Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
2401    EcoResCategoryAttributeGroup   :     Retail
2402    EcoResCategoryAttributeLookup   :     Retail
2403    EcoResCategoryData   :     Retail
2404    EcoResCategoryHierarchy   :     Retail
2405    EcoResCategoryHierarchyRole   :     Retail
2406    EcoResCategoryHierarchyTranslation   :     Retail
2407    EcoResCategoryInstanceValue   :     Retail
2408    EcoResCategoryTranslation   :     Retail
2409    EcoResColor   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2410    EcoResComponentControl   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2411    EcoResConfiguration   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2412    EcoResCurrencyValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2413    EcoResDateTimeValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2414    EcoResDistinctProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2415    EcoResDistinctProductVariant   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2416    EcoResEnumerationAttributeTypeValue   :     Retail
2417    EcoResFloatValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2418    EcoResInstanceValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2419    EcoResIntValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2420    EcoResProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2421    EcoResProductCategory   :     Retail
2422    EcoResProductDimensionAttribute   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2423    EcoResProductDimensionGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2424    EcoResProductDimensionGroupFldSetup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2425    EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2426    EcoResProductIdentifier   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2427    EcoResProductImage   :     Retail
2428    EcoResProductInstanceValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2429    EcoResProductMaster   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2430    EcoResProductMasterColor   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2431    EcoResProductMasterConfiguration   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2432    EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2433    EcoResProductMasterModelingPolicy   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2434    EcoResProductMasterSize   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2435    EcoResProductMasterStyle   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2436    EcoResProductParameters   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2437    EcoResProductRelationTable   :     Retail
2438    EcoResProductRelationType   :     Retail
2439    EcoResProductRelationTypeTranslation   :     Retail
2440    EcoResProductTemplateApplyBufferTestTbl   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2441    EcoResProductTranslation   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2442    EcoResProductVariantColor   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2443    EcoResProductVariantConfiguration   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2444    EcoResProductVariantDimensionValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2445    EcoResProductVariantSize   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2446    EcoResProductVariantStyle   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2447    EcoResReferenceValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2448    EcoResReleaseProductLegalEntity   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2449    EcoResReleaseProductLegalEntityLog   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2450    EcoResReleaseSession   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2451    EcoResReleaseSessionProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2452    EcoResShoppingPreferences   :     Retail
2453    EcoResSize   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2454    EcoResStorageDimensionGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2455    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupFldSetup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2456    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2457    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2458    EcoResStyle   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2459    EcoResTextValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2460    EcoResTextValueTranslation   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2461    EcoResTmpAttribute   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2462    EcoResTmpCategoryTranslation   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2463    EcoResTmpProductCategory   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2464    EcoResTmpProductDimValue   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2465    EcoResTmpProductImage   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2466    EcoResTmpProductVariantSuggestion   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2467    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2468    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupFldSetup   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2469    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2470    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct   :     Inventory and warehouse management
2471    EcoResValue   :     Retail
2472    ECPCustSignUp   :     Procurement and sourcing
2473    ECPParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
2474    ECPPresentation   :     Procurement and sourcing
2475    EeAccessLogSysDatabaseTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2476    EeAccessLogTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2477    EEPersonalDataPerUserTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2478    EeReadDataBaseLog   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2479    EeSecurityRightsChangeLog   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2480    EESecurityRightsChangeLogTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2481    EeUserRoleChangeLog   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
