1 | BOM |
.BOMId, .ConfigGroupId, .ItemId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMConfigRule |
.BOMId, .ChosenGroupId, .ChosenItemId |
(Manufacturing) |
2 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | KanbanJobPickingList |
.BOM |
(Manufacturing) |
3 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSBatchAttribTransfer |
.BOMRefRecId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
4 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSCompensationPrinciple |
.ActiveRefRecId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
5 | BOM |
.BOMId, .Pky?, .ItemId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSCompensationPrinciple |
.BOMId, .Fky?, .CompItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
6 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSCompensationPrinciple |
.BOMRefRecId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
7 | BOM |
.BOMId, .ItemId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsMRCDocument |
.BOMID, .ItemId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
8 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfBOMStep |
.BOMRefRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
9 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdBOM |
.BOMRefRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
10 | BOM |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ReqTrans |
.BOMRefRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
11 | BOMCalcGroup |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTrans |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
12 | BOMCalcGroup |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMParameters |
.BOMCalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
13 | BOMCalcGroup |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTable |
.BOMCalcGroupId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
14 | BOMCalcGroup |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfCoByProdCalcTrans |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
15 | BOMCalcGroup |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdCalcTrans |
.CalcGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
16 | BomCalcItemTask |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcItemInventoryDimensionTask |
.BomCalcItemTask |
(Manufacturing) |
17 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTable |
.PmfParentCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
18 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTmpRoutePhantom |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
19 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTrans |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
20 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemPrice |
.PriceCalcId |
(Production control) |
21 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemPriceSim |
.PriceCalcId |
(Production control) |
22 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsComdPricingMarginLine |
.PriceCalcId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
23 | BOMCalcTable |
.PriceCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationLine |
.PriceCalcId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
24 | BOMConfigRoute |
.BOMId, .ConfigGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMConfigRule |
.BOMId, .ChosenGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
25 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTrans |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
26 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCostProfit |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
27 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CostSheetCostGroupImpact |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
28 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CostSheetNodeTable |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
29 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CostTmpCalcTrans |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
30 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CostTmpCostRollup |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
31 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | IndirectCostOverviewTmp |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
32 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventCostTmpTransBreakdown |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
33 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventCostTransVariance |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
34 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemCostGroupRollup |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
35 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemCostGroupRollupSim |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
36 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventPosting |
.CostRelation, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
37 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventTable |
.CostGroupId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
38 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfCoByProdCalcTrans |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
39 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdCalcTrans |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
40 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdIndirectTrans |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
41 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchCostTransTmp |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
42 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | RetailMassUpdateWorksheetLine |
.InventTable_CostGroupId |
(Retail) |
43 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | RouteCostCategory |
.CostGroupId, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
44 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpBOMCalcSumCost |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
45 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpLeanProductionFlowVariances |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
46 | BOMCostGroup |
.CostGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpProdStandardVariance |
.CostGroupId |
(Production control) |
47 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOM |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
48 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOM |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
49 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
50 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMConfigRoute |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
51 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMConfigRule |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
52 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMConsistOfTmp |
.BOMVersionBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
53 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMParmReportFinish |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
54 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMPartOfTmp |
(Manufacturing) |
55 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMPartOfTmp |
.BOMVersion_BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
56 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMVersion |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
57 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | EximSionLine_IN |
.BOMId |
(Global financial management - Asia Pacific) |
58 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastInvent |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
59 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastPurch |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
60 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSales |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
61 | BOMTable |
.dataAreaId, .BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | Kanban |
.BOMDataAreaId, .BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
62 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBABOMRouteOccurrence |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
63 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBAConfiguratedItemTmp |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
64 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBAReuseBOMRoute |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
65 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBATable |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
66 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBATmpBomId |
.BomId |
(Manufacturing) |
67 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBATreeBOM |
.ItemBOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
68 | BOMTable |
.Pky?, .BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PBATreeDefault |
.Fky?, .DefaultRouteId |
(Manufacturing) |
69 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSBatchAttribTransfer |
.BOMId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
