814 | PayrollEmployerTaxRegion |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
815 | PayrollEmployerTaxRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
816 | PayrollEmployerTaxRegion |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressState |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
817 | PayrollFormW2BoxReportingAdjustment |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
818 | PayrollJournalizingDefMatchPrimaryEntry |
.JournalizingDefinitionMatch |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | JournalizingDefinitionMatch |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
819 | PayrollJournalizingDefMatchPrimaryEntry |
.JournalizingDefinitionMatchDetail |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | JournalizingDefinitionMatchDetail |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
820 | PayrollPayPeriod |
.PayCycle |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayCycle |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
821 | PayrollPayStatement |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
822 | PayrollPayStatement |
.PaymentJournalBatchNum, .Fky? |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalTable |
.JournalNum, .Pky? |
(General ledger) |
823 | PayrollPayStatement |
.PayPeriod |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayPeriod |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
824 | PayrollPayStatement |
.ReversedPayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
825 | PayrollPayStatement |
.SourceDocumentHeader |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | SourceDocumentHeader |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
826 | PayrollPayStatement |
.VendTrans |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTrans |
.RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
827 | PayrollPayStatementAccrualBalance |
.Accrual |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollAccrual |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
828 | PayrollPayStatementAccrualBalance |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
829 | PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine |
.Benefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
830 | PayrollPayStatementBenefitLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
831 | PayrollPayStatementEarningLine |
.WorkerCompensationBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
832 | PayrollPayStatementEarningLine |
.WorkerGeneralLiabilityInsuranceBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
833 | PayrollPayStatementEarningLine |
.EarningCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollEarningCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
834 | PayrollPayStatementEarningLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
835 | PayrollPayStatementEarningLine |
.WorkerTaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
836 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.AccountingDistributionTemplate |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | AccountingDistributionTemplate |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
837 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
838 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
839 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.ReversedPayStatementLine |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
840 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.SourceDocumentLine |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | SourceDocumentLine |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
841 | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.VendTrans |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTrans |
.RecId |
(Accounts Payable) |
842 | PayrollPayStatementTaxLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
843 | PayrollPayStatementTaxLine |
.TaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
844 | PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp |
.LedgerDimension |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
845 | PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp |
.BenefitPlan |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefitPlan |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
846 | PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp |
.PayStatementLine |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatementLine |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
847 | PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp |
.TaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
848 | PayrollPayStatementVendorInvoiceTmp |
.VendAccountNum |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
849 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.PaidByLegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
850 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.ActionState |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmActionState |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
851 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.DefaultGLIBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
852 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.DefaultEarningCode, .Fky? |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollEarningCode |
.RecId, .Pky? |
(Human resources) |
853 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.PayCycle |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayCycle |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
854 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.PayrollPositionDetailsRecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPositionDetails |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
855 | PayrollPositionActionDetails |
.Schedule, .Schedule |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | WorkCalendarTable |
.dataAreaId, .CalendarId |
(Manufacturing) |
856 | PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation |
.ActionState |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmActionState |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
857 | PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation |
.Benefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
858 | PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
859 | PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressState |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
860 | PayrollPositionActionWorkerCompensation |
.PositionWorkerCompensationRecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
861 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.PaidByLegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
862 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.DefaultGLIBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
863 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
864 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.DefaultEarningCode, .Fky? |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollEarningCode |
.RecId, .Pky? |
(Human resources) |
865 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.PayCycle |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayCycle |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
866 | PayrollPositionDetails |
.ScheduleDataAreaId, .Schedule |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | WorkCalendarTable |
.dataAreaId, .CalendarId |
(Manufacturing) |
867 | PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation |
.Benefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
868 | PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
869 | PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
870 | PayrollPositionWorkerCompensation |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressState |
.StateId, .CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
871 | PayrollPositionWorkerDefaultTaxRgn |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
872 | PayrollPositionWorkerDefaultTaxRgn |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
873 | PayrollPositionWorkerDefaultTaxRgn |
.WorkerTaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
874 | PayrollProviderTaxRegion |
.TaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
875 | PayrollTaxAccountingRule |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
876 | PayrollTaxAccountingRule |
.LedgerDimension |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
877 | PayrollTaxAccountingRule |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
878 | PayrollTaxCode |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
879 | PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
880 | PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension |
.DefaultDimension |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueSet |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
