Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

AxErd: Tables Listed Alphabetically

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Row-num   Table-name   Module-name
3601    JmgTmpActiveJobs   :     Manufacturing
3602    JmgTmpAttendance   :     Manufacturing
3603    JmgTmpBOMConsump   :     Manufacturing
3604    JmgTmpCalculationGroup   :     Manufacturing
3605    JmgTmpEmplSignedIn   :     Manufacturing
3606    JmgTmpErrorSpecification   :     Manufacturing
3607    JmgTmpFlexBalance   :     Manufacturing
3608    JmgTmpFlexCheck   :     Manufacturing
3609    JmgTmpIndirectActivity   :     Manufacturing
3610    JmgTmpIpcBarcode   :     Manufacturing
3611    JmgTmpJobBundleProdFeedback   :     Manufacturing
3612    JmgTmpJobBundleProjStartup   :     Manufacturing
3613    JmgTmpJobStatus   :     Manufacturing
3614    JmgTmpPayExport   :     Manufacturing
3615    JmgTmpPaySpecification   :     Manufacturing
3616    JmgTmpPayStatTrans   :     Manufacturing
3617    JmgTmpProjBarcode   :     Manufacturing
3618    JmgTmpWorkerCard   :     Manufacturing
3619    JmgTmpWorkPlanner   :     Manufacturing
3620    JmgWeekNumberTmp   :     Manufacturing
3621    JmgWorkPlannerEmployeeTmp   :     Manufacturing
3622    JmgWorkPlannerProfileTmp   :     Manufacturing
3623    JournalError   :     Inventory and warehouse management
3624    JournalizingDefinition   :     General ledger
3625    JournalizingDefinitionBankTrans   :     Public Sector SL1
3626    JournalizingDefinitionBudgetTrans   :     General ledger
3627    JournalizingDefinitionCustomerTrans   :     Public Sector SL1
3628    JournalizingDefinitionGeneralLedgerTrans   :     Public Sector SL1
3629    JournalizingDefinitionMatch   :     General ledger
3630    JournalizingDefinitionMatchDetail   :     General ledger
3631    JournalizingDefinitionPayablesTrans   :     General ledger
3632    JournalizingDefinitionPayrollTrans   :     General ledger
3633    JournalizingDefinitionPurchTrans   :     General ledger
3634    JournalizingDefinitionRelatedDefinition   :     General ledger
3635    JournalizingDefinitionVersion   :     General ledger
3636    Kanban   :     Manufacturing
3637    KanbanBoardTmpFilterCriteria   :     Manufacturing
3638    KanbanBoardTmpMessageBoard   :     Manufacturing
3639    KanbanBoardTmpProcessJob   :     Manufacturing
3640    KanbanBoardTmpTransferJob   :     Manufacturing
3641    KanbanCard   :     Manufacturing
3642    KanbanFlow   :     Manufacturing
3643    KanbanFlowActivityRelationship   :     Manufacturing
3644    KanbanFlowTmpActivityRelations   :     Manufacturing
3645    KanbanJob   :     Manufacturing
3646    KanbanJobCapacitySum   :     Manufacturing
3647    KanbanJobIssue   :     Manufacturing
3648    KanbanJobPickingList   :     Manufacturing
3649    KanbanJobPlanActivityService   :     Manufacturing
3650    KanbanJobPurchaseLine   :     Manufacturing
3651    KanbanJobQualityMeasure   :     Manufacturing
3652    KanbanJobReceipt   :     Manufacturing
3653    KanbanJobReceiptAdviceLine   :     Manufacturing
3654    KanbanJobSchedule   :     Manufacturing
3655    KanbanJobScheduleCapacitySum   :     Manufacturing
3656    KanbanJobScheduleLock   :     Manufacturing
3657    KanbanJobStatusUpdate   :     Manufacturing
3658    KanbanJobTmpPegging   :     Manufacturing
3659    KanbanJobTmpPickList   :     Manufacturing
3660    KanbanPageTmp   :     Manufacturing
3661    KanbanQuantityCalculation   :     Manufacturing
3662    KanbanQuantityCalculationProposal   :     Manufacturing
3663    KanbanQuantityDemandPeriodFence   :     Manufacturing
3664    KanbanQuantityDemandPeriodSeason   :     Manufacturing
3665    KanbanQuantityPolicy   :     Manufacturing
3666    KanbanQuantityPolicyDemandPeriod   :     Manufacturing
3667    KanbanQuantityPolicyKanbanRuleFixed   :     Manufacturing
3668    KanbanQuantityPolicySafetyStock   :     Manufacturing
3669    KanbanRule   :     Manufacturing
3670    KanbanRuleEvent   :     Manufacturing
3671    KanbanRuleFixed   :     Manufacturing
3672    KanbanRuleVariable   :     Manufacturing
