Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
7401    VendInvoiceHoldHistory   :     Public Sector SL1
7402    VendInvoiceInfo   :     Accounts Payable
7403    VendInvoiceInfo_PaymentDisbursement   :     Public Sector SL1
7404    VendInvoiceInfoLine   :     Accounts Payable
7405    VendInvoiceInfoLine_Asset   :     Accounts Payable
7406    VendInvoiceInfoLine_Project   :     Project management and accounting
7407    VendInvoiceInfoLine_W   :     Global financial management - _W
7408    VendInvoiceInfoLineCorrLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7409    VendInvoiceInfoLineMarkupMatchingTrans   :     Accounts Payable
7410    VendInvoiceInfoLineTaxExtension_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7411    VendInvoiceInfoMarkupMatchingTolerance   :     Accounts Payable
7412    VendInvoiceInfoSubLine   :     Accounts Payable
7413    VendInvoiceInfoSubMarkupMatchingTrans   :     Accounts Payable
7414    VendInvoiceInfoSubTable   :     Accounts Payable
7415    VendInvoiceInfoTable   :     Accounts Payable
7416    VendInvoiceInfoTable_Officials   :     Accounts Payable
7417    VendInvoiceInfoTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7418    VendInvoiceInfoTable_W   :     Global financial management - _W
7419    VendInvoiceInfoTableCorrectionType_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7420    VendInvoiceInfoTableExtensionTH   :     Accounts Payable
7421    VendInvoiceInfoTableSymbol   :     Accounts Payable
7422    VendInvoiceInfoTableTaxExtension_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7423    VendInvoiceIntrastat   :     Accounts Payable
7424    VendInvoiceJour   :     Accounts Payable
7425    VendInvoiceJour_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7426    VendInvoiceJour_Intrastat   :     Accounts Payable
7427    VendInvoiceJourCorrLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7428    VendInvoiceJourExtensionTH   :     Accounts Payable
7429    VendInvoiceJourSymbol   :     Accounts Payable
7430    VendInvoiceJourTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7431    VendInvoiceLineForeignTradeCategory   :     Accounts Payable
7432    VendInvoiceMatching   :     Accounts Payable
7433    VendInvoiceMatchingLine   :     Accounts Payable
7434    VendInvoicePackingSlip_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7435    VendInvoicePackingSlipQuantityMatch   :     Accounts Payable
7436    VendInvoicePurchLink   :     Accounts Payable
7437    VendInvoiceSettled_TransDateTmp_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7438    VendInvoiceSpecTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7439    VendInvoiceTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7440    VendInvoiceTrans   :     Accounts Payable
7441    VendInvoiceTrans_Intrastat   :     Accounts Payable
7442    VendInvoiceTransCorrLink_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7443    VendInvoiceTransTaxExtensionIN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7444    VendInvoiceVolumeTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7445    VendItemMatchingPolicy   :     Accounts Payable
7446    VendLedger   :     Accounts Payable
7447    VendLedgerAccounts   :     Accounts Payable
7448    VendLedgerReconciliationReportTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7449    VendLedgerReconciliationTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7450    VendLedgerTransactionsTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7451    VendLedgerTransTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7452    VendNotification   :     Procurement and sourcing
7453    VendNotificationTemplate   :     Procurement and sourcing
7454    VendNotificationTemplateCategory   :     Procurement and sourcing
7455    VendNotificationTemplateTranslation   :     Procurement and sourcing
7456    VendOnHoldHistory   :     Procurement and sourcing
7457    VendorListBasicTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7458    VendorListPhoneTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7459    VendOutAttendingNote_PNRemittanceTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7460    VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_ATEDIFACT   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7461    VendOutAttendingNoteTmp_DEDTAZV   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7462    VendOutAttendingNoteTmpDE_DTAUS   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7463    VendOutCoveringLetterTmp_DEDTAZV   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7464    VendOutPaymAdviceTmp_FRAFB   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7465    VendOutPaymForParams_FI   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7466    VendOutPaymLM02Params_FI   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7467    VendOutPaymOrderTmp_CHDTA   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7468    VendPackingSlipJour   :     Procurement and sourcing