881 | PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
882 | PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension |
.CategoryDataAreaId, .CategoryID |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | ProjCategory |
.dataAreaId, .CategoryId |
(Project management and accounting) |
883 | PayrollTaxCodeDefaultDimension |
.VendDataAreaId, .VendAccountNum |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
884 | PayrollTaxCodeDetail |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
885 | PayrollTaxCodeDetail |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
886 | PayrollTaxCodeParameter |
.TaxEngineTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxEngineTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
887 | PayrollTaxCodeParameterDuration |
.TaxCodeParameter |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCodeParameter |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
888 | PayrollTaxCodeParameterValue |
.TaxCodeParameterDuration |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCodeParameterDuration |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
889 | PayrollTaxEngineTaxCode |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
890 | PayrollTaxEngineTaxCodeForSymmetry |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
891 | PayrollTaxEngineTaxCodeForSymmetry |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxEngineTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
892 | PayrollTaxEngineWorkerTaxRegion |
.WorkerTaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
893 | PayrollTaxExternalReporting |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
894 | PayrollTaxExternalReporting |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
895 | PayrollTaxRegion |
.LogisticsLocation |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsLocation |
.RecId |
(Sales and marketing) |
896 | PayrollTaxRegionForSymmetry |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollProviderTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
897 | PayrollTmpChequePrintout |
.AccountId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
898 | PayrollTmpChequePrintout |
.CurrencyCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
899 | PayrollTmpChequePrintout |
.CountryRegionId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LogisticsAddressCountryRegion |
.CountryRegionId |
(Sales and marketing) |
900 | PayrollWorkCalendarLine |
.EarningCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollEarningCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
901 | PayrollWorkCalendarLine |
.WorkCalendarDateLine |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | WorkCalendarDateLine |
.RecId |
(Manufacturing) |
902 | PayrollWorkerAccrualAdjustment |
.WorkerEnrolledAccrual |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
903 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
904 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual |
.Accrual |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollAccrual |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
905 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
906 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
907 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail |
.WorkerEnrolledBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
908 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitDetail |
.VendDataAreaId, .VendAccountNum |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.dataAreaId, .AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
909 | PayrollWorkerEnrolledBenefitLimit |
.WorkerEnrolledBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
910 | PayrollWorkerGarnishment |
.WorkerEnrolledBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
911 | PayrollWorkerGarnishment |
.DisposableIncome |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollDisposableIncome |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
912 | PayrollWorkerPayCheckTmp |
.AccountId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | BankAccountTable |
.AccountID |
(Cash and bank management) |
913 | PayrollWorkerPayCheckTmp |
.CurrencyIndicator |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | ISOCurrencyCode |
.ISCCurrencyCodeAlpha |
(General ledger) |
914 | PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode |
.Position |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmPosition |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
915 | PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
916 | PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode |
.CalculationFrequency |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollCalculationFrequency |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
917 | PayrollWorkerPositionEarningCode |
.EarningCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollEarningCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
918 | PayrollWorkerResidentTaxRegion |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
919 | PayrollWorkerResidentTaxRegion |
.WorkerTaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
920 | PayrollWorkerTaxCode |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
921 | PayrollWorkerTaxCode |
.PayrollTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
922 | PayrollWorkerTaxCodeParameterValue |
.LegalEntity |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | CompanyInfo |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
923 | PayrollWorkerTaxCodeParameterValue |
.TaxCodeParameter |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCodeParameter |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
924 | PayrollWorkerTaxCodeParameterValue |
.WorkerTaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollWorkerTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
925 | PayrollWorkerTaxLevy |
.WorkerEnrolledBenefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorkerEnrolledBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
926 | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
927 | PayrollWorkerTaxRegion |
.TaxRegion |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
928 | PayrollWorkerTaxRegionForSymmetry |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxEngineWorkerTaxRegion |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
929 | PRLDeductionArrear |
.Benefit |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmBenefit |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
930 | PRLDeductionArrear |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
931 | PRLDeductionArrearRecovery |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
932 | PRLDeductionArrearRecovery |
.DeductionArrear |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PRLDeductionArrear |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
933 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.SalaryClearingAccountLedgerDimension |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | DimensionAttributeValueCombination |
.RecId |
(General ledger) |
934 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.ProcurementCategory |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | EcoResCategory |
.RecId |
(Retail) |
935 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.PaymentJournalName |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | LedgerJournalName |
.JournalName |
(General ledger) |
936 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.PaymMode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendPaymModeTable |
.PaymMode |
(Accounts Payable) |
937 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.ElectronicPaymMode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendPaymModeTable |
.PaymMode |
(Accounts Payable) |
938 | PRLPayrollParameters |
.VendorAccountNum |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | VendTable |
.AccountNum |
(Procurement and sourcing) |
939 | PrlUSTaxTransactionHistory |
.Worker |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | HcmWorker |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
940 | PrlUSTaxTransactionHistory |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
941 | PrlUSTaxTransactionHistory |
.TaxCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollTaxCode |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
942 | TmpHRPActiveLimits |
.CurrencyCode |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | Currency |
.CurrencyCode |
(General ledger) |
943 | TmpPayrollIssueWorkerPayDB |
.PayStatement |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | PayrollPayStatement |
.RecId |
(Human resources) |
944 | TmpPayrollScheduleUpgrade |
.CalendarId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | WorkCalendarTable |
.CalendarId |
(Manufacturing) |
945 | TmpPayrollScheduleUpgrade |
.WorkTimeId |
(Human resources) |
‑‑‑> | WorkTimeTable |
.WorkTimeId |
(Manufacturing) |