SalesTaxFormTypes_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5878    SalesTaxInquiryTable_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5879    SalesTaxTotal_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5880    SalesTaxTransactionExchangeRate   :     Procurement and sourcing
5881    SalesTmpATP   :     Procurement and sourcing
5882    SalesTmpExportFactureProcessing_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
5883    SATAuthorizationNumber_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
5884    securityrole   :     Unknown module
5885    securityroleassignmentrule   :     Unknown module
5886    SecurityTest_AutoAuthz_T1   :     Server and Tools
5887    SecurityTest_AutoAuthz_T2   :     Server and Tools
5888    SecurityTestAutoAuthz   :     Server and Tools
5889    SecurityTestLe   :     Server and Tools
5890    SecurityTestLeOu   :     Server and Tools
5891    SecurityTestLeOuDateEffective   :     Server and Tools
5892    SecurityTestLeOuDateTimeEffective   :     Server and Tools
5893    SecurityTestOu   :     Server and Tools
5894    securityuserrole   :     Unknown module
5895    SecurityUserRoleDBTempTable   :     Server and Tools
5896    ServiceCodeTable_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5897    ServiceEventGroups_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5898    ServiceEvents_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5899    ServiceTariffNumber_PL   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
5900    ServiceTaxInquiryTable_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5901    ServiceTaxTotal_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5902    SharedCategory   :     General ledger
5903    SharedCategoryRoles   :     General ledger
5904    SharedCategoryRoleType   :     General ledger
5905    SharedTestTable1   :     General ledger
5906    SharedTestTable2   :     General ledger
5907    ShipCarrierAddress   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5908    ShipCarrierCODPackage   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5909    ShipCarrierCompany   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5910    ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5911    ShipCarrierEmailAddress   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5912    ShipCarrierInterface   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5913    ShipCarrierPackage   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5914    ShipCarrierShipmentInvoice   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5915    ShipCarrierShipmentPackingSlip   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5916    ShipCarrierShippingRequest   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5917    ShipCarrierSQLRoleUser   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5918    ShipCarrierStaging   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5919    ShipCarrierTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5920    ShipCarrierTracking   :     Inventory and warehouse management
5921    SIGAddressZipCodeTest   :     Server and Tools
5922    SIGCertificateUsage   :     Server and Tools
5923    SIGParameters   :     Server and Tools
5924    SIGProcSetup   :     Server and Tools
5925    SIGProcSetupField   :     Server and Tools
5926    SIGProdStatusChange   :     Server and Tools
5927    SIGReasonCode   :     Server and Tools
5928    SIGReportFinished   :     Server and Tools
5929    SIGSignatureDelegation   :     Server and Tools
5930    SIGSignatureFailure   :     Server and Tools
5931    SIGSignatureLog   :     Server and Tools
5932    SitesSvcEntitySecurity   :     Dynamics Online
5933    SitesSvcPage   :     Dynamics Online
5934    SitesSvcRelatedDocsTmp   :     Dynamics Online
5935    SitesSvcSyncTest_ChildTable   :     Dynamics Online
5936    SitesSvcSyncTest_MainTable   :     Dynamics Online
5937    SitesSvcSyncTest_RefTable   :     Dynamics Online
5938    SitesSvcUser   :     Dynamics Online
5939    SMAAccruePeriodLine   :     Service management
5940    SMAAgreementGroup   :     Service management
5941    SMAAgreementInterval   :     Service management
5942    SMAAgreementLine   :     Service management
5943    SMAAgreementTable   :     Service management
5944    SMAConditionTable   :     Service management
5945    SMADiagnosisArea   :     Service management
5946    SMADiagnosisCode   :     Service management
5947    SMADispatchTeamTable   :     Service management
5948    SMADispatchWorkerSetup   :     Service management
5949    SMAParameters   :     Service management
5950    SMAParametersSubscription   :     Service management
5951    SMAPreServiceOrderLine   :     Service management
5952    SMAReasonTable   :     Service management
5953    SMARepairLine   :     Service management
5954    SMARepairStage   :     Service management
5955    SMAResolutionTable   :     Service management
5956    SMASalesPriceSubscription   :     Service management
5957    SMAServiceBOMChange   :     Service management
5958    SMAServiceBOMTable   :     Service management
5959    SMAServiceLevelAgreementLog   :     Service management
5960    SMAServiceLevelAgreementLogTable   :     Service management
5961    SMAServiceLevelAgreementReason   :     Service management
5962    SMAServiceLevelAgreementTable   :     Service management
5963    SMAServiceObjectGroup   :     Service management
5964    SMAServiceObjectRelation   :     Service management
5965    SMAServiceObjectTable   :     Service management
5966    SMAServiceOrderLine   :     Service management
5967    SMAServiceOrderLineTaxExtension_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
5968    SMAServiceOrderReason   :     Service management
5969    SMAServiceOrderTable   :     Service management
5970    SMAServiceTask   :     Service management
5971    SMAServiceTaskRelation   :     Service management
5972    SMAStageTable   :     Service management
5973    SMASubscriptionGroup   :     Service management
5974    SMASubscriptionTable   :     Service management
5975    SMASymptomArea   :     Service management
5976    SMASymptomCode   :     Service management
5977    SMATemplateBOMTable   :     Service management
5978    SMATemplateGroup   :     Service management
5979    SMATimeAgreement   :     Service management
5980    SMATmpKeyPerformanceIndicators   :     Service management
5981    SMATmpServiceOrdersActivity   :     Service management
5982    SMAWorkNoteTmp   :     Service management
5983    smmActivities   :     Sales and marketing
5984    smmActivityParentLinkTable   :     Sales and marketing
5985    smmActivityPhaseGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5986    smmActivityPlanGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5987    smmActivityTypeGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5988    smmAttendeeTable   :     Sales and marketing
5989    smmAxaptaOutlookMapping   :     Sales and marketing
5990    smmBusRelChainGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5991    smmBusRelDefaultLocation   :     Sales and marketing
5992    smmBusRelRevenue   :     Sales and marketing
5993    smmBusRelRevenueTrans   :     Sales and marketing
5994    smmBusRelSalesDistrictGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5995    smmBusRelSectorTable   :     Sales and marketing
5996    smmBusRelSegmentGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5997    smmBusRelStatusGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5998    smmBusRelSubSegmentGroup   :     Sales and marketing
5999    smmBusRelTable   :     Sales and marketing
6000    smmBusRelTypeGroup   :     Sales and marketing

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