7469    VendPackingSlipJour_Intrastat   :     Procurement and sourcing
7470    VendPackingSlipPurchLink   :     Procurement and sourcing
7471    VendPackingSlipTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
7472    VendPackingSlipTrans_Intrastat   :     Procurement and sourcing
7473    VendPackingSlipTransHistory   :     Procurement and sourcing
7474    VendPackingSlipVersion   :     Procurement and sourcing
7475    VendParameters   :     Accounts Payable
7476    VendPayableBalanceTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7477    VendPayableStatisticsTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7478    VendPayableTransactionTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7479    VendPaymentDisbursement   :     Public Sector SL1
7480    VendPaymentJournalTmp_NA   :     Global financial management - North America
7481    VendPaymFee   :     Accounts Payable
7482    VendPaymFormat   :     Accounts Payable
7483    VendPaymMethodAttribute   :     Accounts Payable
7484    VendPaymMethodVal   :     Accounts Payable
7485    VendPaymModeFee   :     Accounts Payable
7486    VendPaymModeFeeInterval   :     Accounts Payable
7487    VendPaymModeSpec   :     Accounts Payable
7488    VendPaymModeTable   :     Accounts Payable
7489    VendPaymSched   :     Accounts Payable
7490    VendPaymSchedHistory   :     Accounts Payable
7491    VendPaymSchedLine   :     Accounts Payable
7492    VendPaymSchedLineHistory   :     Accounts Payable
7493    VendPostPaymJournalTmp_NA   :     Global financial management - North America
7494    VendPrenote   :     Accounts Payable
7495    VendPriceToleranceGroup   :     Accounts Payable
7496    VendProcurementCategoryStatus   :     Accounts Payable
7497    VendPromissoryNoteInvoice   :     Accounts Payable
7498    VendPromissoryNoteJour   :     Accounts Payable
7499    VendPromissoryNoteOpenTransTmp_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7500    VendPromissoryNoteReportTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7501    VendPromissoryNoteTrans   :     Accounts Payable
7502    VendProvisionalBalanceTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7503    VendPurchOrderJour   :     Procurement and sourcing
7504    VendQuestionnaire   :     Accounts Payable
7505    VendReceiptsListJour   :     Procurement and sourcing
7506    VendReceiptsListPurchLink   :     Procurement and sourcing
7507    VendReceiptsListTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
7508    VendRequest   :     Procurement and sourcing
7509    VendRequestAddVendor   :     Procurement and sourcing
7510    VendRequestAuditTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7511    VendRequestBusinessJustification   :     Procurement and sourcing
7512    VendRequestCategory   :     Procurement and sourcing
7513    VendRequestCategoryExtension   :     Procurement and sourcing
7514    VendRequestCompany   :     Procurement and sourcing
7515    VendRequestDisallowedVendor   :     Procurement and sourcing
7516    VendRequestDisallowedVendorLegalEntity   :     Procurement and sourcing
7517    VendRequestEmbargoCountry   :     Procurement and sourcing
7518    VendRequestManagementParameters   :     Procurement and sourcing
7519    VendRequestProcureAuditTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7520    VendRequestProfile   :     Procurement and sourcing
7521    VendRequestProfileCompany   :     Procurement and sourcing
7522    VendRequestProfileCountry   :     Procurement and sourcing
7523    VendRequestProfileQuestionnaire   :     Procurement and sourcing
7524    VendRequestProspectiveProfile   :     Procurement and sourcing
7525    VendRequestSignup   :     Procurement and sourcing
7526    VendRequestSignupCategory   :     Procurement and sourcing
7527    VendRequestStatusChange   :     Procurement and sourcing
7528    VendRequestUserRequest   :     Procurement and sourcing
7529    VendReviewCategoryCriterionGroup   :     Procurement and sourcing
7530    VendReviewCategoryCriterionLookup   :     Procurement and sourcing
7531    VendReviewCriterion   :     Procurement and sourcing
7532    VendReviewCriterionGroup   :     Procurement and sourcing
7533    VendReviewCriterionGroupRating   :     Procurement and sourcing