3673    KanbanSourceRequirement   :     Manufacturing
3674    KanbanStatusUpdate   :     Manufacturing
3675    KanbanTmpFlow   :     Manufacturing
3676    KMAnswer   :     Human resources
3677    KMAnswerCollection   :     Human resources
3678    KMCollection   :     Human resources
3679    KMCollectionQuestion   :     Human resources
3680    KMCollectionQuestionAnswer   :     Human resources
3681    KMCollectionRights   :     Human resources
3682    KMCollectionTemplate   :     Human resources
3683    KMCollectionType   :     Human resources
3684    KMConnectionType   :     Human resources
3685    KMKnowledgeCollectorParameters   :     Human resources
3686    KMKnowledgeCollectorPlanningTable   :     Human resources
3687    KMKnowledgeCollectorPlanningType   :     Human resources
3688    KMQuestion   :     Human resources
3689    KMQuestionAnalyzeTmp   :     Human resources
3690    KMQuestionMedia   :     Human resources
3691    KMQuestionnaireStatisticsLine   :     Human resources
3692    KMQuestionnaireStatisticsTable   :     Human resources
3693    KMQuestionResultGroup   :     Human resources
3694    KMQuestionResultGroupText   :     Human resources
3695    KMQuestionRow   :     Human resources
3696    KMQuestionType   :     Human resources
3697    KMTmpKnowledgeCollectorPerson   :     Human resources
3698    KMTmpQuestionFeedback   :     Human resources
3699    KMTmpQuestionnaireList   :     Human resources
3700    KMVirtualNetworkAnswerGroup   :     Human resources
3701    KMVirtualNetworkAnswerLine   :     Human resources
3702    KMVirtualNetworkAnswerTable   :     Human resources
3703    LandTypeTable_W   :     Global financial management - _W
3704    LanguageTable   :     Developer and Partner Tools
3705    LanguageTxt   :     General ledger
3706    LeanCosting   :     Manufacturing
3707    LeanCoverage   :     Manufacturing
3708    LeanCoverageKanbanRule   :     Manufacturing
3709    LeanProdFlowActivityPickingLocation   :     Manufacturing
3710    LeanProdFlowPlanActivityRelation   :     Manufacturing
3711    LeanProductionFlow   :     Manufacturing
3712    LeanProductionFlowActivity   :     Manufacturing
3713    LeanProductionFlowCosting   :     Production control
3714    LeanProductionFlowCostingUnusedQty   :     Production control
3715    LeanProductionFlowCycleTimeTmpLine   :     Manufacturing
3716    LeanProductionFlowModel   :     Manufacturing
3717    LeanProductionFlowReference   :     Manufacturing
3718    LeanScheduleGroup   :     Manufacturing
3719    LeanScheduleGroupEntryGroup   :     Manufacturing
3720    LeanScheduleGroupEntrySingle   :     Manufacturing
3721    LeanScheduleGroupItem   :     Manufacturing
3722    LeanTmpCarrier   :     Manufacturing
3723    LeanWorkCellCapacity   :     Manufacturing
3724    Ledger   :     General ledger
3725    LedgerAccountAnalysisByDimensionTmp   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3726    LedgerAccountBalSheetByDimTmp   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3727    LedgerAccountCov   :     General ledger
3728    LedgerAccountRenameTable_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
3729    LedgerAccountRestriction_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3730    LedgerAccountSchedTmp   :     General ledger
3731    LedgerAccountStatementPerCurrencyTmp   :     General ledger
3732    LedgerAccountSumTmp_FR   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
3733    LedgerAccountTypePrefix   :     General ledger
3734    LedgerAccrualTable   :     General ledger
3735    LedgerActivityZakatTmp_SA   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3736    LedgerAllocateKey   :     General ledger
3737    LedgerAllocateTrans   :     General ledger
3738    LedgerAllocation   :     General ledger
3739    LedgerAllocationBasisRule   :     General ledger
3740    LedgerAllocationBasisRuleSource   :     General ledger
3741    LedgerAllocationRule   :     General ledger
3742    LedgerAllocationRuleDestination   :     General ledger
3743    LedgerAllocationRuleSource   :     General ledger