2482    EFDocAuthority_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2483    EFDocContingencyMode_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2484    EFDocCorrectionLetter_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2485    EFDocDANFEInfoAdicTmp_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2486    EFDocDANFEInstallmentsTmp_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2487    EFDocDANFEItemsTmp_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2488    EFDocDANFETmp_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2489    EFDocFormatClassInfo_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2490    EFDocHist_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2491    EFDocSchema_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2492    EFDocument_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2493    EFDocumentCity_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2494    EFDocumentXML_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2495    EFDocWebServiceParameters_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2496    EFDReturnCode_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2497    EInvoiceCFDIPACTable_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2498    EInvoiceCFDIParameters_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2499    EInvoiceCFDIReportTmp_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2500    EInvoiceCFDIWebServiceSetup_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2501    EInvoiceHist_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2502    EInvoiceJour_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2503    EInvoiceParameters_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2504    EInvoiceReportTmp_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2505    EInvoiceTrans_MX   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2506    EmplAdvExpendTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2507    EmplAdvLine_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2508    EmplAdvTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2509    EmplBalanceTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2510    EmplExchRateAdjustment_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2511    EmplGroup_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2512    EmplLedger_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2513    EmplLedgerAccounts_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2514    EmployeeTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2515    EmplParameters_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2516    EmplSettlement_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2517    EmplSettlementTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2518    EmplTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
2519    EMSAssignment   :     Compliance and internal controls
2520    EMSConversion   :     Compliance and internal controls
2521    EMSConversionFlowRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2522    EMSConversionLine   :     Compliance and internal controls
2523    EMSConversionProcessRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2524    EMSDailyFlow   :     Compliance and internal controls
2525    EMSFlow   :     Compliance and internal controls
2526    EMSFlowBudget   :     Compliance and internal controls
2527    EMSInvoiceRegisterFlowRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2528    EMSMapFilterProcess   :     Compliance and internal controls
2529    EMSMapFilterSubstance   :     Compliance and internal controls
2530    EMSMapFilterSubstanceCategory   :     Compliance and internal controls
2531    EMSMapPosition   :     Compliance and internal controls
2532    EMSMeter   :     Compliance and internal controls
2533    EMSMeterFlowRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2534    EMSMeterReading   :     Compliance and internal controls
2535    EMSParameter   :     Compliance and internal controls
2536    EMSProcess   :     Compliance and internal controls
2537    EMSProcessEquityShare   :     Compliance and internal controls
2538    EMSProcessMap   :     Compliance and internal controls
2539    EMSProcessMapFlowTmp   :     Compliance and internal controls
2540    EMSProcessReference   :     Compliance and internal controls
2541    EMSProcessRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2542    EMSPurchOrderFlowRelation   :     Compliance and internal controls
2543    EMSSimulationRowTmp   :     Compliance and internal controls
2544    EMSSimulationTriggerRowTmp   :     Compliance and internal controls
2545    EMSSubstance   :     Compliance and internal controls
2546    EMSSubstanceCategory   :     Compliance and internal controls
2547    EMSSubstanceEntryTmp   :     Compliance and internal controls
2548    EP_FileSequenceNum_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2549    EPAIUnitTest_DateEffectiveTable   :     Enterprise Portal
2550    EPAIUnitTest_ReferenceTable   :     Enterprise Portal
2551    EPAIUnitTest_Table   :     Enterprise Portal
2552    EPBankFolders_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2553    EPDocumentTypes_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2554    EPDocuParameters   :     Enterprise Portal
2555    EPGlobalParameters   :     Enterprise Portal
2556    EPHierarchicalTable1   :     Enterprise Portal
2557    EPHierarchicalTable2   :     Enterprise Portal
2558    EPHierarchicalTable3   :     Enterprise Portal
2559    EPInstructions_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2560    EPPaymentTypeTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2561    EPPaymentWayTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2562    EPPersonalize   :     Human resources
2563    EPPriceCalc   :     Procurement and sourcing
2564    EPRemitOccCodes_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2565    EPRetOccCodes_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2566    EPSegmentTable_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
2567    EPWebSiteParameters   :     Enterprise Portal
2568    ErrorCheckingMasterTable   :     Compiler
2569    ErrorCheckingNoCardinalityTable   :     Compiler
2570    ErrorCheckingZeroMoreCardinalityTable   :     Compiler
2571    ESSActivitySite   :     Project management and accounting
2572    EUSalesList   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2573    EUSalesListReportingAmountSource   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2574    EUSalesListReportingGroup   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2575    EUSalesListReportingHeader   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2576    EUSalesListReportingLine   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2577    EUSalesListReportingLineAmount   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
2578    EventATable   :     Workflow
2579    EventBaseTableTest   :     Workflow
2580    EventBTAble   :     Workflow
2581    EventCompanyRule   :     Workflow
2582    EventCTable   :     Workflow
2583    EventCUD   :     Workflow
2584    EventDimensionTest   :     Workflow
2585    EventFKTableTest   :     Workflow
2586    EventInbox   :     Workflow
2587    EventInboxData   :     Workflow
2588    EventParameters   :     Workflow
2589    EventRule   :     Workflow
2590    EventRuleData   :     Workflow
2591    EventRuleField   :     Workflow
2592    EventRuleIgnore   :     Workflow
2593    EventRuleIgnoreAggregation   :     Workflow
2594    EventRuleRel   :     Workflow
2595    EventRuleRelData   :     Workflow
2596    EventSub2TableTest   :     Workflow
2597    EventSubTableTest   :     Workflow
2598    EventSystemParameters   :     Workflow
2599    EventTableTest   :     Workflow
2600    EventTmpAlertReport   :     Workflow

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