There has been some fantastic feedback already about the D365FO Admin Toolkit! I appreciate everyone that reached out with feature requests, bugs they found, and overall encouragement!

Based on all of the feedback we already have a new release with some new features, bug fixes, and functionality changes. See below for details!

Version 1.1 Release

D365FO Admin Toolkit GitHub

Deployable Package download

Note: The deployable package has been built against a CY24Q1: 10.0.38 version of D365FO, which is now GA.

New Features

One new feature this release is the addition of the ‘Export Role Access’ button. This can be found by navigating to System Administration -> Security Configuration -> and clicking on the Data menu.

This option will export the same data you would see in the ‘View Permissions’ report but it executes it for all roles at once (instead of having to go role by role).

It exports the results to a CSV file (as exporting all role access can easily generate more than the maximum number of rows that Excel can handle), and includes the role, subrole, duty, privilege, object, object access, and license. It exports all role access in the system including out of box roles and custom roles.

A member of the community has added in some unit tests to help ensure future development does not break current functionality:


Here is the overall change log for this release:

New Features

  • Adding ability to export all role access to a CSV
  • A unit test project has been added by a member of the community

Features Changed

  • Changed ‘Reason’ dialog to only prompt during the assignment of the SysAdmin role when the configuration is enabled, it will not prompt during the revoking of the SysAdmin role.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where if you hit the Esc key when prompting for a ‘Reason’ for assigning the SysAdmin role the assignment would not be captured and logged.


Thanks again for all the feedback and be sure to reach out to or on GitHub with any questions or issues.