70 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsComdPricingMarginLine |
.BOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
71 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PDSCompensationPrinciple |
.BOMId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
72 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsMRCCustomerHistory |
.BOMId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
73 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsMRCDocument |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
74 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PdsMRCEventTracker |
.BOMId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
75 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfCoTmpReqTrans |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
76 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfFormulaCoBy |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
77 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdBOM |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
78 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdBOM |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
79 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
80 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchLine |
.ItemBOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
81 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PurchLineHistory |
.ItemBOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
82 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ReqPO |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
83 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ReqTrans |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
84 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesBasketLine |
.ItemBOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
85 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesLine |
.ItemBOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
86 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationBasketLine |
.ItemBomId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
87 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationLine |
.ItemBOMId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
88 | BOMTable |
.Pky?, .BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SMATemplateBOMTable |
.Fky?, .BOMCopyRefId |
(Service management) |
89 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpPmfConsolidatedBulk |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
90 | BOMTable |
.BOMId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | TmpPmfConsolidatedPack |
.ItemBomId |
(Manufacturing) |
91 | BOMVersion |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | BOMCalcTable |
.PmfBomVersion |
(Manufacturing) |
92 | BOMVersion |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PmfFormulaCoBy |
.BOMVersionRefRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
93 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastItemAllocationLine |
.AllocationId |
(Manufacturing) |
94 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastPurch |
.ItemAllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
95 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSales |
.ItemAllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
96 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventItemGroup |
.StandardItemAllocateId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
97 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp |
.FPFSItemAllocateId |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
98 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.dataAreaId, .AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | LeanCoverage |
.AllocationDataAreaId, .AllocationId |
(Manufacturing) |
99 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | LeanScheduleGroupEntryGroup |
.AllocationId |
(Manufacturing) |
100 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.DefaultForecastItemAllocation |
(Project management and accounting) |
101 | ForecastItemAllocation |
.AllocateId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.ItemLumpSumAllocationKey |
(Project management and accounting) |
102 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationConfirmJour |
.ModelId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
103 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | CustQuotationJour |
.ModelId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
104 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastInvent |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
105 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastModel |
.SubModelId, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
106 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastPurch |
.ModelId, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
107 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSales |
.ModelId, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
108 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSalesItemTmp |
.ModelId, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
109 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | InventSiteDimensionLinkValidationTmp |
.FPFSModelId, .Fky? |
(Inventory and warehouse management) |
110 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjControlPeriodTable |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
111 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjForecastCost |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
112 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjForecastEmpl |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
113 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjForecastOnAcc |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
114 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjForecastReductionHistory |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
115 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjForecastRevenue |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
116 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
117 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.Fky?, .OriginalForecastModel |
(Project management and accounting) |
118 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.Fky?, .RemainingForecastModel |
(Project management and accounting) |
119 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjParameters |
.Fky?, .TotalForecastModel |
(Project management and accounting) |
120 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjPeriodLine |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
121 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjTable |
.PSAForecastModelId, .PSAForecastModelIdExternal |
(Project management and accounting) |
122 | ForecastModel |
.Pky?, .ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjTransBudget |
.Fky?, .ModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
123 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSATmpProjProposalTrans |
.ForecastModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
124 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | PSATmpProjTotals |
.ForecastModelId |
(Project management and accounting) |
125 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ReqPlan |
.ForecastModelId, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
126 | ForecastModel |
.ModelId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | SalesQuotationTable |
.ModelId |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
127 | ForecastPurch |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastInvent |
.TransRecId, .TransTableId |
(Manufacturing) |
128 | ForecastPurch |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastPurch |
.ExpandId |
(Manufacturing) |
129 | ForecastPurch |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerCov |
.TransRecId, .TransTableId |
(General ledger) |
130 | ForecastSales |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastInvent |
.TransRecId, .TransTableId |
(Manufacturing) |
131 | ForecastSales |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ForecastSales |
.ExpandId |
(Manufacturing) |
132 | ForecastSales |
.RecId, .TableId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | LedgerCov |
.TransRecId, .TransTableId |
(General ledger) |
133 | ForecastSales |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjOnAccTrans |
.PSARefRecIdBudgetTrans |
(Project management and accounting) |
134 | ForecastSales |
.ProjTransId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProjTransBudget |
.TransId |
(Project management and accounting) |
135 | GanttColorTable |
.color |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | ProdTable |
.GanttColorId |
(Manufacturing) |
136 | GanttTable |
.GanttSchedId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | GanttLine |
.GanttSchedId |
(Manufacturing) |
137 | GanttTable |
.GanttSchedId, .dataAreaId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | GanttLineResourceGroups |
.GanttSchedId, .GanttTableDataAreaId |
(Manufacturing) |
138 | JmgAbsenceCalendar |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgChangeLog |
.TransRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
139 | JmgAbsenceCalendar |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpEmplSignedIn |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
140 | JmgBulletinBoard |
.MsgId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgBulletinBoardRecipient |
.MsgId |
(Manufacturing) |
141 | JmgBulletinBoard |
.MsgId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgBulletinBoardTerminalRecipient |
.MsgId |
(Manufacturing) |
142 | JmgDocumentGroup |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgDocumentGroupMember |
.DocumentGroup |
(Manufacturing) |
143 | JmgDocumentGroup |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgDocumentGroupType |
.DocumentGroup |
(Manufacturing) |
144 | JmgEmployee |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayCountSum |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
145 | JmgEmployee |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayStatTrans |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
146 | JmgEmployee |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTable |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
147 | JmgEmployee |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTermReg |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
148 | JmgEmployee |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpEmplSignedIn |
.Worker |
(Manufacturing) |
149 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgBulletinBoardTerminalRecipient |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
150 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEventCtrl |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
151 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.TermStart |
(Manufacturing) |
152 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.TermStop |
(Manufacturing) |
153 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.TermStart |
(Manufacturing) |
154 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.TermStop |
(Manufacturing) |
155 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTermReg |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
156 | JmgExternalTerminalTable |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTermRegArchive |
.TerminalId |
(Manufacturing) |
157 | JmgFlexCorrection |
.Pky?, .RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayEvents |
.Fky?, .setOffParent |
(Manufacturing) |
158 | JmgFlexGroup |
.FlexGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEmployee |
.FlexGroup |
(Manufacturing) |
159 | JmgGroupApprove |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEmployee |
.ApproveGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
160 | JmgGroupApprove |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgScheduledLoan |
.GroupApproveId |
(Manufacturing) |
161 | JmgGroupApprove |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTable |
.ApproveGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
162 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEmployee |
.DefaultCalculateGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
163 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEmployee |
.CalculateGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
164 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgScheduledLoan |
.GroupCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
165 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTable |
.CalculateGroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
166 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpCalculationGroup |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
167 | JmgGroupCalc |
.GroupId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpEmplSignedIn |
.GroupCalcId |
(Manufacturing) |
168 | JmgGroupSigningTable |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgGroupSigningLine |
.ParentRecId |
(Manufacturing) |
169 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgAttendanceRegistration |
.BreakId |
(Manufacturing) |
170 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgAttendanceRegistration |
.SwitchCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
171 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgEventCtrl |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
172 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgGroupSigningTable |
.IpcActivityId |
(Manufacturing) |
173 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIllegalEventCodeCombination |
.ExcludesEventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
174 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIllegalEventCodeCombination |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
175 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcActivityCostPrice |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
176 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcJournalTrans |
.IpcActivityId |
(Manufacturing) |
177 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcTrans |
.ActivityId |
(Manufacturing) |
178 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementLine |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .AbsenceActivityId |
(Manufacturing) |
179 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementLine |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
180 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementLine |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
181 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementOverrideLine |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .AbsenceActivityId |
(Manufacturing) |
182 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementOverrideLine |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
183 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgPayAgreementOverrideLine |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
184 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgProfileOverrideSpec |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
185 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgProfileReportWeekTmp |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
186 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgProfileSpec |
.EventCode, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
187 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Category, .Pky?, .JobId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.JobRef, .Fky?, .JobId |
(Manufacturing) |
188 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
189 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Category, .Pky?, .JobId |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.JobRef, .Fky?, .JobId |
(Manufacturing) |
190 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
191 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTermReg |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
192 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTermRegArchive |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
193 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity, .Pky?, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTimecardTrans |
.OnCallActivity, .Fky?, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
194 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpIndirectActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
195 | JmgIpcActivity |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpIpcBarcode |
.Activity |
(Manufacturing) |
196 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Type, .Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcActivity |
.Type, .Category |
(Manufacturing) |
197 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcJournalTrans |
.IpcCategoryId |
(Manufacturing) |
198 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgIpcTrans |
.CategoryId |
(Manufacturing) |
199 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgJobTable |
.ModuleRefId |
(Manufacturing) |
200 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgProdJobStatus |
.ModuleRefId |
(Manufacturing) |
201 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Pky?, .Category, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.Fky?, .JobRef, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
202 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Pky?, .Category, .Pky? |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampJournalTrans |
.Fky?, .JobRef, .Fky? |
(Manufacturing) |
203 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .JobRef |
(Manufacturing) |
204 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Pky?, .Pky?, .Pky?, .Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgStampTrans |
.Fky?, .Fky?, .Fky?, .JobRef |
(Manufacturing) |
205 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpIndirectActivity |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
206 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpIpcBarcode |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
207 | JmgIpcCategory |
.Category |
(Manufacturing) |
<‑‑‑ | JmgTmpJobStatus |
.ModuleRefId |
(Manufacturing) |