7534    VendReviewCriterionGroupTranslation   :     Procurement and sourcing
7535    VendReviewCriterionRating   :     Procurement and sourcing
7536    VendReviewCriterionTranslation   :     Procurement and sourcing
7537    VendRFQJour   :     Procurement and sourcing
7538    VendRFQTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
7539    VendRoutingSlip_PSN   :     Public Sector SL1
7540    VendRoutingSlipReportTmp_PSN   :     Public Sector SL1
7541    VendSettlement   :     Accounts Payable
7542    VendSettlementExtensionTH   :     Accounts Payable
7543    VendSettlementTax1099   :     Global financial management - North America
7544    VendSettlementTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7545    VendSpendCountryRegionTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7546    VendSpendCurrencyTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7547    VendSpendDepartmentTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7548    VendSpendShipToLocationSumTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7549    VendSpendShipToLocationTmp   :     Procurement and sourcing
7550    VendStateTaxID   :     Global financial management - North America
7551    VendSubcontractorZakatTmp_SA   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7552    VendTable   :     Procurement and sourcing
7553    vendtablecube   :     Unknown module
7554    VendTmpAccountSum   :     Accounts Payable
7555    VendTmpCompanyInfo   :     Accounts Payable
7556    VendTmpCurrentVendorResult   :     Accounts Payable
7557    VendTmpInvoiceInfoLine   :     Accounts Payable
7558    VendTmpInvoiceInfoTable   :     Accounts Payable
7559    VendTmpOpenPaymDocu_ES   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7560    VendTmpPaymRef_BE   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
7561    VendTmpPrepaymentTrans_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7562    VendTmpProcurementCategory   :     Accounts Payable
7563    VendTmpProspectiveVendorResult   :     Accounts Payable
7564    VendTmpRequest   :     Accounts Payable
7565    VendTmpSearchCreateVendor   :     Accounts Payable
7566    VendTmpSearchCreateVendorCategory   :     Accounts Payable
7567    VendTmpSearchCriteriaProcCategories   :     Accounts Payable
7568    VendTmpUnsolicitedVendorResult   :     Accounts Payable
7569    VendTotalPriceTolerance   :     Accounts Payable
7570    VendTrans   :     Accounts Payable
7571    VendTrans_IN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7572    VendTrans_W   :     Global financial management - _W
7573    VendTransactionswithAgingAnalysisTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
7574    VendTransCashDisc   :     Accounts Payable
7575    VendTransEPRemit_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
7576    VendTransListTmp   :     Accounts Payable
7577    VendTransOpen   :     Accounts Payable
7578    VendTransOpen_PaymMode_TmpES   :     Accounts Payable
7579    VendTransPayment_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
7580    VendTurnoverTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
7581    VendUnrealizedRev   :     Accounts Payable
7582    VendUserRequest   :     Procurement and sourcing
7583    VersioningTmpField   :     Procurement and sourcing
7584    VersioningTmpTrans   :     Procurement and sourcing
7585    WebTmpWebMenuItem   :     Enterprise Portal
7586    WMSAisle   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7587    WMSArrivalDetailTmp   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7588    WMSArrivalOverviewTmp   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7589    WMSBillOfLading   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7590    WMSBillOfLadingCarrier   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7591    WMSBillOfLadingOrder   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7592    WMSBillOfLadingTmp   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7593    WMSBlockingCause   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7594    WMSCheckABCZonesTmp   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7595    WMSForkLift   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7596    WMSForkliftOperator   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7597    WMSJournalName   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7598    WMSJournalTable   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7599    WMSJournalTrans   :     Inventory and warehouse management
7600    WMSLocation   :     Inventory and warehouse management

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