3744    LedgerAllocationRulesTmp   :     General ledger
3745    LedgerAllocationTmpSource   :     General ledger
3746    LedgerAuditFileTransactionLog_NL   :     Global financial management - Western Europe
3747    LedgerBadDebtAccounts_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3748    LedgerBalanceControl   :     General ledger
3749    LedgerBalanceSheetCorrection   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
3750    LedgerBalanceSheetDimFileFormat   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
3751    LedgerBalanceSheetGross   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
3752    LedgerBalanceSheetHeader   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
3753    LedgerBalanceSheetTmp   :     Global financial management - Eastern Europe
3754    LedgerBalanceTurnoverTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
3755    LedgerBalColumnsDim   :     General ledger
3756    LedgerBalColumnsDimQuery   :     General ledger
3757    LedgerBalHeaderDim   :     General ledger
3758    LedgerBondBatchTransTmp_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
3759    LedgerCashDailyStatusTmp   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3760    LedgerChartOfAccounts   :     General ledger
3761    LedgerChartofAccountsbyDimensionsTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3762    LedgerChartOfAccountsStructure   :     General ledger
3763    LedgerChartOfAccountsTree_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3764    LedgerChartOfAccountsTreeLevel_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3765    LedgerCheckListSetup_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3766    LedgerCheckVoucherTmp   :     General ledger
3767    LedgerClosingSheet   :     General ledger
3768    LedgerClosingTable   :     General ledger
3769    LedgerClosingTmp   :     General ledger
3770    LedgerClosingTrans   :     General ledger
3771    LedgerCOATmp_BR   :     Global financial management - Latin America
3772    LedgerConsolidateAccountGroup   :     General ledger
3773    LedgerConsolidateCurrencyConversion   :     General ledger
3774    LedgerConsolidateHist   :     General ledger
3775    LedgerConsolidateHistRef   :     General ledger
3776    LedgerConsolidateSourceDimension   :     General ledger
3777    LedgerConsumptionTaxCalcTrans_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3778    LedgerConsumptionTaxReportTrans_JP   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3779    LedgerCov   :     General ledger
3780    LedgerCurrencyConversionLog   :     General ledger
3781    LedgerCurrencyParameters_RU   :     Global financial management - Russia
3782    LedgerCurrencyReq   :     General ledger
3783    LedgerDailySummaryReportTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3784    LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyFilterResults   :     Public Sector SL1
3785    LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyLegalEntities   :     Public Sector SL1
3786    LedgerDerivedFinHierarchyRuleCriteria   :     Public Sector SL1
3787    LedgerDetailedTransByDimensionsTmp_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3788    LedgerDetailedTransByDimTmpParameter_CN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3789    LedgerDimensionPreviewTmp   :     General ledger
3790    LedgerEliminationRule   :     General ledger
3791    LedgerEliminationRuleLine   :     General ledger
3792    LedgerEliminationRuleLineCriteria   :     General ledger
3793    LedgerEliminationTmpJournalLine   :     General ledger
3794    LedgerEncumbranceReconciliationTmp   :     General ledger
3795    LedgerEntry   :     General ledger
3796    LedgerEntryJournal   :     General ledger
3797    LedgerEntryJournalizing   :     General ledger
3798    LedgerExtensionIN   :     Global financial management - Asia Pacific
3799    LedgerFiscalCalendarPeriod   :     General ledger
3800    LedgerFiscalCalendarYear   :     General ledger

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